Thursday, September 7, 2017

Two Quickies: 'Special Ed' Headed for San Diego; Madden Returns to KCBS

Two quick items before coffee:

'Special Ed' returns...

Image result for Ed Chapuis
'Special Ed' Chapuis
Former KTVU News boss, veteran ND, well-traveled, and beloved by all news people ...Ed Chapuis --aka: 'Special Ed'; is headed for San Diego 's KGTV .

*John Madden is returning to KCBS; the station announced Madden will have a Monday and Friday (just in time for football) chat.

Image result for john madden surgeryMadden has been recovering from recent heart surgery. 


  1. Nice to hear that John is coming back to the air waves. I guess he must be feeling a whole lot better. I'm looking forward to listening to him.

  2. "Special Ed" probably wears a helmet and he'll yell "Yay!!! I'm going to Mexico" all the way there.

  3. We're all so sorry San Diego.

  4. Men sports reporters must be a dying breed if stations have to keep bringing Madden back in all his blustery dotage.
    Is the 'bench' really that light?
    I guess Millenials aren't too into these kind of sports.

    1. Millennials are too busy manscaping, having panic attacks and complaining on social media about real aka Republicans.

  5. Special Ed...the man who made Andrew Finlayson look good.

  6. Wow! Great news about Coach Madden. Unexpected - glad he is better!

  7. Madden is football, and outside of the Bay's respective groups of zealots, the Farm, and a few Friday Night Lights high schools, football is actually losing interest in big pockets of our region. Madden brings back that interest no matter what we think.

  8. I heard his return. To recap it was just "gurgle gurgle BAM, POW! (Belly laugh) the lineman see he KERPLOW!. Hwang hwang TURDUCKEN!"

  9. "Special Ed"....maybe the worst piece of human scum who ever walked into a newsroom....

  10. Madden was on a KCBS today to say he's coming back. He sounded great.

  11. Madden is 81 'effen years old. Let it go, let it go!
