Wednesday, October 25, 2017

KRON Morning Anchor Mark Danon Splits Bay Area for Arizona

Image result for mark danon kron KRON Morning anchor Mark Danon, has quit his gig and is headed to Arizona for a non-TV job.

Danon's departure from KRON may have been accelerated by his evacuation from the North Bay fires. Danon is OK and his house survived but the experience, according to a KRON source, made him feel a little more different.

"He has a new outlook on life," said the source. And that new outlook apparently means leaving the KRON oasis. He joined the station in 2002.

Oh, and he doesn't have to work with her too.

By the way, Terisa Estacio replaces Danon.


  1. I would have thought Will Tran or James Fletcher would have taken his place since they often sub for him.

  2. Smart man. I'll still rub one out for double dd.

  3. I've noticed Terisa Estacio on there lately in the mornings with Darya.

    Terisa is by far the most beautiful, intelligent, cute, sexy "girl you want to bring home to meet your parents" on local news. Teresa is getting a little older but she's still the woman every man wants to marry!

    1. Same goes for me. Couldn't have said it better.

    2. Thank you Teresa for that unbiased report.

    3. I know I'll take a ton of heat for this but I prefer the Leslie Sbrocco of ten years ago. After all these years of drinking heavily, it's hard to say what her liver looks like but God...all that blonde hair and that curvy body? Jesus!

    4. @4:32
      "Teresa is getting a little older..."

      What a stupid comment. Everyone is "getting a little older"--including you. So, if you find Terisa "beautiful, intelligent, cute, sexy" simply say so without the imbecilic age qualifier.

    5. @6:14 I'm not Teresa but thank you for the snark.

      I remember watching a KRON backstory with her. Larry Baer was walking down the street and went out of his way to walk over to her, say hello, and kiss her on the cheek. Old Lare knows what's up.

    6. Never worked with Teresa, have you?

    7. I'm a hetero woman and I get what you're talking about... she is gorgeous, curvy, fun and smart!

    8. I've read several places that what we see on Check Please is Leslie Lite. Her on air personality is throttled back to suit KQED's image. That said, I'm just crazy about her. I can't imagine what she looked like twenty years ago. I might have had an MI!

  4. Working at KRON can burn out one's soul. Too bad for Danon. He seemed solid on the air. Sadly, Darya Wonder Bra is still there.

  5. KRON should make Darya go out into the field once in a while

    1. She looks like she's in the field much of the time.

    2. lol I've always been a huge Darya fan. She made me turn my head 3 or 4 times in the days where she'd put everything on display. That said, she's looking a little worse for wear lately. In her defense, so am I.

  6. Terisa Estacio is absolutely gorgeous, especially her shoulders and arms. Obviously she works out. Plus she’s so poised on the anchor desk.

  7. Mark was a straight shooter. Brought adult supervision to the station. Never heard him say, “Look at this guy!” like Grant Lodes constantly does.

  8. Damn, Teresa everyday???? Its just that her voice has that whiny sound .... Uhhgggg

  9. Is Mark going to open a new Peets Coffee in Phoenix???

  10. Danon has wanted to leave for years and was just looking for the right opportunity. Getting away from Dar was always an underling insentive. His wife makes good money and can work from anywhere.

  11. I would not say he is leaving television, he is joining his wife full-time in the TV consulting and talent agency business. He has been doing it part-time for a while now and this North Bay fires gave him the motivation to make the jump.

  12. A breath of sanity on the KRON4 morning news. He will be missed.

  13. Huge loss for KRON. Mark brought class, intelligence and professionalism to an a.m. set that's badly lacking all three.

  14. wow- That Arizona heat is insane. Lows in the 90's. I cant see how anybody can live there. Leave your home and die 5 minutes later if the car wont start...
    We got the weather and the water. It takes a Hawaii to beat us down.

  15. It's amazing he made it as long as he did sitting next to that screeching weasel. Best of luck to him. Also surprising that Fletcher or Tran didn't get the spot, considering Fletcher is solid on the air and on the mornings, but he may not have wanted it anyway...and Will Tran has kissed butt and played the game for years and definitely wants the seat, but like so many before him he has found out what hard work and loyalty gets you from that scumbag Pero.

    1. Will Tranny is inatant change the channel material

  16. @Radioguy76: Tiffany even got "Introducing" plugs during morning promos.

  17. Teresa & Lady Pero anchoring together, huh? I pity that morning show producer.

  18. Stanley Roberts should be replacing Danon.

  19. Teresa might be the worst local anchor I have ever seen, she can't ad-lib for shit, and she barely gets through sentences without obviously slowing down because she's a shitty reader. Will Tran is developing, but still too goofy to sit at the desk, no gravitas at all.

    They have literally given everyone in the studio a shot in the AM anchor seat except Robin Winston, hmmmm...I wonder why?

    1. Actually, Robin Winston has been anchoring the first two hours of the morning news for the past few months.

  20. Get rid of KRON 4, lousy reporters. I didn't know Reporter Danon was a drug addict when I google his name and it reveal his past on drugs.

  21. Danon will be missed. It must have been difficult not to knock Darya off her chair.

    What's up with Darya's voice issues. She coughs a lot, and now, not only looks like a horse, but sounds hoarse.

    You said Brittney Ship was gone...uh, I saw her, Chief Meteorologist, on air this weekend.

    Will Tran is not anchor material.

    Stanley Roberts should have a shot at the desk.

    KRON (Pero?) hires smart, hot, African American women. One of the few things they get right.

  22. Omg get Brit into anchor or full time weather job robin should rock anchor more hours. Tiffany and teresa sound awful. Dar actually doesnt sound the worse. Stanley needs to anchor. Mark danon needs to come back this week to do winners and losers with Rob Black. And hey Rob Black would do a meteocor job at anchor
