Friday, September 22, 2017

Watkowski Ally, Campbell, Leaving ABC TV Group to Run Disney Africa, Middle East, Europe; 'Regime Change' Might Be Coming to KGO-TV

Image result for rebecca campbell abc
Rebecca Campbell
SHE'S BEEN HEAD of the ABC "O and O's --her name is Rebecca Campbell; why is this important? Campbell was just promoted to run Disney Africa/Middle East and Europe; oh, and Campbell is a close ally of KGO-TV (ABC7) ND, Tracey Watkowski.

Now that Campbell is leaving, the thinking in and around 900 Front is that Watkowski might be on the way out.

Said a station source: "there's a lot of speculation in the newsroom about 'regime change finally coming to KGO.'"

Watkowski is loathed by a number of ABC7 staffers; senior staffers at that; her management style is that of "rule by intimidation" and she's known to play the favorites game; an activity that has garnered much resentment and ridicule among the rank and file. In addition, she lacks basic people skills and creates loads of tension even among her friends. 

But the biggest X factor that affects Watkowski in lieu of Campbell's leaving is the recent Heather Ishimaru settlement; it was Watkowski who messed with the veteran reporter and was at the center of the conflict; Disney, (ABC parent) hates settling lawsuits that are not in its favor and they had to shell out millions in the Ishimaru case.

Watkowski has been involved in a number of legal conflicts and somehow kept her gigs. The story goes as long as Campbell was in charge of the O and O's, Trixie was safe.

Maybe not anymore.


  1. Hip Hip Hooray for the KGO viewers and it staffs who dislike Tracy, :( for the morning crew include Reggie, Natasha, Jessica and Alexis including Mike Nicco who really THANKS Tracy for the morning job. Please change the morning crew with well experience, mature staffs.

    1. What Tracy won't tell you...

      Natasha's Q test are thru the roof...Regi's are flat.

      They love Natasha...and are Tepid on the twink.

    2. Nicco is dumber than a lobotomized ant but in all fairness, he was there before Tracey.

    3. "Natasha's Q test are thru the roof"

      At least her weight doesn't crash her through the floor.

  2. I notice those woman who get ahead tend to fit the blonde and blue eyed cute look. Girly girl executives who look very anchor woman like.
    Pig Vomit and Lee Hammer don't have to look any better then fat bald guys.
    I detect a double standard huh?

    1. Huh? Tricia doesn't fit this mold. Nor does Darya on KRON, Gasia, or Alaina Gomez. People tend to "see" what they are pre-disposed to see.

    2. Darya is SO ugly (& always has been, it's not a matter of growing old)! I can't bear to look at her, but it does give me hope that one doesn't have to be pretty in order to be on TV. Unfortunately, she has no talent or ability either -- so it must be true that she owes her job to sleeping with a boss (who must keep his eyes closed).

    3. And Stan is predisposed to see race.

      Do you take a knee during Gary's broadcasts?

    4. If Rebecca leaves for Disney Africa, I'll take a knee during the South Africa national anthem.

  3. The Trixie writing is on the wall. We know that Freedman is the most prominent KGO-TV reporter who no longer respected her. But put it this way - the Disney settlement plus the likelihood that Trixie lost respect from the greats like Ashley, Daetz, etc definitely doesn't help. Good Riddance coming soon!

  4. How did Watkowski even got the job? She isn't a professional news reporter to even get this job, shouldn't Dennis Richmond, Cheryl Jennings and any retire staff best fit this job.

    1. Um, um, um...where to start:

      1) Wrong station. Dennis never worked at KGO.

      2) Cheryl isn't retired. She's still at KGO.

      3) News directors typically aren't ex-reporters. ND jobs are more about management, not reporting. Most air traffic controllers aren't retired pilots either.

      4) She got the job because she's very stupid, like most Americans, and was hired by stupid people.

    2. News Directors usually come from the ranks of Producers, not Reporters/Anchors.

    3. > News Directors usually come from the ranks of
      > Producers, not Reporters/Anchors.

      That's correct, though my experience at some stations is that they just stumble through the door and someone anoints them.

  5. Perhaps the news director at KGO tv ..keeps her job because her news programs are consistently number one? do you think?

  6. Don't you see the beauty of Darya's situation. As soon as KRON wants to get rid of her she screams sexual harassment saying she was pressured to sleep with her boss and she keeps her job or walks away with a nice settlement.

    Genius retirement plan before they put her out to "pasture"

  7. 9:06 PM,
    What Utopian country are you from?
    It must be a wonderful place, considering that you tend to look down upon Americans. Let me guess; your home country is run by a benevolent dictator who is 'amazing' has 'so much love' for his or her people.

  8. What makes you think a new news director will be any better? If there is a change, the new person will face the same budget and rating pressures, will undoubtedly piss some people off and otherwise join your hall of shame. The devil you know and have adjusted to is markedly better than the new devil with his or her own foibles.

  9. what watkowski sows, so shall
    wTkowski reap, remember that
    rich, burning bridges is
    hazardous to your health

  10. Kinda off-topic, but...

    I could never comprehend how someone...a kid in college J-school...wanted to get into this business to be a GM/ND/Producer...or even a Anchor. I mean, didn't you declare Journalism/Broadcast Journalism as you major...because you wanted to "get out there?" Didn't you want to get out on the streets--away from an office setting?

    I'm a reporter (NOT in the Bay Area; though I spent a few years there in the 90's) who tried the Anchor-thing at one of the "Big 4" stations for a year. When my contract expired, I begged management to put me back full-time "on the street" because I couldn't stand what was basically an office setting of the newsroom.
