KTVU has been fully FOXified--there's a big time feeling of despair at Jack London Square with union problems, worker morale, cutbacks and the introduction of Happy Talk to a news force that hasn't been able to adapt --KTVU News still dominates Bay Area TV but Fox's questionable tactics has staff on edge.
Said a longtime newsroom employee: "These are trying times for all of is."
*KPIX is also in a state of semi-chaos --no one seems to know what the direction of the station is being considered. Assuming, of course, there is a direction. KPIX has been promoting (along with CBS) its Super Bowl 50 designation --only one problem: what happens after the big game? Back to normal. Which can't be too good because ratings have tanked; a virtual identity crisis engulfs 855 Battery with rotating/misplaced anchors and people in the wrong places. The situation isn't helped by a GM who, still, mysteriously, hasn't made a major move (for a station that clearly needs one) and a News Director who very openly plays favorites even if his chosen ones really suck at the job.
*KRON: This Just In: For the 14th straight year, KRON is once again, simply irrelevant. How many times can we say it? One would think someone higher up or at corporate would take responsibility but mediocrity and melodrama rule the day at the perennial albatross --oh, by the way, your cameras are still too damn close but keep on look crappy, KRON, stay consistent. You have NO leadership. You have no one pulling the bull by the horn. You have a dictator ND that no one respects and everyone fears (until corporate comes to SF and lowers the boom) And you have this new GM with a funky name who still hasn't done anything. Did the ride in the Bentley from the sports schlub further dilute your interest? And will you continue to allow a certain digital boy who is infatuated with a certain media blogger to continue his torment? I'd suggest you take him to lunch and educate him. Maybe the sports schlub will lend you the Bentley.
*Yes, that KTVU weather guy who should know better was suspended for a day after some subtle jab at the female anchor on the news desk. He's a pro so we'll give him the benefit of the doubt.
*The other day at KGO Radio was "World Concern Day"--says a local broadcaster: "And they wonder why the ratings suck."
*The more the alleged, comical Kate Scott talks and opens her mouth the more foolish she sounds. Which is horrible at best. She's been less featured on KNBR shows and it's pretty evident she's been told to shut up--even so, when she does opine it's, frankly, some of the most un-intentionally hilarious "talk" on the air, how frickin' un-awesome!
Scott is on the air because she sounds radio sexy voice thereby making horny guys hornier and allowing Ronnie Lott and Andy Dolich to froth at their sexual fantasies. It's good business even if the talent is a fraud.
*Speaking of KNBR, the "Peacon" redneck is back from vacation. Fire up the caffeine and make your Tea Party donation.
*Fox Directive KTVU Mantra: Gone are the days of paying decent money for star reporters. Gone are the days of singling out good work and rewarding superior performance. Let's fuck with cameraman and their pensions. Let's cut their pension. Let's make life miserable for 4th-tier newsroom workers and ask them to account for the water cooler. Yeah, that'll fire up morale.
*First Rasmussen and Pritchett and looming, Vacar, Roth and Sasaki. Only with Vacar they might have a fight--he's a loyah.
*The most popular personality at KTVU is Sal Castaneda --who is also the sixth highest-paid guy at the station. Me thinks Sal's agent has some work to do.
*Do you notice all those new by-lines at the Chronicle? They're younger, cheaper and don't require all those benefits --something the union has noted at the Chron which is in for a future fight with the rank and file. Hearst will counter right off the start that they're losing a million bucks a week.
All of this comes amid high-profile star reporters, Henry Lee and Carla Marinucci leaving 5th and Mission to go to greener and more secure pastures. Lee to KTVU and Marinucci to deep pockets Politico.com I'm sure it's just a coincidence.
*Ann Killion: thinks she's the sports Evita. Tell that to Damon Bruce.
*John Evans and Martin Lenz: civility on the overnight at KCBS.
*Prediction: there will be a significant change in KGO-TV's management (i.e., News Director) sometime sooner rather than later. ABC is tired of lawyers and settlements. (Clue)
*Like I said recently, I would not be shocked at all if Mike Krukow were to announce his retirement from Giants duties due to his ongoing medical condition.
*Follow me on Twitter
I'll take this Fox Regime over Lee Rosenthal any day.
ReplyDelete"World Concern Day" at KGO?!? Who cares! How about some concern for Kate Scott putting a bar of soap on her ass with some duct tape, 'cuz she stanks.
ReplyDeleteSom Bitch!!
DeleteBurt, you owe me $500, you broke bastard!!!
DeleteNever understood the appeal of Sal Castaneda. He is just a traffic reporter. His off topic comments are mostly uninteresting and usually meant for the newscaster and not the audience.
ReplyDeleteIf Fox wants to save money, give Sal a pay cut and give us back the great field reporters. Sal is about a valuable here as Al Roker is to the Today Show. Both good reasons to flip to CBS.
What's the dirt on which KTVU weather guy saying what to whom? You need to fill us in, not just drop a teaser.
ReplyDeleteAll FOX is asking is for the talent to be more conversational and show some personality. FOX stations all over the country except (WFLD) have mastered it with few problems. FOX is giving everyone a nice fair chance to adjust...but those without any personality will most likely be gone in the next contract discussion.
ReplyDeleteAs far as the photographers...
They have a very sweet deal that no other station in the country has enjoyed. Granted they are not UAW members in 1970's however one single job opening at KTVU will generate over 1000 demo tapes. KTVU could pay photogs $15 per hour (non-per diem) and 1000's would still apply.
Ask the photogs and tech's at WCAU how that strike is going.
Get Foxafied or get out is the mantra now.
Anon at 8:42...are you Greggg Kelly? To even say they have photographers at KTVU is a lack of knowledge.
DeleteYou show your ignorance. What is the sweet deal? Fox not recognizing the existing contract and working for 30% less?
Demo tapes? What year is this? Seriously, you show your ignorance.
Local broadcast TV is dead...people that are under 30 are all about tech....broadcast TV and TV engineering is done and an aging workforce wheezes to the finish line. Funny post though...almost as funny as the guy who ends every post with goddammit or one of Rootstciks gems.
For awhile, I've thought about emailing KNBR and asking them to end the Kate Scott experiment. At first, I thought, "Okay, let's give her a chance to grow into the job." But she's proved time and time again that she knows little about sports and is a worse homer than Brian Murphy, if that's possible.
ReplyDeleteMurph and Mac, worst radio around.
DeleteSaying Kate Scott is terrible is like saying water is wet, it's hot in Iraq, and that Rich doesn't care for Radnich.
ReplyDeleteWHY is KNBR keeping her? She'll make me change the station as fast as a commercial with a creepy dude singing about automobiles and children...
On the rare times I tune in to KNBR and they are not on a commercial break, I will change the channel the second I hear Scott's voice, without any hesitation. My wife, a huge sports fan, can't stand her, either. Not sure what (or where) the appeal is with her.
ReplyDeleteWhat is the appeal you ask?? SHE IS GAY.
Deletethats it, and thats all. Welcome to SF
She is a gay woman.....in SF that is all that you need to know
DeleteWho the fuck is Kate Scott? What the fuck has she done to be a legend in her own mind? She's about as bad as that other airhead, Amy G.
DeleteBut really, most of the talent in this market sucks. Bring on the graduates from the Arkansas Institute of Broadcasting. A bunch of hayseeds from Little Rock are just as good, if not better, than most of the schmoes in this market.
Kate Scott is light years worse than Amy G. Hell, Kate Scott may be worse than Cammy Blackstone (well, that's not possible. But as bad, and that's saying something!!!)
DeleteI agree, 11:43. In regard to Amy G, I have posted many a negative comment. But when I see and hear possible alternatives, namely Kate T. and Kelli Johnson, Amy G is better.
DeleteAmy G, give me a break. Terrible. Krukow is an ass.
DeleteCringeworthy radnich, every time he tells the PJ Carlissimo story. What an insecure douche. What a pathetic, sad reason to get married. I'm too scared to party with people my age, so let me find the nearest insecure loser so that we validate our existence by popping out more kids, thereby justifying our extreme anti-social behavior.
ReplyDeleteI thought the weather guy was on jury duty. Unless you're talking someone else ? Do tell !
ReplyDeleteAll of this is a great reason to turn off the TV, keep the radio off and put on some Godsmack. It's a lot better than listening and seeing this garbage.
ReplyDeletePatrick Conner may be kind of neanderthal in his social views, but he knows his college and pro football and gives the morning show some kind of national perspective when asked for. He also seems to be a pitch-in and help guy, which every workplace needs, doing the pre and post game Marty Lurie shows. As for his old school views, I think every sports talk show needs a variety of perspectives for listeners to agree or disagree with. Some of the most disagreeable and opinionated hosts, Steven A. Smith and Skip Bayless for ESPN, for example, are the most listened to. At least Conner has a perspective with roots in pretty good sports knowledge. Kate Scott may have opinions, but there's little knowledge there.
ReplyDeleteI think P-Con is fine regarding his social views too. He cares for our veterans, for one thing. A lot of folks don't seem to give a fuck. He does.
DeleteI'm a black guy who's run into "P-Con" a couple of times. Cool dude. Keeps it real. Nothing wrong with being a "redneck" as long as you respect me as due. I'd rather a "redneck" who'll let you know where he stands over some of these smile in your face, hipster racists. "Oh but I'm a vegan and drive a Prius so I'm cool... btw let me call the cops because you're playing your drums loudly in a public park... and let me finagle my Nextdoor app to tell my neighbors how to do same.... now back to my locally sourced, organic coffee while I code." Patrick may be a little libertarian and a little conservative (especially for the Bay), but he's cool with me. In fact, I agree with him on some things. {shrug}. ' Murica right ?
ReplyDeleteThere's nothing wrong with (or illegal about) calling the cops because you're playing your drums too loudly in a public park. Other people don't want to hear your noise. What was that about respecting someone as due...or does that only apply to you?
DeleteAgreed with 4:55. Why should i be subjected to your noise in a public place? He's not cool because he would like some consideration? If that's your definition of not cool, I'll take the Prius driver with the organic coffee who's coding. He doesn't disturb me. He respects me as due.
Deletei think 11:28's point is that they are BLACK noise makers who may *seem* louder to white ears. it's a fact Jack, color colors everything!
DeleteNoise is noise. Why drag race into it? Remember what Marty said, content of character, not color of skin. Whatever happened to that?
DeleteRich, this is happening everywhere. King5 in Seattle is also seeing a mass and sudden turnover of personalities which have been mainstays for many years. Some have changed to other stations, some have gone into Corporate jobs and a few have even become mouthpeices for state and local agencies.
ReplyDeleteYou think Krukow might retire because.... ? Have you heard something from a reliable source? Has he told you anything? Or you just have a feeling out of nowhere?
ReplyDeleteI couldn't believe my eyes and ears the other night. On CSNBA's Sports Talk Live, they were seeking expert analysis (on a variety of topics) from Kate T Scott. Kate T Scott: Sports Pundit. The bar is now sitting on the ground.
ReplyDeleteNo, the bar is now six feet under...
DeleteDoes anyone know what has happened to Michelle Apon at KRON? I haven't seen her on-air for two weeks now. Also, what is the timeline for the departure of Cheryl Jennings as anchor at KGO? She was still on there anchoring the 5pm news yesterday [Thursday].
ReplyDeleteMichelle smartened up like the KRON weather girls before her; and got the hell out of there!
DeleteWell, my dad was a Marine and so was P-Con. Their views on life are very similar.
ReplyDeleteBill Martin is a bore on KNBR on Friday's. When he is on, I change stations. Also I would rather listen to Kate Scott, then Mac any day of the week.Murphy is nothing short of a nerd but at least he asks the toughs questions. Mac just sucks, he should be a DJ on a rock station, no one cares about the Dead or Springstein or any of his other musical man crushes.
ReplyDeleteI'd like to know the details behind the departures of Rasmussen and Pritchett. Did they refuse a contract that had less money in it? Or were they demanding more money?
ReplyDeleteI am watching KTVU The Four with Heather Holmes on anchor instead of Keba A.
ReplyDeleteShe did an excellent job. What a difference!
Keba Arnold sounds like she just learned how to read.
Wait -- you say KTVU is stingy with their money, then you say they just paid big bucks to lure Henry K. Lee from the Chron.
ReplyDeleteHenry seemed to be a print lifer, so it was odd to see him jump to TV. (And they are celebrating the heck out of landing him, as they should.)
The Chron's editor is like 37 or 38. Is her youngess a reason why everybody is so young?
Have you seen Fallon Smith on Comcast? She definitely makes Kate Scott and Amy G. look and sound good. I thought having a decent broadcast voice was a necessity for this type of work. Guess I'm wrong!
ReplyDeleteHey Rich, why do you think Ronnie Lott and Andy Dolich of all people would to use your words: "Froth at their sexual fantasy" over Kate Scott? I don't get it!
ReplyDeleteIf you're a young woman wanting to become a sportscaster, you should take heart. The quality of female sports announcers in the bay area market may be at an all time low.
ReplyDeleteComcast has the annoying nasal talker Amy G, who interrupts Giants broadcasts to pander the latest 'community relations news' (all the good things the Giants are doing in the community). Larry Baer doesn't want her doing anything of substance, but insists that she be a part of the broadcasts, and the annoying interruptions when she comes on to breathlessly talk about some event that has nothing to do with the game we're watching has Baer's sticky fingerprints all over it. That guy, BTW, is a first-class weasel of the highest order. But he likes 'Amy G,' (what's that all about anyway) because she's the Giants' 'good luck charm.' If not, why did he put her in the Giants' parade last fall, along with Marty Lurie, (BTW what's that all about, a weekend talk show guy rides in the Giants' parade?) You'd think after seven or eight years of appearing on the Giants broadcasts that the woman might have gotten just a bit better...but no! Her annoying, teenage-sounding nasal voice is like fingernails on the blackboard to the ears of Giants' fans.
As far at 'Kate T. Scot't goes, it's quite clear that KNBR didn't want to spend any money to hire a morning-drive sports reporter, so they made this travesty into a 'sports-update-traffic' person, which is a way to save money. Typical Cumulus move. KNBR has ZERO credibility when it comes to covering the bay area sports scene. Hell, on her updates, Kate sounds like a walking advertisement for the Giants and 49ers. ZERO mention of the east bay teams, because after all, KNBR doesn't carry them. And her constant efforts to try and sneak in a comment when Krueger and Radnich are on is really pathetic. Hey Kate, we didn't turn on the radio to listen to your vapid musings! Having her on as a 'guest-expert' on Yahoo sports with that annoying shill Jim Kozimore also shows you how low the bar is set at Comcast.
Finally, Fallon Smith...are you kidding me? Her voice sounds like a 16 year old valley-girl, and she has a very annoying way of asking stupid questions. Who hires these people anyway?
The only decent female talent in bay area sports is Mindy Bach.
Yes, Fallon's voice is like nails across a chalkboard.
DeleteBut Fallon Smith is at least a dime piece with a killer booty
ReplyDeleteTotally agree with your assessment of female sportscasters in the Bay Area. I have to think that Larry has something on Amy or Amy on Larry.....hmmm...Amy on Larry maybe. Mindy Bach is very good.
ReplyDeleteP-Con is a dysfunctional idiot who sounds as if he's been on the wagon after a long bender. I don't care how hard the guy works, he should not be on the air. When Marty Lurie puts him on the weekend Giants pre game show to co-host, it's embarassing and I don't know how anyone can listen. I have to turn it off immediately as soon as I hear his annoying voice.
ReplyDeleteHow in the world do these dysfunctional idiots get on local radio? Guess they must come cheap. The quality of bay area broadcasting continues to drop into the toilet when these kinds of folks are on the air.
The newspaper business and local TV are just as bad. More 'fresh young faces and by-lines' (i.e. Cheap and inexperienced). It used to be you had to have at least 5-10 years on air work or writing experience in smaller markets before you'd get a shot at a place like the bay area. No more!
Yet no one complains, (except here on this blog) because most of the folks under the age of 35 get all of their news off the internet these days, much of which is just a watered down version of wire service copy. No wonder we have a preponderance of idiots in this country today.
Agree about P-Con. I'd like him to stop talking over the guests.
DeleteOn Saturday night. ....Heather Holmes is anchoring solo and doing an excellent job!
ReplyDeleteWhy all the negative comments about Amy Gutierrez? Is it her fault that Larry Baer decided to put her on Comcast as one of the Giants announcers? What's she supposed to do, say no?