Fortunately, the popular San Francisco-based syndicated talker didn't get the memo.
Savage is Jewish --passionately so but is independent to the core and doesn't mind saying so. Even reckless at times--my opinion.
Don't believe me? Read this then. That doesn't preclude him, however, from flipping the switch and calling out what he refers to as "Jew-hating selves" --particularly those on the left who feel compelled to criticize Israel and its policies, no matter what; even in an era of blatant anti-Semitism that permeates the globe.
It was evident in Paris and beyond. It has tentacles elsewhere too. It has reached both the local and national media. Even those voices here that have tried hard to remain objective and not succumb to apologizing for Israel's action largess, (even when it had no choice) have been exposed by Savage's calling-out. Not everyone is convinced--they never are.
When Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu made his historic speech last week to Congress to talk about Iran's nuclear bomb ambitions, the independent Savage praised the address and chided President Obama for his remarks later. It was a far cry from the usual suspects--most of them Jewish commentators-- who have consistently ripped Israel no matter what--which would be perfectly acceptable but draws suspicion when they are so gung-ho predictable and they are.
Thankfully, Savage is anything but.
And I commend him for that even if others won't.
*Follow me on Twitter
So, are you and he saying that the tens of thousands of Israelis protesting Netanyahu in the streets of Tel Aviv yesterday are "self-hating Jews"?
ReplyDeleteWell, Christine--you see, Israel is a democracy --the only democracy in the Middle East where even known anti-"Zionists" and Anti-Semites like you can voice their opinions --good and bad about the government.
DeleteThey have elections, Christine--they don't have to fear leaders who behead political dissidents; they don't imprison gays and kill women who wear western dress and organize --yeah, Christine, not everyone in Israel is enthralled with PM Netanyahu --a far cry from your depiction of the "Zionists" here.
Thanks Christine for confirming what we all know now: you're the female Pat Buchannan. Only less transparent.
As Kyle would say, wow.
DeletePresenting all critics of Israel as anti- Semites is wrong and counter productive, it damages the fight against anti-Semitism.
DeleteWhy do folks who want to attack Iran ignore the fact that the Mossad directly contradicted Netan-YAHOO and said he lied about how close Iran is to building a bomb? I have yet to hear any of the war mongers address this inconvenient FACT...go ahead Rich and censor away...
ReplyDeleteSounds like Israel "right or wrong" really right. lol. Well, I get it. At least your not crazy Michelle Malkin who says the near ethnic cleansing on Filipinos by the Japanese " was good for the Philippines" or some nonsense.
ReplyDeleteShe's Filipina. That's hard core right wing- ha..oh,man.
I digress but the problem is world wide and cultural wide.
I'm Damn proud of Michael Savage and was happy to hear his stance!! He's right.
ReplyDeleteSavage can fall prey to the manipulators of war propaganda like anyone else, and he certainly has in regards to Bibi recently.
ReplyDeleteBTW, Netanyahu has literally been saying that Iran is months away from a nuclear bomb FOR 30 YEARS now. This jig is up war mongering liar.
Also, there's buzz American and Isreali's are being captured in Libya and elsewhere leading ISIS troops into battle. The US chosen leader against Ghaddafi being one example which pretty much outs John McCain as a traitor.
Anyway, the rest of the world is in on the (not-so) secret; the west has been funding and supplying ISIS this whole time.
He's been saying that for 25 yrs years because Iran has been trying to get the "Bomb" for that long.
DeleteNot very bright are you?
DeleteSaying for decades a country is "months" away from a nuke is fear mongering of the highest order. Pakistan and Turkey don't much like Israel all that much either, both have Nukes, neither would ever use them on Israel because they understand the repercussions.
Anyway, this is all Kabuki theater so the NEO-Cons can have their way eventually in the middle east. Obama is just playing along.
Thank you MIchael Savage. Thank you, Rich, for sharing this.
ReplyDeleteThis is the thing no one talks about Israel has nuclear weapons and nothing is ever said about it. In fact, no one even knows how many they have.
ReplyDeleteWill Iran lob a couple bombs over on Israel and risk getting Iran blown off the map and glowing for thousands of years probably not.
Actually the US funded and armed Al Qaeda to fight the Russians in Afghanistan. ISIS fractured out of Al Qaeda.
Here we go again with the "anti-Semite" nonsense...let me ask the question - if you're a Jew in Israel and you dislike Netanyahu, are you also "anti-Semite"?? Or does it only apply to non-Jews living outside of Israel?
ReplyDeleteThe point is, there are plenty of Israeli Jews who dislike Netanyahu...
There's a lot of well earned hatred for both Israel and the US, none of which has to do with God.
DeleteI really miss living in the US, it left and I stayed behind.
Just before Savage's program today, at 12: 06 p.m., KSFO promo advertised Melanie Morgan with Brian Sussman (to be?) on at 5:00 a.m. every morning. Is this a mistake or the "third coming"?
ReplyDeleteunfortunately for KSFO it is a mistake. BUT Melanie can be heard at 5am on KSRO 1350...a morning news show without the antics of Shmutzman and what's her name.
DeleteListened to Savage for years and he defends Israel but he NEVER identifies himself as a Jew... Draw your own conclusions.
ReplyDeletei've listened to Savage since his first overnight fill in for Ray. at first while he was building his career he seemed to avoid identifying himself as being Jewish. perhaps he thought that might be the 3rd rail with some overly 'conservative' listeners... as he grew in stature he became more and more open until today when-if you listen-he is clear about his Jewish roots being a fundamental part of his personal identity.
DeleteThis guy's act has gotten old and tired. He's a mean-spirited and dysfunctional person who isn't happy with anything except when people pat him on the back. Why anyone pays attention to him mystifies me. He gives broadcasting and broadcasters a bad name, but unfortunately, the idiots who run out business continue to hire these kind of people. No wonder our country is so cynical! I heard his show for about five minutes one time, and that was enough to make me realize that it was a waste of air time.
ReplyDeleteSo you like Savage, the man who can't stop hyping his books and raving about himself, the man with a brilliant mind who can twist and turn it against logic to suit his own hates? Years ago, I was riveted to his first days with KGO. No longer can I tolerate this bore. How I Miss Pete Wilson and Gene Burns. How I miss the KGO that was.