Amaury Pi-Gonzalez is a Bay Area Spanish Sports Broadcaster (who does
LA Angels and has done
Oakland A's TV/Radio PBP) Gonzales is a native Cuban and has reaction to the death of
Fidel Castro.
If you like to live in the USA with all our problems, you will not like to live in Cuba. There is only one political party, the Communist party,
there are no human rights, there is no free media, it is all controlled by the government, there is no freedom of expression. I was born in Cuba
I experienced communism with my own yes, and let me tell you, there is nothing better than Freedom, and Freedom, Cuba still does not have.
He should have a conversation with Colin Kaepernick
ReplyDeleteKap...Instead of kneeling on one knee, he should kneel on both knees, put his hands together and pray for some divine intervention because he sure does suck as a quarterback!
DeleteThe Niners remind me of the DNC, they have a loser on their team and not smart enough to realize it. Must be great to have a job where you win or lose, you still get the same paycheck.
Great coach! If the team plays well and loses, he seems to think it's ok.
chubby dude looks like a Bautista fan...Bautista made Castro look like a sweet angel of deliverance
ReplyDeleteAmen. I'm so sick and tired of the cry babies celebrating the passing of Fidel Castro as if life under corrupt Bautista was nirvana. Gambling, hookers and corruption were the name of the game until Castro showed up and put an end to it. The degenerates and the profiteers never forgave him for it. Yet he outlived most of his foes and stood in defiance of the Gringo and for that he will be legendary in Latin America for millennia. ¡¡Viva Fidel Por Siempre!!
DeleteHalf of Florida and the rafts floating between Florida and Cuba would strongly disagree with your uneducated asses.
DeleteCastro ended Jim Crow for Black Cubans and kicked the mafia out of the country. He did some awful things but a got some things right too.
DeleteGringo? Another racist post. Rich seems to be full of racists lately.
DeleteI believe the post down below sums it up best, "If Castro's Cuba is so wonderful, why have so many Cuban's risked their lives to escape? People don't usually risk life and limb to escape Paradise."
What Pi leaves out is pre Castro was ruled by a Dictator named Bautista who along with American gangsters who looted the Cuban economy,offered nothing to Cuba's poorest people- the majority of the country- and death squads killed anybody who opposed Bautista.
ReplyDeletePi also leaves out that if it wasn't for the right wing Cubans who left that country and pushed and demanded an EMBARGO on their beloved Cuba,maybe the island country would not have turned to Russia. It was because Cubans in America wanted their brothers left behind to starve and rebel against Castro who gave people free medical, free education,that Cuba was forced to live in a time warp. IF not for the right wing American Cubans...Cuba as we saw when Obama was elected was fine with relations with the USA.
Cuban Americans and their arrogance forced the hard life on Cuba. Not Cuba.
Sshhh! Don't introduce FACTS into the argument. Americans prefer propaganda—all the while crowing about how they live in a land free of propaganda.
DeleteYes Stan, it's always those mean right wingers and white male's right?
DeleteI feel like I'm taking crazy pills.
Stan you are one ignorant moron!
DeleteWhat makes Stan a moron ? That's probably the best (simplest) and succinct explanation I've heard all day... one that the news media has ignored in fear of the South Florida ex-pats. Pi-Gonzalez and the exiles also have a right to feel the way they do. They were forced to flee and many lost all. This whole thing could have been resolved decades ago if not for the Calle Ocho hardline
DeleteWhat in Stan's post is innaccurate? That's the most cogent thing he's said in a long while.
DeleteThank you Stan for providing context and facts. The simpletons will take the words of Little Marco Rubio as facts instead of learning real history.
DeleteI have to laugh when someone thanks Stan twice while hoping the viewing audience will think it is two separate people. Bravo *claps*.
DeleteQuite a difference of opinion between those who lived under "El Commandante" and those that lived here. Interesting
DeleteMight want to let Kaepernick in on your little secret
ReplyDeleteMr. Pi-Gonzalez's points magnify how absurd Trump's "Make America Great AGAIN" theme is. America has always been great. Spoiled billionaires and whiney rotten Right-Wingers, whom can be just as malcontented and disgruntled as the Kaps of the country, should take note.
ReplyDeleteExactly. You also notice not many black Cubano's rushed to leave Cuba in 1959. Either they were the dirt poor ones- no friends of Bautista and gangsters,Or they were educated enough to not come to a country or Florida that then told them "Use the other toilet".."Sit in back"..."You get half a vote"..Your children must go to a shanty school".
DeleteIn Cuba they never had to sit in the back of the bus. They sat wherever they wanted.They even drove.
Still crying because your side lost? Sad.
DeleteSad was watching Huckabee and Gingrich squirm, while trying to make sense of Duplicitious Donald's double-dealing antics. Sad has been hearing the vitriol directed toward The Donald, from his own side. Listening to numerous righties in the last 15 months or so, they are definitely concerned that Mr. Trump Train Wreck might be off the rails. And of course, sad is the scamming of those who believed that Tricky Trump would provide them with an education from his "University."
Rich won't post half of the posts contradicting Stan and his anti-right minions. Rich has turned into a biased hack.
Delete@ 1138 I posted above in agreeance to Stan's assessment and I am NOT a lefty. NOT a Democrat. A Decline to State moderate. There was nothing in his assessment that was incorrect that hasn't been studied ad nauseum.
DeleteIf it wasn't for Cuba's mandatory quarantine policy for people with HIV, I might think better of the country & her people. But the hell with them.
ReplyDelete"Mr. Pi-Gonzalez's points magnify how absurd Trump's "Make America Great AGAIN" theme is. America has always been great."
ReplyDeleteI think it's just a matter of degree. It's not as great now as it once was, indeed.
DeleteThen his slogan should have been: "Make America Greater." Another example of Tricky Trump's "Truthful Hyperbole."
The majority of Americans have never had it better, or whined more. We have better technologies nowadays, that are more prevalent and readily available, that have provided more information, capabilities, comfort, leisure/recreation, and safety. And most people have enough money to spend on (at least a reasonable amount of) said. There are millions throughout the world who would love to live here, but masses of current citizens (and non-citizens) languish in a malaise of imaginary hardship. In regard to our military, it is still rated the best in the world.
It would be wonderful if Trump's influence offers an even better situation, and I truly hope it does. But I just don't buy into the claim that this country, in general, is in some sort of drastically waning state.
1) Fidel Castro
ReplyDelete2) Florence Henderson
3) Ron Glass
Lots of radical alt-left people commenting here led by their leader Stan "Please don't ban me from yet another website" TheObserver.
ReplyDeleteLet's see, Bautista has been out of the picture for almost 60 years and Castro and Cuba are still hamstrung by him. Sounds like he was almost as bad as George W. Bush. Commie libs are big on excuses because they are small on results. Your communist petri dish experiment in Cuba is a complete failure. But don't worry, North Korea or Venezuela could still pull it out for you! LOL!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteIf Castro's Cuba is so wonderful, why have so many Cuban's risked their lives to escape? People don't usually risk life and limb to escape Paradise.
ReplyDeletePlease don't interject logic into the discussion. Stan and the Democrats here will start protesting.
DeleteWhy leave Cuba because- American streets are paved with gold. And yet- 10:15 is a Trump man who wants to deny freedom and prosperity to Mexicans.
DeleteCuba a failure?? A tiny nation that the mighty USA could not squash?..that's success. MILLION'S of Cubans are just happy to stay in Cuba.
Cuban American's like Pi so anti Castro are the biggest hypocrites in this country.
They wanted Cuba and fellow countrymen to undergo poverty and pestilence or worse to "Teach Castro a lesson". They caused all the hardship of daily life in Cuba.
I just watched a clip of Castro in the 70's saying he wanted to be friends with Americans.See? And yet nobody went hungry in Cuba all these years.
Why leave Cuba?
Why would anybody want to live in Wyoming is what I can't figure.
I left Cuba for 2 things. A smartphone filled with porn, and a Toyota Corolla.
DeleteTo Anon 10:15
DeleteBetween 1959 and 1975 the Cuban 1%ers jumped ship and immigrated to the US with special privileges. Look up the Cuban Adjustment Act, mid 60's.
Those who remain do risk "life and limb" as the only way to this country involves illegal travel via the Florida Straits. They are leaving Cuba for the same reason about 500,000 people, from all countries, the majority being democracies, try to immigrate to the US.
Stan, you're delusional. How many Cubans boarded flotillas to get to the U.S.? How many people boarded flotillas to get into Cuba? Enough said.
DeleteOne last point ...what was the drug flow from Cuba- 100 miles from Miami? Zero.
ReplyDeleteWhat would it have been under Bautista and the Mafia and the Gangster?
I Didn't vote for Trump.Nobody I know voted for Trump. The majority of American's didn't vote for Trump. Yet,Trump is the president. Where's the democracy in that?
ReplyDeleteWe live in a Republic, not a Democracy. You could look it up if you would put down your copy of Pravda.
DeleteFidel Castro was a brutal dictator.
ReplyDeleteYet all the Fat White liberals will come out of the woodwork and still defend him.
And then we have other liberals who can't keep a promise.
ReplyDeleteWhere are all those angry liberals who threaten to leave the country if Trump was elected?
Oh yes, they are too busy eating.
The NFL is considering expanding to Cuba. A great opportunity for Kap to start over there.
ReplyDeleteAmaury Gonzalez always rips Castro publicly like so many other Cubans who now enjoy the good life of the USA and that's fine. But it really gets tiresome. We've had to hear it from him for years now and now he can crow and celebrate like all of the other aging Cubans who were upset because Castro got rid of Bautista, who with American help took advantage of Cuba for years. If we had not treated Cuba with disrespect after we stole it from Spain and then let the mafia and other capitalists use it like their own private play pen, we might not have gotten Castro and all of the grief he caused. We also came close to going to war with Russia over missiles in Cuba in 1962, and of course the Cuban ex patriots such s Amaury wanted us to bomb Cuba. Thankfully JFK had a color head and we got the Ryssians to take out the missiles with no war. Amaury is a bit of a hypocrite to say the least!,
ReplyDeleteHow telling is it that Vietnamese Americans wanted relations with Vietnam? Now,even former POW Sen. John McCain calls the Vietnamese "Incredibly friendly people" on his visit to Veitnam.
ReplyDeleteI will bet all I have Americans will go to Cuba and say the same thing. And could have been saying it for decades if not for Cuban American's blood lust.
Somebody tell Pi that the Congress,the Senate and The White House are all one run by one party.
ReplyDeleteYet,70% of American's are Democrats.
On Lowell Cohns blog Rich I was told "they torture in Cuba"
ReplyDeleteI be they do. Guantanamo Bay has tortured,water boarded,deprived and killed.
The one part of Cuba that we own, the USA made into a living hell.