Sunday, June 14, 2015

CNN Anchor Refers to Dallas Gunman’s Actions as ‘Courageous and Brave’

CNN Anchor, Fredricka Whitfield, refers to Dallas Gunman’s Actions as ‘Courageous and Brave’   --I think she screwed up.

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  1. From a reasonable person's perspective, she more than screwed up.

    From the media's perspective, she's continuing the "narrative", where police are evil oppressors who must be violently rebelled against. No, of course they never flat out say THAT, but the tone and trend of the "reporting" the last few years is clear presenting that message.

    To Hell with this person and her entire cohort.

  2. I have a soft spot for this beautiful lady Fredricka so I'll stand up for her. What the moron white terrorist did was as she described. Rather than make a big deal of her choice of words how about the media already trying to rationalize the white terrorist's act by blaming mental illness? Once again whitey is excused for an act of terrorism. I just thank God the perp wasn't a person of color or God forbid a Muslim.

    1. So, it was "whitey" that did it? Can we call the Beltway Sniper of a decade or so ago "blackey" or "Niggy"?

    2. Whitey's dad is all over tv excusing Whitey's behavior because he was stressed out. Per usual Whitey is given a pass when they engage in deviant behavior because of "stress" and "mental illness". Boohooooo

    3. @11:31
      Why just did.

    4. 10:43, don't you ever get tired of all the "whitey", "redneck", "pinkey" comments from the anti-society set? Why not speak up? Why is it OK for one (actually several) cohort(s) to use derogatory comments about other ethnicities, but if white folks do it, it's "evil"?

  3. Reminds me of Bill Maher's take on the 9/11 terrorists:

    He got fired, then he got a better gig. (insert throw up arms emoji)

  4. Spot On, hell with Fred Shitfield & filth like her. She had NO business whatsoever being on TV. As Arthur Godfrey once said, "Oral Diahrrea say what?"

  5. Still no retraction or apology...And that speaks volumes for her point-of-view, as well as CNN's anti-police stance.

  6. That's a tried and true Democrat right there ladies and gentlemen

  7. Fredricka Whitfield just apologized for her crazy comment but gave no explanation for it.

  8. Or,maybe the police should look inside at how this country is sick and tired of murder by cop. Its not that she's wrong,or even right as it is the total picture. What she said would never have been said five years ago. Or,she wouldn't have said it yesterday. The cause is the problem,not angry words in retaliation.
    Related? I once wrote that even the real cop killed by the bart cop in Dublin was not blamed by the family of loyal police relatives. "We know it was just an accident" they said at the time. I quote. I posted "whoops!".
    So after a year? THEY ARE SUING!..
    No different then blacks. They might have hired John Burris for all we know..

    1. Stan. Get back on your medication.

  9. Cops give shit to people who give it to them first. That's their job.

  10. Dim Bulb But hey it is CNN!

  11. Still waiting for Fox's apology for blaming the incident on Obama, violent video games and rap music.

    1. Why should they? Have you listened to rap "music"? The words? Yes, rap DOES contribute to anti-social behavior, and likely violence. Same with violent video games. They DO promote the development of sociopathic tendencies of folks of ALL colors.

  12. Just like her puppetmaster, Fredrika 'acted stupidly'.

  13. "Its not that she's wrong,or even right as it is the total picture. What she said would never have been said five years ago. Or,she wouldn't have said it yesterday."

    Haze from the Church of Timothy Leary, perhaps?

  14. lol,does anyone really watch CNN anymore? Not according to the ratings!!

    1. True.
      The majority of people who watch television to spoon feed them the news watch Fox.

  15. One good thing is nobody heard it.

    1. That's why it's been funny to read right wing hacks on social media trying to make an issue out of this. They're more outraged by Fred's "misspoken" moment rather than the 2nd amendment white guy who tried to mow down some cops using an armored vehicle.

    2. Murderous white guys don't stay in the news cycle for very long. The white guy who flew a small plane into the IRS offices in Austin and killed one person? Most people didn't even know it happened. The white supremacists who killed two Las Vegas cops? Forgotten. The white survivalist who shot two Penn state troopers killing one? Forgotten after arrest. Waco biker gang shootout? History. But a crazy black guy kills a NYPD cop and it's all about what a terrible president Obama is, for days.
