Sunday, August 20, 2017

Calling OUT KGO/Cumulus; Justin Wittmayer; Mike Anthony; Ronn Owens; Brian Copeland ; You're Wrong

Image result for calling people out CALLING PEOPLE OUT

*Justin Wittmayer; SF Cumulus Market Mgr: For carrying on the on-going slaughter of KGO --more like torturing the carcass because the old KGO died a long time ago only now used as a local broadcast slaughterhouse --Wittmayer should be tried in the World Court and convicted for radio war crimes. He's worse than a "twit", he's presided over a systematic wrecking ball that KILLED a one-mighty machine.
Shame on you, Wittmayer.

*Mike Anthony; PD; KGO;KNBR;KSFO: a complete incompetent moron who got the job because the morons in Atlanta pay on the cheap and chose this jerk to run operations... he's a DISGRACE. How much so? Everyone at KGO is LEAVING; the people behind the scenes; the producers; the engineers; the board ops; just last week the woman that schedules the substitute talk hosts gave her two-week notice because she can't take any more of the torture. She won't say it; I WILL.


To keep these bastards ON NOTICE, that's why. Nobody else will do it because they're SELFISH and have amazing loss of respect for the business. Two in particular should be ASHAMED OF THEMSELVES...I'll be specific.

*Ronn Owens? Why? Have you no RESPECT? You act like you're an amateur that just got out of Toledo --are you that hard up, Ronn, to continue to both EMBARRASS YOURSELF and RUIN your legacy. Why? Is it what you told Jan that "I gotta get out of the house!?" Really Ronn? So, for all a fucking microphone that you really don't give a shit anymore, you might as well be broadcasting for "KPUTZ" because the call letters don't mean shit, Ronn, you just want to get out of the house and mumble for two hours and whore mattresses and blow your Handlery Hotel asshole, what a great hero you are Ronnnnnnnnnn, nice way to fuck up the legacy. SHAME ON YOU, LOWENSTEIN!

*Brian Copeland: A complete PHONY. A racist ASSHOLE at that too. Copie Dopie has all the substance of the toast at the Emeryville Dennys. Dopeland may fool some people but he DOESN'T FOOOL ME. Copie, you railed on and on and on about corporate malfeasance but your hypocritic tongue continues to KISS MAJOR CUMULUS ASS! You're a disgrace, that right, I SAID IT!

*AS LONG AS I'M ALIVE...and HAVE YOUR SUPPORT, FINANCIAL AND OTHERWISE, I will always be a thorn in these bastards back; ALL OF THEM. They are broadcast criminals and they prey upon the good people of the Bay Area whom they treat like SHIT and have NO RESPECT for, fuck them all.

ENABLERS like Ronnnnnnnnn and Dopie Copie are only hangers on hoping to cash the last check before moving out to pasture --they have NO TACT, no RESPECT for their craft...they might as well be Ethan Bear!-Man's pansies ...I said it.

Have a nice day.


  1. Kuiper says this on post game wrap: What do you call a Tom Seaver Groupie?...A Seaver Beaver!(!!!)

  2. KGO-AM 810 is finished!

  3. "AS LONG AS I'M ALIVE...and HAVE YOUR SUPPORT, FINANCIAL AND OTHERWISE, I will always be a thorn in these bastards back; ALL OF THEM. They are broadcast criminals and they prey upon the good people of the Bay Area whom they treat like SHIT and have NO RESPECT for, fuck them all."

    Yes!!! Rich in for the kill!! Do our "great" Bay Area Democrat leaders next!!!

  4. Do you have as uncomplimentary things to say about John Rothmann and Pat Thurston? I've listened to KGO since the 70's and I think what they have done to that station is atrocious!! However, I still like listening to John Rothmann and Pat Thurston. All the right wingers are calling in on their shows. One would never know it is a San Franciso based station anymore. Clearly, the people who run the station have no integrity at all!

    1. Seems like that's all who listens anymore is older white guy right-wingers. I was hoping Progressive radio would make a comeback, especially since Trump's been in office, but I doubt it. I still got my MSNBC on TV which is doing a great job on the Grifter in Chief and his gang of thugs.

  5. Agree with you on Brian Copeland. Have no idea why he has a show. But then it's Cumulus -- incompetent management does anything and everything to drive listeners away.

  6. Copeland has to do a show to keep his kids employed

  7. I used to have my dial set at 810 all day, every day. So with so many quacks selling their snake oil, I have switched to KCBS.

  8. No matter what side of the aisle one is on, how about calling out those who continue to support the admitted rapist who fires up the Neo-Nazis because he's "common" with them? Those who continue to support this evil five-bankruptcy three-divorce women-abusive minority-dismissing con man despot grossly diminish their "values" and "common ground" and shall never ever be trusted in anything in life! I am just as sick of the ignorance they show as the terrestrial Cloud Clowns and the like continue to toward their employees and its listeners and viewers! We as a society do spend too recklessly and severely lack the stomachs to debate toward needed solutions in life, the economy, and even the airwaves. But if we are going to find peace within ourselves, our airwaves, and each other, we must pray that Robert Mueller's Special Counsel finds laws were broken by the guy long overdue to be bitten by karma. That way, while Mr. Mike Pence may have similar views about the country and world, at least when promoting him, we will have someone we can respect and who has never deliberately hurt anyone his life, regardless of whether his policies would hurt others. Pence's broadcasting buddies at Sinclair, 700, Breitfart, & Dittoheads may have horrific political opinions, but whatever instability they may have, be glad they want no part of the nuclear codes that are in the hands of a mentally unstable commander. We can say the same about Rich's least favorite K-Goers. They are cheapening their legacies, but just be glad they are no threat to our free interests like our country's first dictator is.

  9. RICHIE!!!... Not only did Wittmayer ruin what once was a glorious San Jose radio legacy... But he threw longtime class acts & (frankly) icons like Dave Wohlman under the bus in the PROcess.
    This I know first hand.
    He is truly NOT a good dude,

    1. Thanks anonymous, I appreciate the kind words - but saying JW is a broadcaster or could even ruin something would be giving him way too much credit. A poser and a pimple on the ass of a great run in the Bay Area.
      Much love to you (and all the great staff members and listeners of KOME/KSJO for so many years!

  10. Brian Copeland... Brian Copeland?? Help me out... Was he the drummer for The Police?

    1. No, that was his brother Stewie...

  11. I like Rich's local media writing for the most part. Some of the rantings, like these, not so much. But I can see where they come from. Settling old scores? Anger? Past failings? Possibly.
    Copie roasted Lieberman the other day on multiple platforms. I caught his Facebook posting. Just wow! He got personal, like Lieberman sometimes does. He painted a rough picture. I guess two can play that game.

  12. SPOT ON.

    I do not listen to Copeland and did not know about him foisting his kids into the workplace. How tacky.

    But I had always wondered why this race-mongering unfunny boring idiot continued to hang around KGO while the likes of actual talents like Gene Burns are escorted out the door.

  13. "... the woman that schedules the substitute talk hosts gave her two-week notice because she can't take any more of the torture. "

    Torture? Hyperbole!

  14. I don't particularly care much for Copeland's show either (way too many show biz buddies, not enough actual newstalk, too many redundant or uninteresting topics i.e. real estate/housing/rental market). However how is he a racist?

  15. Some people and, I think Rich is one of them, think he is racist because he talks about subjects that pertains to Afro Americans, but why shouldn't he, he has a unique perspective, certainly Michael Medved and Dennis Prager talk about being Jewish, and there are several hosts who wear their Christian beliefs on their sleeve. I for the most part like Brian's interview with people from the entertainment industry, but then I love music and the movies. The housing rental market and housing market in general can be interesting, certainly there is a housing crisis in the Bay Area, so probably a good number of listeners would be interested, I am sometimes. Right now I'm not looking for a place to live, but I was last fall, fortunately I was not in a time crunch, but it took me several months to find something suitable and affordable, and I'm in Concord. Also there are those who have problems with the fact that Brian is or has been married to, I believe 2 white women, really who cares. I read his book "Not a genuine black man" and found it very interesting.

  16. 810 died years ago. Hell, I can't even find it on the dial anymore.
