Monday, October 2, 2017

KGO Radio's Dumbo Ronn Owens Injects Trump into the Vegas Massacre

Image result for Ronn Owens  THERE'S ALREADY BEEN A GOOFBALL ELEMENT to the Las Vegas Massacre and it involves el-stupido, KGO talk-radio host, Ronn Owens, who clearly went off the deep end.

Out of the clear blue, Owens injected President Donald Trump, into the Vegas tragedy.

Speaking to a caller who had witnessed the terrible event Sunday night, Owens said, again, out of the blue,

Image result for Las Vegas massacre"You would have never seen 'Donald Trump' try to help someone."
I'm paraphrasing but that's what Owens said. What the hell was Owens thinking? Talk about nutso.

Image result for Las Vegas massacreA few things: I'm NOT a Donald Trump supporter. Don't care for the man. He's everything the worst in the worst human traits imaginable. But I don't think it's fair, even to Donald Trump, to inject him into the awfulness that took place last night in Las Vegas.

At best, Owens' illogical statement was not the appropriate time to bring in Trump. What the hell was Ronn thinking? Trump? The bodies are still laying on the pavement and Owens' verbal assault makes no sense, even for someone as vile as our current president. But there went Ronn.

At worst, Owens tried to score some cheap, broadcast publicity because his ratings are tanking daily. Either way, it was a deplorable statement from a guy who, even in his declining years, should know better.


  1. It sure is fair. While Vegas is going crazy, the GOP is emboldened to do crazy things with guns. Like legalizing silencers! Imagine if the Vegas ass had used a silencer. He might still be shooting. Trump has unleashed pure craziness

    1. George Matthews, are you a friggin idiot? Parroting Hillary and Democratic talking points. See for yourself how a silencer on a high powered rifle actually does not "silence" and also affects the distance of the bullet travelled:

    2. Rich is back to censoring comments. Especially those that dispute the lemmings that blame Trump and the GOP for everything while turning a blind eye to that liberal sanctuary known as Chicago with 4 killings and 32 shot just this past weekend alone.

    3. Angela in HealdsburgOctober 3, 2017 at 7:03 AM

      Amen, George, Amen!! For as Stan once said to Eric, “Goddam, that’s a big fat ass!!”.

    4. @6:48
      Plenty of your ilk's apologist drivel gets through. If Rich were truly censoring, your gibberish wouldn't have seen the light of day.

  2. My Grandpa is in a nice rest home. he used to be real smart...but now he just rambles and mouths-off to the staff.

    When Grandpa starts mouthing off about that commie President Kennedy...
    ...they just roll Grandpa into the corner next to a big plant.

    Maybe they can find a nice corner...with a big plant...for Ronn.

    1. Sorry, I laughed about the plant/corner Sad I know...

  3. Agreed, Rich. And I applaud you for this post!

    Gavin Newsom and quite a few Democrats are getting heat on social media today for already injecting politics into it already as the bodies are still as you say "laying on the pavement".

    I guess their thinking is never let a good tragedy go to waste. Sad sad people. I pray for the victims and their families.

    1. On the left and on the right, politics are politics. If the gunman's disposition were liberal in nature, Trump, FNN/FBN, and the myriad of "Conservative Commentators" would have been on that like stink on shit.

    2. 2:02 Highly doubt that. One side did, and the other didn't. No if's and's or but's. Facts.

    3. 10:52,

      I've been a regular multi-program FNN viewer for the last 15 years (plus the following of the network's, and most of their on-air staffs', social media in more recent years), so I am familiar with their MO. I have NO DOUBT that their spin mechanism would be in high gear if they find information (on Paddock, or the LV tragedy in general) that could be derogatory to the left. Just as many of us had no doubt that the left-leaning media, and numerous ultra-liberal celebrities and politicians/pundits, would immediately pounce on the gun control and so-called white privilege issues.

      FNN responded to the horrible Kate Steinle murder, and others like it, with swift and aggressive focus and a distinct position on the illegal immigration/Sanctuary City situation. IMO, FNN has made some good points in regard to that matter, but it still exemplifies how they too have a proclivity for expediently and expeditiously politicizing these types of tragedies.

  4. I didnt hear Owens..but I think he meant what's in the air is from the Trump world. Hate,hit. Like Moore raising a gun at his inaugural.Crazy violent talk. Charlottesville.

    I'm seeing broadcasters I've seen all my life..shockingly blunt about Trump. He's drawing out the worst in people is what Ronn Owens meant.

    1. Yes. Like that liberal Dem that shot up the GOP congressmen on the softball field. Crazy people.

    2. You didn't hear it, but you know better than those who did. Presumtuous much?

    3. 307- Exactly. Need I say more?
      604.I can read. Why, was it so deep that you had to hear the voice of Ron's minute inflections to get the true meaning?
      For you,maybe. Not for me.

    4. He was busy listening to Radnich and holding himself.

    5. 1053,Says the guy who wants to hold Trump's crotch. You know its true.

  5. Have to disagree with you.

    Donald Trump who catered to the NRA during the campaign and argues that if more people were armed we'd all be safer is very much relevant in discussing this horrific event.

    Trump will do nothing to restrict the availability of these weapons of mass killing to any nut who wants one because he is beholden to the NRA.

    1. Anon 11:59 am. You're a genius you Antifa wannabe snowflake. Tell me how we get the millions of guns out of the hands of bad people? We can't. So that leaves two options. Arm and protect yourself or point fingers and whine. And two, what in this guy's background qualified him as a "nut"? What do you know that law enforcement doesn't in order to make that statement?

    2. @11:59
      You're right. He and other nuts stupidly believe that if more people had guns, the nation would be safer. Yet, guns didn't help in a state that has lax restrictions and open carry. If anything, it's because the killer had unlimited assault weapons that the casualties were so great in number.

    3. Plus a lot of weapons used by the bad guys are mostly ones you can't even buy legally.

    4. If more people were armed we'd all be safer, he says. I'd ask him, How about if we take away your secret service detail and give you a gun, then?

    5. 11:59 Look what happened in unarmed France. Face it, it is NOT fixable. We ban them here and Mexico finds a new industry running guns to the US. It will never end. Period.

  6. I get the impression you think Ron is an asshole. Good call.

  7. Maybe Ronn is trying to redeem himself amongst the PussyHat Brigade. We in the Bay Area know how dangerous this group can be if you are a high profile person and disagree with the goals of Antifa. Maybe Ronn doesn't want to get his expensive tires slashed.

  8. It's time for Ronnnnnnnnnnn to walk away and go feed the ducks in Stow Lake with the other retirees.

  9. I'm guessing that if Ronn was at the scene of a horrific event like what happened in Vegas, he would be the first to run and hide without thinking of how could he help is easy to throw stones at President Trump especially here in the Bay area...
    The Democrats are going to run this state into the ground.... dumbasses

  10. I think Hillary falls into the same category. Her tweet about silencers and the NRA was ridiculous. If you put a silencer on a high powered rifle and use subsonic ammo, that bullet would travel no more than 75 meters. But it would still not be silent - there would be a loud pop - just not the sound of a bullet breaking the sound barrier. I think people like Ronn and Hillary spew garbage in an effort to stay relevant. Sad.

    1. The problem isn't Hillary. It's people like you who think it's necessary to allow US civilians to arm themselves like the shooter in this deadly attack.

      A single gunman was able to kill 54 people and injure 512 others ALL BY HIMSELF.

      You think that's OK?

    2. The silencer legislation is being pimped by Donald Trump Junior. His little earsies hurt when he is killing mama elephants, their babies watching.

    3. BRAVO!!! @ John Q, Public 10/2/17 2:23PM
      WORD!!! @ 10/3/17 8:40AM

  11. Trump went on record talking about how an elderly man fell and lay bleeding in front of him and how he wouldn't help him. Here is the link, if you don't believe me:

    Trump is callous and clueless and he lacks basic human empathy. Let's stop pretending otherwise. I'm glad Ronn called him out because our president is a despicable man.

  12. I listened to Ronn's show this morning, I didn't hear the comment about Trump, (kitchen noise got in the way). I think it came after one of Ronn's callers said he was at the concert and that he threw his body over his friend (he was ex military) to shield him. I think after that Ronn said something like "Can you imagine Trump doing something like that" and to be fair Ronn also said, although it was heroic and he would like to think he (Ronn) would do the same, he couldn't say for sure he would. Later I did hear him say that interjection Trump into the discussion was probably not his best moment, at least he was honest enough to do that. Also listened to Michael Savage's show the first 30 minutes, and though I'm not a Savage fan at all, rarely agree with him, nor do I care for his style and take on issues, but give credit where credit is due. Savage does not follow Republican talking points and is very independent, Savage called for gun control. No not all out gun control, but some reasonable control on certain guns, don't have all his points in my head. Savage took a call from a listener that said he was very disappointed in his stand, and kudos to Savage, his response typical Savage. I don't care what you think, I'm not following the heard I can think for myself, and call things as I see them. Once in awhile Savage actually makes a lot of sense.

  13. An occasional shooter leads to demands that the rights of gun owners be trampled but when an occasional middle eastern terrorist goes crazy and kills people, we're supposed to sit back and accept their backward culture.

    Sounds like a double standard.

    1. Idk...Have you been to the Airport since September 11th occurred, & dealt with the TSA's??? I don't believe anyone has "Sat Back, & taken Anything," 9/11 Changed Everything?!

      The question is what in the Hell are we going to do about Domestic Terrorist right here in America, that mow down the Innocent, with Weapons of War???

  14. Tillie's Political Memorabilia, Willits - A Member of the Tillie EmpireOctober 2, 2017 at 10:08 PM

    As a liberal, I do agree with your post. There tend to be extremes, and I happen to know of a family Trump has helped. One lady in Georgia had her farm kept from being foreclosed upon by Trump, but I've never seen it in the media. I understand there have been others unreported as well.

  15. If Lowenstein needs something to do during the day, he can drive to Chinatown and play chess or whatever the older Chinese gentlemen do at Portsmouth Square. Clearly he's lost whatever marbles he has left in his head.

    To quote his dear friend--and she should be included in this: "Lock them up!"

  16. THis morning Brian Sussman tried to make it about "God Bless America", musing that the gunman probably heard the crowd singing it just before and decided to shoot everyone. What a dotard.

  17. Imagine being in a dangerous, remote location with one of two people, either Donald trump, or the mayor of San Juan. There is a plate of food that the other person possesses. Which one will share that food with you to save your life. Ronn Owens is right.

    1. That's it. Then,after rescue Trump claims forever he gave you all the food and then said "God bless America".
      You know,I bet he never said "God Bless" for the first 71 years of his life. Now,its every his base.

    2. The mayor will share her plate if there's a camera or reporter around. Don't worship false gods.

      Wasn't she a diehard Hillary supporter?

      Did you miss the articles on how she praised a terrorist? Google her support of FALN terrorist leader Oscar Lopez Rivera.

  18. Ronnn Owens IS kitchen noise!!

  19. Can't listen to him anymore. He makes a statement either in a dialogue or an interview then mumbles some catchy/funny (in his world/mind) remark that we, as listeners, can't hear or understand. What a joke. Get a radio voice or get off the air, you weak aired host! You've lost it.
