Tuesday, September 5, 2017

A Disney/KGO vs Heather Ishimaru Prediction

Image result for Disney TV Group KGO-TV SF SURE, DISNEY HAS DEEP POCKETS --doesn't like settling lawsuits it believes it can win in court ...or simply can keep delaying and delaying.

Which brings us to the Heather Ishimaru case.

Ishimaru has a SOLID, very winnable case. She won't get the $80M she's asking for but here's a prediction:

Disney/KGO is scared to death of a very sympathetic SF jury hearing evidence of a big company treating a mother with a special needs kid as ruthless as they did. And her later debilitating stroke.

They would get killed in court not to mention KGO would get crucified in the local and national media not to mention the wrath of the viewing Bay Area public.

It says here Disney will quickly and quietly settle the Heather Ishimaru case --she'll get between $15 and $20 M, give or take a few million.


  1. Let's hope Heather Ishimaru is successful in her suit against Disney.
    Could't happen to a more deserving company.
    Disney is a big phony in all corners.

  2. Any result, Trixie will still remain at KGO or Heather will get something or nothing. Look both ways, these type of cases against any company, the claim to be victim does not always win. A few years back, there was a case where the female sue her company claiming unfairness and the result, she lost. The other way....if Heather wins, Trixie will still be a member of KGO. Why??? She is currently on maturity leave, firing her (let say if she does get let go no matter the result), she can sue back for discrimination. Remember Alan Wang who was let go due to health issues, the person responsible is still with KGO and Alan got an undisclosed settlement when he sue the company. FYI, he was on KPIX 5 last week on a hit and run case where he happened to be in Contra Costa. Overall, I gave up on KGO 7 ever since Eric and Kristen left the morning news and the station "always" putting those so called copy-cat KTVU lame ads trying to promote the morning news and it crew. Sick and tired of this station and its changes. We will wait for the result!!!

  3. Just put the News Director Trixie on the stand. It will be a re-play of Captain Quigg from the Caine Mutiny. Where are the strawberries Trixie?

  4. At least Heather lived...
    The WABC-7 NYC reporter actually died a few years ago.
    Circle 7 kills.

    WABC's Lisa Colagrassi died from a brain aneurysm in March of 2015.

  5. Blog says it's "a very winnable case." What's the cause of action? What are the facts?

  6. Just read yesterday's item about this case.

    Stripping out all the emotion and sympathy for Ishimaru, for her to win her attorneys would have to provide convincing evidence that stress led to her illness.

    Arguing that a "stressful work environment" can lead to a catastrophic brain aneurysm is a novel theory and will be difficult to prove.

    1. What constitutes a stressful work environment? Are there any laws written in stone that management has to adhere to?

      I worked for the DOD, we were told to leave our personal problems with the Marine at the gate, management wasn't interested in our personal problems, they had a very important (national defense) job to do.

  7. That;s supposing its held in San Francisco. Right now with Trump in power..Disney might not settle,and if they lose? Just appeal to higher courts.
    With the devil we have in office,any low will be done.

    1. No need to bring politics into everything.

    2. Surprised you don't blame all of this on Radnich. Has the Secret Service contacted you yet?

    3. Put down the bottle Stanley...

    4. There would be no reason, if there is an actual civil trial, to hold it anywhere but San Francisco.Donald Trump has nothing to do with it. You can't appeal to a higher court unless you have an appealable issue.

  8. @ 2:54: Exactly right. A very difficult case to prove, with jury instructions to of course consider only the facts as presented.

  9. This is a sad case but if Disney/KGO pay more than $100,000, consider it luck. Who is the expert witness that will prove that the stress led to the injury? Newsrooms, in general, are high stress environments. Every one of Heather's 115 witnesses will state that. So she knew the environment and chose to work and thrive in it. Again, you have to prove the cause and effect - simply filing a lawsuit and asking for $80M is not enough.

  10. At 3:40, you have got to be kidding, "Trump"? Next you'll be saying he is at fault that San Francisco's water pipes are bursting or the 911 phone calls are not answered fast enough.

  11. The stress created by KGO was not allowing an accommodation to Ishimaru to care for her child with special needs. Most of the men here will blow this off since none of you have likely never had primary caretaking responsibilities even for your own kids.
