Wednesday, September 6, 2017

KNBR Host Tolbert Undergoes Emergency Heart Surgery; Recovering; Hopes to Be Back on Radio

Image result for tom tolbert knbr KNBR Sports-Talk Host, Tom Tolbert underwent emergency heart surgery --he's recovering and hopes to return to the airwaves in a couple of weeks.

We wish Tom a speedy recovery.


  1. Get well soon, Mr. T.

  2. Anybody else feel like sending a message to Mr. T that says something like "Don't let Cumulus do to you what they did to Ralph once he got ill"....Lawyer up, man!

    1. Ralph was done after skating for years on being late for work, Miata commericals, three DUI's, taking hooker escorts to the annual KNBR Christmas party and asking others what they thought of his 'dates' tits. He got screwed in the end but he also called Martina Navratalova a hag because he spotted her in a Marina Safeway and she would not speak to him, called Bill Russell a bleeping Uncle Tom, parked in a handicapped stall at ATT and berated the lot attendant who was also handicapped "do you know who I am" - "I got this park built". TOO MANY on air comments about his cat and son Tayte who he fathered via an egg donor after he came to the realization that he could not be a father the 'regular way'. It choked Tolbert up when KNBR screwed Ralph over and fired him but it was TIME to go. Ralph had many years when he was a blubbering idiot. He once interviewed Bob Feller and Joe Dimaggio and his question was 5 min long that they both hung up on their ends.

    2. Interesting observation on Ralph Barbieri at 11:57am.

    3. Loved Ralph, but he invented the 5 min question. So common now on KNBR.

    4. I wish Ralph would come back and do a weekly Sunday nigh show. Even for just an hour or two. Format would be 5min question, commercial break, question, break question, break and show over. I'd still take it. Do it Ralph!

    5. When working at KGO in the early 80's, Ralph used to make "unofficial" long distance calls to Hawaii, using the newsroom telephone. /// Forward Observer

    6. Ralph thought his shit didn't stink and that he deserved special treatment. He was pretty much a pain in the culo.

    7. Get well soon Tom. As for Ralph's 5 minute questions, they were not so much a question as a long, tedious statement of his opinion at the end of which he asked the other person to confirm. I do not miss him.

  3. Godspeed and MAGA!

    1. Godspeed...and America has ALWAYS been great. We have been...continue to be...and always WILL BE the greatest country in the world.

    2. @Ben Dejo and Jenny
      You should both give stand-up a try as you're already quite good at comedy.

  4. Replies
    1. Yeah, that and less bullshit.

  5. Tolbert is very lucky to have gotten the symptoms and been able to get to the emergency room pronto for surgery. Thoracic Aortic Dissection can be deadly. It is possible that it was hereditary and/or part of Marfan syndrome. Many tall people have this. Get well soon Tommy T.
    No scoop here, he'd been out over a WEEK. Rich found out just as the rest of us, from his public message.

    1. Tom and Ralph have one thing in common, both are blowholes and can't ask a question under 5 minutes. While I wish Tom the best, hearing his story yesterday, had to shut it off because it kept going and going. Although I give Tom his props, he does know his sports, while Ralphy mailed it in years before he got canned.

    2. Tom learned the 5 min question from Ralph. Get well Tommy T!!!

  6. I blame his new sidekick. Hopefully Hammer will let him set up a home studio. I won't listen until he is back. The idiots in the morning, and now in the afternoon is 'must NOT listen' radio.

  7. Lucky they found out right away, I had the same surgery and it will take a month recoup. Hang in there Tom, hope you feel better soon.

  8. He's a huge guy. It must be hard for the very tall to live a full life. You don't see many in convalescent homes. Very,very,few.
    Before you posted this,I was wondering how long Shak O'Neal can go on at 400 pounds seeing him in that new commercial.
    Oh well.,North Korea will soon end it all for us. Have a really good Pizza today.

    1. I sure it must be Radnich's fault. How did you miss that??

    2. Boy Stan you really have a wonderful outlook on life, I'm surprised you get out of bed. Or maybe you don't? Writing it in like the Gary calls it in.

    3. Go have a beer with Radnich. He's your buddy you know. Invite him.

  9. All best wishes to Tom for a super quick and full recover. He's the best on talk radio, period.

  10. Wish him well and a speedy recovery.

  11. It's not just the endless, long question that radio guys like Tolbert, Krueger, Lund et al ask. It's that they ask a question and then offer 3-4 answers at the end of their question. Just ask a good, straight forward question. Don't supply possible answers. Then, after you ask the direct question, listen. God forbid these guys followed up with another question relating to the answer they just heard. And, please, don't start a question with, "Talk about........"

  12. Actor John Ritter (Three's Company, among other show) died from the same thing Tolbert had (I just checked). Ritter had warning signs but was misdiagnosed and surgery wasn't performed immediately. Ritter apparently died during surgery. Tolbert seems to have been very lucky.

  13. Hope Tom gets well. His interviews with his college teammate Steve Kerr are a highlight.

  14. Jeeezus. The guy came probably within minutes of dying and people are criticizing his talk show skills and using it as an opportunity to slam other KNBR personalities? I'm not sure if this world is getting sicker or it's just more noticeable thanks to the internet. Either way it's depressing. Read the room, folks. This isn't the time. Maybe just wish the man well for now and save the other (and less important) stuff for another time.

  15. Since you seem to be shill for Heather I and her legal team, do you believe that Tom's condition was a result of the Cumulus "stress"? Shilling for Heather's attorney is nauseating given that you refuse to acknowledge that the business is high stress and that there is no expert witness to prove the cause and effect.

  16. Disgusting? Rush Limbaugh said Hurricanes are a liberal plot to push climate change. He made fun of the NOAA statements and warnings and laughed at people evacuating.
    Until yesterday. He said he was leaving soufla.
    People listen to that con artist and coward?

    1. He didn't say that at all. You make up $hit and act like it's true. You really need to lay off the drugs.

  17. @7:10
    Everyone--well, everyone except you--knows Limbaugh hightailed it out of town right after he ridiculed the weather warnings. Newspapers, magazines and social media are having a field day with it. So, apparently it's you who needs to lay off the drugs. Or maybe you're just plain stupid.

    1. @710..another ignorant Con who knows little outside their Fox News/Breitbart bubble. Pathetic.

  18. Mr. T in the future just dial nine-one-one don't go in and tell your wife you feel sick just dial nine-one-one

  19. Ralph had his flaws but don't we all? I missed the old knbr days. Get well Tommy T.
