Heather Holmes is the unofficial "Queen Maker."
*Is granted "special privileges" any and all time on station grounds by management, no questions asked.
*Is perceived by others as "little people" who dare cross her!
*Told KTVU/Fox2 big suits, "I'm the star here and you know it." They agreed!
*She's granted "VIP Food" chits and clothing allowance --(including exclusive Nordstrom card!)
*Asked to be addressed as "Ms. Holmes" by everyone --including the BOSS!
*Follow me on Twitter
Id take Heather shoe shopping any day.
ReplyDeleteIs this for real?? Goddam, what a Fucking Pig.
ReplyDeleteWho the hell is she-Kanye West! KTVU should demote her & instead put the more beautiful, supremely talented Allie Rasmus in her anchoring times.
ReplyDeleteNordstrom has some stylish underwear, Heather. I can help you find a pair!
ReplyDeleteIn addition to being sexy, Heather does a lot of charities as an MC and contibutes in other ways to the community! I don't see any thing wrong with that.
ReplyDeleteHaethr, yuo a asshoel.
ReplyDeleteI don't get it.
ReplyDeleteShe's not the most attractive woman on KTVU, and she isn't the most professional on air either.
She must know some very fun tricks that someone high up at Fox2 enjoys...
My personal dealings with her would substantiate your comments...
ReplyDeleteI have wondered about Heather for a while. She comes off as a pageant winner. It seems they are trying unusually hard to find a place for her at Fox2 but to me she just comes off as pretentious wanna be top dog. What is it, she's a big "flirt" with the men? I don't see her as the type to have many female friends that don't live in the Marina.
ReplyDeleteEntitled, she sure is! One of the automatic benefits for coming from the top of the gene pool. Not always easy being a beautiful woman. She is entitled to be entitled! Natural selection at it's finest. More benefits will follow!
ReplyDeleteThis article should make Ipecac stock take a dive.
ReplyDeleteWhen I met her, she was nothing but nice. She's also beautiful. I like her.
ReplyDeleteWhen I turned on the news last night at 10 (on KTVU), I saw Keba Arnold. Wished I was seeing Heather Holmes, so I listened to one story and then turned the TV off. Keba just doesn't do it for me.
ReplyDeleteMe too. She might be a nice lady but her high pitch squeaky voice is just terrible. I have a lamp next to my front door which is hooked up to a sound sensor. Try to break in, the light goes on. Her voice makes the light turn on and off! No one else in the Media has been able to do that.
DeleteThe larger question is what does this say about KTVU management. This is the management that is responsible for picking and choosing our news stories.
ReplyDeleteHeather, marry me and let me take you away from all of this
ReplyDeleteLick my snot, will ya?
ReplyDeleteYou know, a better alternative to this Holmes vs Arnold debate is to watch KNTV with Terry McSweeny and the very beautiful Peggy Bunker. I watched Peggy and Terry tonight and Terry was good and Peggy was good too, but she just looked gorgeous. ..!
ReplyDelete> *Is perceived by others as "little people" who dare cross her!
ReplyDeleteDon't you mean She perceives other people who dare cross her as little people? Your way literally is nonsensical, like half of what you write.