I tried avoiding watching the repetitious tripe on TV--the endless images of Dallas and terror on the street. It makes you numb. The country is falling apart at the seams --we usually have hope but I'm not so sure now.
The only thing worse; and I sorta expected it is the usual banal idiots on the local TV and radio. Perfectly dreadful and quite expectedly, making me want to puke.
The usual suspects were right on target...KNBR, with its inane, living-in-a-sports-only bubble --its rank amateur phonies carrying on Larry Baer propaganda no matter what and barely acknowledging the horror of Dallas. If JFK had been assassinated today, Larry Baer would have insisted they carry on with Giants replay and the idiot, Rudy, would have verbally masturbated about how great and intellectual the Kevin Durant press conference was; they really do live in a bubble at the Sports Bleeder.
KTVU went about its business Friday which meant the usual 44,000 weather reports and insufferable Gasia Mikaelian smiling and mugging the camera like a drunk teenager from a Hayward shopping mall...I'm puking...KPIX and its breathless cheerleader, excuse me, weather woman giggler, Roberta Gonzales was awash with smiles galore and her usual cheery, bullshit "look-at-me" persona --the only good thing about Gonzales was she took face time away from equally obnoxious gruesome twosome, Kenny Choi and pathetic Michelle Griego. What a pathetic cast of characters.
Donny and Marie on KGO-TV were not as ridiculous as I skimmed, slowly, their latest performance on the day's horrific events ...they were barely tolerable but sucked of course nevertheless. Hopeless is the operative word.
I was getting mass irritable and nauseous --I didn't even bother to take a sneak look at KRON, why even bother with further frustration, my blood pressure was already rising.
*Yes, I'm an anal son-of-a-bitch. But on days like today you expect some degree of deference --not here mind you because this market is a TOTAL DISASTER. There's no pros here, just a horrid pack of amateurs let loose from the funny farm. They have no semblance of proper disposition --hell, they can't even fake it. They're extraordinarily good at taking pictures of themselves on their idiot smart phones even on a terrible day like today, what completely utterly insensitive louts.
I have no faith anymore. Someone call the mental hospital. Hurry up. I give up.
Don't worry; I'm sure Frank Somerville will have a sanctimonious post soon.
ReplyDelete"KNBR, with its inane, living-in-a-sports-only bubble"
ReplyDeleteWell, in fairness, they are a SPORTS station . . .
And this morning at least they talked more about the Warriors than the Giants. Powlie Mac mourning that most of the subjects of his insipid "songs" have left the team, which is A Good Thing as now he won't be able to play them.
TV is so self-serving and only gotten worse with social media. All these TV folk can't get enough ego masturbation
ReplyDeleteJust your luck,KTVU is doing an expose on John George mental Hospital in San Leandro. You're nightmare come true to be in a straight jacket while Frank Somersville interviews you for HOURS...
ReplyDeleteRich, some of us turned on the sports stations as a temporary escape from the news everyone else is discussing.
ReplyDeleteI used to do just that, but KNBR has gotten really bad (and will be worse when they pair up that Lund guy with Tom Tolbert, who has the last decent show on KNBR, but that's going down the toilet next).
DeleteNow I listen to KDFC mostly to get a respite from the world. Or if I can find some good REAL country on the college stations occasionally.
Things are falling apart - you are right. I think a lot of what is going on HAS been going on for a long long time; however, our "connected world" has provided us with a lens straight into the mess. From Snowden telling the country what our government is doing, to bad cops being exposed for completely horrible acts of violence against innocent black men, to the black lives matter movement who have no hope, only anger, and are now unleashing it.
ReplyDeleteWhen Trump is leading the polls based on a campaign of contempt against so many groups and individuals, you know things aren't right.
Things were better when we were a bit more isolated. When we got our news each morning at the front porch and in the evening from Dennis Richmond.
Ignorance is sometimes bliss.
Trump is running a campaign to return us to the spirit that made America THE greatest nation in the history of our sad planet.
DeleteClinton is the on running on contempt for "the little people", no matter what their color. Note her attitude towards following the law while in office...
I'm sure some of the people you rip apart on this blog feel the same way about you unfortunately.
ReplyDeleteI concur Rich. Hang in. On a related Rudy note: I wanted to puke too as I listened to the Durant press conference and they hoisted Booobie Shitz up there and he proved again what a completely phony, wanna-be, sycophantic little nome of a "man" he is as he repeatedly referred to "we" in lumping himself with the franchise. Typical performance from the know it all brown nosed poser of the worst order. Utter classlessness, of course it describes his entire career here. Gawd he can't leave soon enough.
ReplyDeleteDid Roberta spend the usual five minutes gushing about her next triathalon?
ReplyDeletePlease Rich, never show this Gif again. Certainly not near the Breakfast Hour! If I contribute a few dollars to your website, will you destroy this? How much would it take?
ReplyDeleteI recall this classic shot from a SNL skit with Will Farrell. Very funny.
DeleteI'm sorry, but Roberta looks a little heavy or is that "Bloating"
ReplyDeleteRemember when I pointed out the only national recognition KNBR talent has gotten- Radnich,Kruger,Bruce and Hammer? was for being worst people in America? Did I include Bob Fitzgerald? He took his one national shot and then attacked the fans as jerk offs.
ReplyDeleteIsn't that amazing? All still employed. Gee,what could be the common denominator?
Photos, lots of photos in a lawyer's safe.
DeleteRich ... I don't know where to post this but here might be just as good as any. I'm really disgusted with Jon Miller, the Giants lard ass play-by-play announcer. Friday night he says there is no local TV for Sunday's game vs Arizona, so tune in to KNBR. Technically that's correct, but his intent was to make listeners believe the game wasn't on TV at all. In fact it's the game of the week on ESPN Sunday night. So is this another Larry Baer directive or is Miller still pissed off that ESPN didn't renew his contract a few years ago? This isn't the first time he's done this either.
ReplyDeleteMy OTHER criticism of Giants baseball is that the director in the truck CONSISTETLY misses the action of the game! I thought it was a cardinal rule, no matter what, is not to miss game action. It's all crappy promotion Amy G.,etc. The other night he/she had Wille Mac advertising the Matt Duffy bobble head and we missed the Segura at bat. Just terrible.
DeleteAnd another thing ... It makes no difference if this was a Baer or Miller thing. The Giants get millions of dollars from the ESPN contract which more than pays for executive and broadcasters salaries. To pretend that ESPN doesn't exist is pure BS ... SHAME!!!
Delete11:20 PM; I concur, could not have said it better myself.
ReplyDeleteUnfathomable how he stays employed; the only mistake Lacob has made during his tenure.
I thought that was Heather Holms fifteen minutes after her lunch break!
ReplyDeleteHow exactly does Kenny Choi promote himself? "Less than average, worse than most?"