*My Circle7 spy at KGO tells me Reggie Aqui headed off to his wedding and honeymoon; he'll be off the rest of the week which means the drama people at 900 Front are royally pissed off.

There is a God.
*By the way, in case you're curious, Aqui and Natasha Zouves are still not talking --the feud, I'm told, is pretty stark. Maybe she opened her eyes.
*While everyone is ragging on Colin Kaepernick for being unpatriotic (among other things) the KNBR Morning Mutts: Murph and Mac, in a span of five minutes, uttered the word, "bombs" (referring to homeruns) this morn after 9. Brian Murphy apparently isn't aware that as we talk America has men and women in uniform fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan --places where bombs can kill people faster than listening to a Larry Baer lecture.
*I've repeatedly said that KPIX has no "face of the station" and lacks a dominant anchor. I thought Ken Bastida had the best shot of holding that position but Bastida, as much as a nice guy he is, apparently is considered a "lightweight" --I didn't say it, people at PIX and local industry people said it.
So there.
*Speaking of PIX, let me again say that while I think Allen Martin is a pretty good news guy, Martin needs to stop taking himself so seriously --it comes across as smug, smarmy and arrogant. Martin should chug the brandy and begin a yoga regimen.
*Juliette Goodrich was in my dream last night anchoring the 5 and 11 PM PIX newscast with Bastida. But don't tell anybody.
*Goodrich makes sense for a variety of reasons; she's smart; she reads the teleprompter very well; she's a woman (demos); oh, and she's very attractive too which will piss off the "Rich Lieberman is a misogynist crowd."
*Yeah, which is why I'm voting for Hillary Clinton. Because anybody that can write 33,000 e-mails gets my vote.
*Hugh Hewitt: the singular "Armstrong and Getty."
*I want to know how and why Hewitt (heard on 860 AM, KTRB) gets so much face time on the networks. Seriously, the guy talks like he's got oatmeal in his mouth and is nothing more than a Donald Trump operative.
*Note to the Right-Wing echo machine on radio and TV: Forget the "national polls" indicating Trumpster is gaining ...I have a two-word reality check for you Trumpiestas: electoral votes.
Hillster has about 248 secure electoral votes; 270 votes gets you the White House. So an Ohio here, a Florida there, New Mexico, whatever...It's President Hillary Clinton unless she declares war on Canada.
*KTVU hierarchy asking certain news people if they're talking to me while the PIX alleged ND is quietly checking computers at the station to see if he can find a leaker ...yeah, the same people who swear on bibles that they pay no attention to my blog.
These are the people who get paid big bucks to hire unqualified, politically-correct, women of color to do the traffic in the morning.
*The Internet is free but I'm not.
I've made it a point not to install a pay wall here because I know some of you are having a hard time (like me) making ends meet. And I know you enjoy reading about 415 Media. Those of you that come here and have not subscribed and/or donated, please try to contribute. Otherwise we disappear into the abyss and forced to listen to My Pillow guy.
*415 Media
*Rich Lieberman
*News, Notes and Comments
This morning on KNBR as I got in my car, Paulie Mac was doing terrible voice imitations of celebrities for the Bridge to Bridge run. As he was far from Rich Little, I turned to 95.7 and they were talking about the upcoming AFC West teams. What a shocker - actual sports talk that didn't include the Giants for once.
ReplyDeleteThe pain...the anal pain...make it stop.
Delete@Jean Quan. Are you talking about Reggie's Honeymoon????
DeleteR U referring to Reggies honeymoon??
Delete> I thought Ken Bastida had the best shot of holding that
ReplyDelete> position but Bastida, as much as a nice guy he is, apparently
> is considered a "lightweight" --I didn't say it, people at PIX
> and local industry people said it.
Yeah, I'm surprised you can't see it. Just from watching him on TV and hearing his inane comments I can tell he's as intelligent as a turnip. There's only one person in front of the camera at that station with an IQ past double-digits, and you don't like him, probably because he intimidates you: Brian Hackney.
Hackney couldn't intimidate the "my pillow guy."
DeleteBrian Hackney is good but he's too snobbish
ReplyDeleteYou think he's snobbish for the same reason most Americans think French are snobbish: he's intelligent, and not ashamed of it.
DeleteIf he were the same Hackney but he wore a baseball cap backwards and used street slang you'd probably think he was the best.
Well put, 4:42.
DeleteIntelligence is off-putting these days - especially to baseball-cap wearers.
Brian's okay but overkill for this market. Nothing ever happens here weather wise. There's no lake effect, rarely enough convective activity to create a thunderstorm, etc. Drop Jim Cantore or Tom Skilling or the late Wally Kinnan in here and they would die of boredom.
DeleteI don't think Erica is AMS certified but it isn't necessary here. The computers do the work and there isn't a lot of work to do.
Absolutely agree on Goodrich; she's attractive, competent, and misused as a second rung female anchor...
ReplyDeleteI think she enjoys being a mom first and newscaster second. My spies tell me she made that choice and is happy being part-time.
ReplyDeleteYeah, caught that, too. Haven't listened in a long while and tuned in only to hear that nothing's changed. Still the same juvenile shtick.
I didn't know there was a 'fatwa' against using the word BOMB on live radio air. What context were they using it in?
ReplyDeleteMany folks say bomb to mean fail, as in the movie that bombed.
The incorrect and impolite context...homeruns are not "bombs"--it's disrespectful to our soldiers in uniform --plus it sounds so cliché ...A movie has "bombed", "failed" is not used in the same context and quite different --thus it is acceptable.
Deletedont know if this a great source, but MLB.com uses bombs all the time for long homeruns. Been going on for awhile now. Not sure how I feel about it.
DeleteMaybe Dan should spend more time hiring a competent traffic reporter than searching computers.
ReplyDeleteInstead of using a company's computer, they could simply use their smart phone!!
Deletenotice that mr. Lieberman ,they say ''cutter '' constantly.they didn't always say that before. and ''torture!'. go get tortured and see how you like it. knbr is dummy inc.
ReplyDeleteI thought I was the only one who noticed.
DeleteKNBR is in full Giants Overdose with 25 games left. You can't get away from them on the station. You wouldn't even know it was the start of the college football season - We have three Division I college football teams in the area and two pro teams. Only one gets mentioned, however. The Sports Leader, my ass. Only if you happen to be affiliated with the station. You could be the Minnesota Twins for all it matters.
DeleteWhy do you hate yourself, and why do you edit comments you don't agree with, like a good little liberal ? You should talk about other people taking themselves too seriously.
ReplyDeleteFYI- rarely do my comments criticizing M Savage (following one of Rich's glowing Savage posts) make it to the blog. Almost always get edited.
Deletewould it be misogynists to make a joke like '' ms. holmes says to rich at their arranged lunch meeting,''is that a store front and a river in your pocket or are you just glad to see me?!''...?
ReplyDeleteI didn't notice Reggie was gone. It's gotten to the point now I can't stand morning news. I am very much like my parents who watched the evening news, thankfully Dan and Alma have that covered.
ReplyDeleteBay Area morning radio is non existent. I'm surprised radio still exist.
What happened to Ama? She was replaced by Alma
DeleteSorry, but Juliette uses way to much makeup, to hide most likely her advancing age for TV.
ReplyDeleteMy opinion, you ask? I think it's the redness around her nose and upper cheeks. Sometimes her make-up lady covers it and - sadly - sometimes she doesn't.
ReplyDeleteOther than that, I lust for her newsworthiness.
They've ALWAYS been called bombs. Even during Vietnam - come on now....
ReplyDeleteJuliet has been in my dreams before, but Bastida was nowhere to be found.
ReplyDeleteJuliette's eyebrows are odd and she wrinkles her forehead when she talks (reads). Peggy Bunker is much more attractive. Norah O'Donnell is the gold standard though.
ReplyDeleteInteresting, 7:35, that you mention only pink people.
ReplyDelete@538P, Not really, Norah O'Donnell has a gorgeous tan. As does Natalie Morales and Maria Medina.
ReplyDeleteDid you see? Larry King is working for a Putin controlled TV network.
ReplyDeleteI guess Larry in his old age is going back to his good old days of when he was convicted of being a con artist and swindler.