Friday, July 10, 2015

Gary Radnich Lays Down The Law With High Priestess Kate Scott; Tells Sports Gal, 'Stick With Your Updates'; Scott Not Heard on Radnich KNBR Friday Show


 RADNICH tells Kate Scott: "Hey, stick to your updates!"

Scott gets snarky with Raddy which explains why Scott hasn't been heard on Friday's show!

KNBR, "Your Bentley-Boy leader!


  1. Both of these people are useless. One is an overbearing lazy pompous son of a bitch. The other is a wanna-be who never will be. But you know, traditional radio is going in a downwards direction. So who cares? No one with brains is listening anyway.

    1. "...wanna-be who never will be."

      Perfect description!

    2. As well as a legend in her own mind

  2. I've always found Kate "pretty cute". This picture, not so much. I can picture what her father looks like in that photo.

  3. Say what you will about Radnich, but at least he put that Ho Scott in her place. Nappy Ass Scott.

  4. She's terrible. Keep her off the air. She's worse than Amy G!

  5. Their tiff went down yesterday. Radnich was talking about Keith Olberman's firing and Kate was doing the "nobody cares" thing. Her approach was awkward as usual, and Radnich dropped the "I've raised two families on the air". She tried a couple more times, but he talked over her like she wasn't there. I love the show....its a total train wreck. The other day there was three of them talking over each other. You couldn't even make out a single word.

    1. I missed that instance, but I've heard her misappropriate Gary's "nobody cares" thing (which I believe he also appropriated, but does a much better job with, and usually keeps it relevant) before. For one, she's not funny when she does it, for another, she often says that during something I am actually interested in.

      That woman is a blowhard narcissist, who brings nothing to the show except another reason to change the dial (as if all the constant commercial breaks weren't enough!).

      She's so bad, she makes Gary continue to look good!

    2. Sounds like they stole "Nobody Cares" from The Rock.

      I like Kate Scott.

  6. Scott not heard?

    Silence has never been more golden!

  7. Gary goes hard on Kate. YESSS!

  8. Gary has always talked up his update reporters and included them in the show. Kate's mistake is that she didn't realize this was just part of Gary's act and not an invitation to be his co-host. I finally stopped listening because of her constant interruptions, and I wish they would get rid of her. Better yet, I wish KNBR would just dump the updates all together. Do Gary and Larry really need to take a break from discussing yesterday's 49er loss to have Kate tell us the 49ers lost?

    1. As a daily listener of KNBR, I think this is essentially true and the same was with Dan Dibley. Radnich has lots of faults, but he tries to be inclusive with the on-air staff. I had a little engagement with Scott on Twitter and she got very defensive very quickly. I truly believe she has potential, but on the other hand if KNBR hasn't let her spread her wings, they must see some deficiencies in her. They are usually pretty good at promoting talent from inside, even if it's grooming people at 1050.

    2. Get a life. White noise sounds better than listening to Rude Rudy and Fatto.

  9. 2 bitches having a bitchvest!

  10. You can always tell whose side Rich is on by the photos he chooses for his post.

    1. Well he DID choose a terrible picture of Kate.

  11. She may have just had the afternoon off - She does do the 5 am show too.

  12. Krueger should be doing the show by himself. He's the only one who really knows what the heck is going on. Radnich hasn't showed up for a game in years, unless he's having to do a live shot. The guy has been mailing it in for years. Yes, the 'snapper-patter' and the clever lines sometimes work, and Raddy knows his history, but he doesn't have nearly as much of a grasp of what's going on compared to Larry. Plus I really don't think he cares much about sports anymore.

    Kate? She tries, but she reminds me of the guy who went to broadcasting school back in the day, and tried to sound just like what a radio announcer is supposed to sound like. The only problem is, they've also got her doing traffic. The updates on KNBR are a waste's quick headlines, what the Giants or Warriors or 49ers are doing and then back to the show. They should just shelve the updates altogether if they're going to go this route. Kate is trying hard, but they're paying her peanuts and making her do equally useless traffic reports that are outdated and bare bones. That show is not much better than the morning frat boys yack fest...but at least in the morning they have interesting guests most of the time.

    1. I agree on all counts. Krueger is better than Radnich, but that's like saying a turtle is faster than a rock. Scott sounds contrived in her delivery. And she's asked or does chime in with some analysis it's very hit or miss or very obvious. I listen to sports talk to get some kind of sports insight. I know some people dislike Tolbert, but when he seriously talks hoops and football, he's much more knowledgeable than any other host on that station.

  13. I want to bang Scott!
