Now we learn there's considerable tension between PIX and their CBS-owned radio relatives upstairs at 855 Battery--an uber-catfight supreme between the likes of Jan Wahl, Susan Leigh Taylor and other radio vets. The gals are aghast at the "royal treatment" by management toward some--but not others.
De La Cruz is at the center of the heat--PIX staffers are steamed that the "beauty anchor" and "hair goddess" (as she's been called) gets "star" treatment while less other glamorous women staffers are ignored.
"She's always touching her hair!--She never stops!", offered one disgruntled PIX source. "And she's always tweeting and going to her Facebook page--It's disgusting!"
Leigh Taylor in radio is supposedly irritated at movie critic Wahl's VIP status from management. Wahl does her movie reviews on Friday and barely pays attention to Taylor. All the while, Stan Bunger just gazes ahead-- It's a hodgepodge of "Girls Rule"--at Wahl's direction. Wahl has extreme power at KCBS and nobody seems to know why. Talk about mystery, this one could rival a Nancy Drew classic.
Meanwhile radio is also pissed at TV. Seems the TV divas and their dollar superiority has all of the radio folks quite unimpressed and disinterested --enough to the point of one staffer's suggestion: "Let's just kick their ass!" We assume this was a joke, but it isn't.
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855 Battery |
So what you are telling some of us non TV/Radio News folks, that the newsrooms are just like Jr High School.
ReplyDeleteDoes this mean Liz Cook and Veronica have to eat their lunch all by themselves?
Some of the news presentations are like junior high school, especially some of the chit-chat.
DeleteYawn!!! This isn't interesting and rather "Sophomoric" and in the end, "Nobody cares"
ReplyDeleteOn the TV side, some of the (weekday evening) on-air segues do look a little tense and awkward at times.
ReplyDeleteIf De La Cruz is always on Twitter and Facebook then she's just doing her job. Everyone in media is expected to be posting on social media constantly.
ReplyDeleteAs a consumer of media, I actually am not interested in the anchors or anyone else twitting or otherwise...
DeleteThe word you may be looking for is that of someone who uses Twitter: A "twit".
DeleteEff them all. Let them get out in the Real World for a few years then they'd appreciate what they have. SMH.
ReplyDeleteShe should have at least one ally at 855 Battery in Maria Medina,another Pinay, coming over from the sister station in Sacramento,KOVR who does as much primping as Veronica.And who can forget Terilyn Joe at KGO in the 80's,the Queen of Vain who took her vanity more seriously than her journalistic abilities(laugh).
ReplyDeleteThe infamous Terilyn Joe! What a character!!!!! Tomatoes, anyone?!
DeleteI can already see..its cultural. The Facebook and Tweet? cultural. They might as well complain she puts ketchup on Spaghetti or loves to sing. Nothing offensive..touching her hair?
ReplyDeleteDiva? uhuh. Kate Kelley didn't marry a day laborer because he had a kind heart. She went with the usual wealthy Real Estate developer. They all do.
No wonder the local media need me.
Ketchup on spaghetti IS wrong, Stanley... ;-)
Delete(and my wife is Filipina; while she is not a FBer or Twit, many/most of her friends are indeed hooked on posting non-stop. It's not a good or pretty thing...)
Is it true that once you marry a Filipina girl you eventually end up having her entire family immigrating from the island to move into your home? And that once citizenship is established the woman generally ends up leaving you? Not sure if I want to go the mail order Filipina or mail order Vietnamese route at this point.
DeleteTo be honest, 12:13, there is a lot of truth to the concerns/"stereotypes" you present. Fortunately my wife is a person who does not rely on others, is honest, and has learned that her family and countrymen seem to constantly ask for handouts with no thought of returning anything, either money or gratitude. She was here when I met her, and has raised herself up from dirt poverty by way of her hard work and intelligence.
DeleteThat being said about her, I can't help but (sadly) agree that so many Filipinos/Filipinas do base their lives on getting petitioned over here, or petitioning their family over here. Or have their conversations center around money. It's not just sad, it's off-putting to say the least.
Having dated a Vietnamese woman before, and having a close Vietnamese friend from long ago that I stay in touch with, I have to say I appreciate that culture more, which takes nothing away from my deep love for my wife as the person she is.
I should have worded it differently. It wasn't a knock on your wife or relationship just a general observation I hear so much about and have always wondered about. Thanks for the input!
DeleteNo worries, you worded it fine. I just wanted to differentiate my unique wife from the vast majority of folks I have found to have fit the description in your post at 12:13.
DeleteI don't get it. Veronica De la Burrito is NOT good looking. Buttaface to say the least.
ReplyDelete"Genius" at 11:26 am, DeLaVega is not Mexican-American, so the "witty" wordplay of DeLaBurrito doesn't quite work, does it. She is Filipina, and yes, Filipinos have Spanish surnames, so it can get confusing. You are probably looking for an ethnic slur with a bit more specific cuisine wordplay like say, 'DeLaPonset", or say, "DeLaLumpia". You actually sound quite cultured, and I am sure a world traveler, so you probably just got a little confused. Chalk it up to jet lag.
DeleteKPIX has a weak female lineup on their evening shows. Ever since Dana King left they have not hired seasoned and intelligent anchors. Please go back to what this market needs and likes.
ReplyDeleteJournalists and people who have their head in the game and not in their phone !
Notarangelo and Goodrich are veterans in the business, and they do well in the field and at the anchor desk. Perhaps some feel they are on the wrong side of 40, though.
DeleteWhat a crock. Veronica De La Cruz is the only reason to watch KPIX news. The rest put you to sleep. Big Hair?? Look over to KGO if you want to see big hair. Who cares what the woman haters in San Francisco think??
ReplyDeleteI dunno Rich...the person who's feeding you that "dirt" on De La Cruz is feeding you some pretty weak sauce. She's a Diva because she tusses her hair and works Social Media? Name me a female anchor who doesn't tuss their hair. And I know a whole bunch of anchors on Twitter and Facebook who are constantly posting to both. I interact with them on a regular basis. It's a communication method with a core constituency networks and stations are trying hard to stay relevant to.
ReplyDeleteSounds to me like your spy is just a jealous so and so because if that's their strongest argument that she's a diva, that ain't much of an argument at all.
Yes this sounds like petty jealously. She was brought in from out of town and other then the nightbeat train wreck VLDC has it. she's suppose to be the face of the station or it is Daddy's girl Liz who can barely read her prompter?
DeleteAs far as the social media, the station all demand that their personalities all do this. Connect with the younger viewer. this is a part of the job now.
The whole thing is a bunch of crap. Paul Deanno and Ken Bastida look at VDLC. I just do not see what this "source" claims to see. I agree it is most likely jealousy. I only watch because of VDLC. She is only anchor with any energy. As for Alan Hart not liking Liz Cook: SO WHAT?? They are both boring. Rather look at Liz. This is so San Francisco-Bitch Bitch and more Bitching.Get a life.
ReplyDeleteAlan Hart, Richard Hart, Alan Martin...what's in a name?!
DeleteJan Wahl has a voice that makes me want to rip my ears off, same with Narsai David.
ReplyDeleteI know of one former staffer who went on vacation in December. Then refused to go back because "the content and shows were appalling".
ReplyDeleteIf you're a woman with long hair and cameras are doing close-ups, you would be "primping" regularly. Guys don't understand that as their hairstyles aren't like a lot of women's. You're putting news anchors on a par with celebrity gossip by diva labeling. You can only read so much of diva headlines (or hairlines?). Let's move on to more serious topics...
ReplyDeleteYes, I'm sure all the radio people are ready to kick the asses of the TV people if they come onto our turf and our floor. We are more mature than you spin us to be.