Monday, July 20, 2015

Gary Radnich Just Said Something Truly Fucked Up On KNBR

 Gary Radnich just asked African-Americans to call his KNBR show to let him know if there were any other golfers of color coming up in the ranks. As if only they would know and focus on those types of players.

It is utterly, FUCKING amazing that this putz is still on the radio.

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  1. Well, he has a point. As much as California Democrats like to believe that all races sit around and sing kum-bi-ya together the unfortunate truth is the majority.of races tend to stick together.

    1. So a white person who follows golf obviously overlooks other races when viewing other up and comers, at least according to your sharp logic.

      Hey Blacks, you gotta anyone else besides Obama?

    2. I heard him say it. He was talking about the "tiger effect" and whether Spieth could attract a new audience. Then he said something like "well someone else would know better than me. Maybe there's an African American who can call the show and let us know if there are any up and coming golfers." Then Larry changed it up.

      Such a bad show.

      Where's Kate when you actually need her?!?!

    3. Are non-african americans excluded from answering the question?

    4. True. I never see young black kids posting up or making shots and yelling, "David Lee". It's always "LeBron!" or some other black superstar. Emulation.

    5. 12:34 I don't see you lining up to get Andrew Mccutchens autograph but I'm sure I'd see you in the Buster Posey or Lincecum line. Nice try tho.

    6. @12:34
      Well-said. But likely to be lost on 12:20 and even Gary, for that matter.

    7. Obviously you know nothing about basketball, 1:10. David Lee's a solid player, but not even white kids yell his name. They do, however, call out Steph's and sport his jersey.

    8. Growing up in Double Rock in the mid 70's most of the black kids I ran with emulated Rick Barry and Dr J.

    9. Gary is a fat tard that doesn't know how to park.

    10. All the white guys (12:34, 1:18) chiming in to knock 12:20 should scroll down and read Anthony's post at 2:42. Thanks for participating. Game, set, match.

    11. @3:41
      Anthony seems nice enough but if you think he's handily beaten the opposition, then perhaps you need to learn a lot more about tennis.

    12. @3:57

      Anthony's backhand is strong.

    13. @6:17
      Says the person who still isn't quite quick enough.

  2. It's an obvious place to start.

    Is everything about race nowdays?

    Should he ask Chinese people that question first?

    Lighten up people.

  3. Are you becoming the new Stan?

  4. Raddy doesn't look well eating the cone

  5. That is one creepy looking sumbitch

  6. Wasn't it Gary who married an "Intern" ????

  7. "Gary Radnich just asked African-Americans to call his KNBR show to let him know if there were any other golfers of color coming up in the ranks."

    This is, after all, the same guy who knows less about sports than Darya.

  8. I'm not really buying RL's pretend indignation. I'm not bothered by the statement.

  9. I don't see anything (messed) up with that question Rich. I'm a black guy who looks for someone "who looks like, has same background as I" to follow. That doesn't mean I don't appreciate the game as a whole. I used to follow K.J. Choi, right now, "Lefty", Rickie Fowler, and James Hahn are my faves. Tiger may have given many (blacks) a "reason" to start looking at golf differently, but the game transcends him- especially now. I attended my first tournament last week- the VERY, VERY casual American Century and I was intrigued- not by the celebrities (and black athletes there) but by the game itself. Seeing non - celebrity amateurs ( non-black) playing the holes and really giving me the itch to go out and learn more to go play myself. So I think his question was fine. BTW you have Cheyenne Woods on the LPGA and there's a couple brothas pining along the amateur circuit trying to earn they're card. Not many tho.



      But I guess this also means there's no white guy out there who has this information as well. Tom Rinaldi only knows the whites.

    2. I don't listen to "9-Noon" anymore and yes a white guy would have known that and MORE... Any golf fan could have answered that question

    3. On the line from Richmond is Ba-Ba-Booey.

  10. Conversation with guy in my office:

    Me: Gary Radnich asked black people to call the show to tell him about what up and coming black golfers were out there.

    Him: Who?

    Me; The old guy from KNBR who has the TV show too. Gary and Larry.

    Him: Oh yeah. What'd he say?

    Told him again.

    Him: What a fucking idiot. (Pauses) Wait, isn't he married to a black woman?

    Me: I don't know. I'll look it up. -- He is. How'd you know that?

    Him: I think I saw him doing some New Years Eve show on TV with my wife and I remember it stuck out that his wife was black.

    Me; Interesting. Well I doubt he's a racist then.

    Him: Marrying a person of color doesn't exonerate you from being a racist, or a bigot. And it also doesn't exonerate you from being a fucking moron, which he seems to be.

    I'd also like to add my friend is black, and his kid wears an Andrew Luck jersey, both Stanford and Colts.

    1. Nicely written, 2:43. Excellent.

    2. You listen to sports radio in your office.

      What kind of work do you do?

    3. I listen to sports radio in my office all day. Is that strange? I'm in sales and marketing for a beverage company. Not sure the poster said he did or I'm assuming his Co worker would have heard it too.

    4. When you fake a script, you don't want to fake being naive.

  11. Putz, douche, dimwit, worries!

    He's Black and He's Proud!

  12. If Gary thinks black people need to call the show to report about black people then he's a complete moron.

    Oddly, he wouldn't only say this about golf, and certainly not basketball, right?

    Moron, and morons defending it.

  13. I'm black, am I supposed to be offended by this? Or is this another instance of fake media outrage?

    1. Take it easy Rod, stick to your own show.

    2. Rod is hardly black.

  14. What Gary forgets it's about economics and not race. Golf is expensive. Tennis is expensive and we have the most dominant athlete of her generation - Serena Williams, and her sister, achieving at country club sports. Where there's access, there's opportunity and interest. Any kid, white or black, can buy a cheap basketball for $15 and go down to a schoolyard or a park. That's why basketball is popular.

  15. Bill Cosby handed me a chocolate milk once that tasted kind of funny.

  16. This is for...Anonymous July 20, 2015 at 12:34 PM who asked,
    "Hey Blacks, you gotta anyone else besides Obama?"

    I know that you asked this with tongue in cheek but let me ask you something. Since Obama's mother was white (not to mention that he was raised by his maternal grandparents ). Yet you say he is "black" and not "mixed race", then I assume you must be using the "one-drop rule". Also referred to as the "one black ancestor rule" and the "traceable amount rule", meaning that a single drop of black blood makes a person black. It's long been the nation's answer to the question, "Who's black?" Which means your original question could be directed to Radnich's own kids.

    1. No one gets your point

    2. Tiger Wong (whoops, Woods) gets your point.
