Liu was in the midst of finishing up details when she was confronted and beaten up repeatedly --while shaken and unnerved, Liu is OK and recovering, according to a Channel 2 source who indicated her injury was not serious.
There have been no arrests as of this writing.
*Follow me on Twitter
Beaten up repeatedly? That must hurt.
ReplyDeleteIt's almost hard to believe how bad things have gotten in that area. Almost.
The swap meet scene seemed very volatile. Apparently a trigger happy security guard shot a man working on his car. I hope Ms. Cara Liu recovers fully.
ReplyDeleteRich, any word on who the new guy is on KSFO? The one who replaced Sven Silva? You might be shocked but the new guy is criticizing Obama for the rise of ISIS and every other ill in the world. I know! Shocking and very original.....
Shocking the world isn't as great as you're led to believe under your Democratic rulers isn't it? Blind sheep.
DeleteThe world was actually less volatile before your ruler dubbya created such a mess in the middle east. This all belongs to the right wing....thank you right wingers!
DeleteClinton for 8 years and as soon as dubya gets in office..9/11. Thanks liberals.
DeleteIt's getting worse. We're told it's getting better but I don't see it.
ReplyDeleteThe Democratic liberal media tells us it's getting better.....
DeleteThey reap what they sew.
Watch what happens when Reid loses his Senate majority in November. I'm thinking we're going to see Fergusons everywhere. If you haven't taken steps to secure your property and protect your family, you should do it now. What do you think the reaction will be when the Republican leadership sits Obama down and tells him to snap to or be impeached? Our wannabe golf pro picks up the phone, calls the people who command his storm troopers and tells them to cut loose stealing everything in sight...
Delete...and then they'll impeach him.
And then, we'll be up our necks in rabbits.
And THEN, we'll just shoot 'em. Problem solved.
Shoot 'em now. Problem solved.
Delete"The Democratic liberal media tells us it's getting better.....They reap what they sew."
DeleteHilarious. You stupidly propagate the liberal media myth while botching a widely known idiom. The Democrats aren't making quilts, imbecile.
Hope she is okay! Sad to hear!
ReplyDelete...and now we hear a KRON 4 reporter was robbed in Potrero, what the heck is going on?
Liberal Democratic voters that most likely se habla espanol.
DeleteThat is fucking horrible. I hope they find the animals that did this and execute them on the spot. Probably sympathizers with the murderer involved in the story Ms. Liu was covering.
and ban rap while we're at it...
I hope Ms. Liu is OK and recovers quickly. I've enjoyed her work on KTVU.
And today at 5:00am a KRON reporter was held at gun point in SF and robbed of his laptop and wallet. Tough to be a reporter now a days.
ReplyDeleteThat is just horrible. Best wishes for a speedy recovery to Ms. Liu.
ReplyDeleteIf I worked down there, I would pack. Legal or not...and I'll just bet we're going to see more people doing precisely that.
ReplyDeletePlease feel free to join those who decide to leave. Please! In fact, why don't you start a caravan from Danville to Texas?
DeleteHey 12:36 - I don't think by "pack", he meant "leave". I think he meant "carry a weapon". Just sayin'
DeleteAt least he has the balls to post under the same screename unlike yourself. Always ripping him anonymously, pussy.
Delete12:36 is the typical lib...head up his ass.
DeleteYes. Right wingers think the only way to solve problems is to lower taxes, carry guns and go to war. Thanks 1:36
DeleteI find it really amusing when people call others out for posting anonymously when they themselves are posting anonymously. And calling people "pussies" on top of it. Also, it is not like rootvg is a known quantity. This message brought to you anonymously.
DeleteOne thing is for certain... there are nuts on the left and right. reports another incident: (09-02) 13:37 PDT SAN FRANCISCO -- A KRON-TV reporter was robbed of equipment and personal property early Tuesday in San Francisco's Potrero Hill neighborhood, police said.
ReplyDeleteJackie Sissel was sitting in his news van on the Interstate 280 overpass near 18th and Pennsylvania Avenue about 5 a.m., preparing a report on recent work that was completed on the freeway
Rich usually defends the fine folks of Oakland.
ReplyDeleteThe "Ferguson" crowds strike again.
ReplyDeleteDoes KTVU still have any union representation? Surprised not to be hearing about urgent meetings to address the security problems-- on an area-wide basis.
ReplyDeleteI am glad that she is OK. I hope that someone was able to get a picture of the woman who assaulted Ms. Liu.
ReplyDeleteReporters should travel with an armed security person at all times.
ReplyDeleteI get a kick out of the ripostes that the left and right wingers to this blog love to take at each other. They sound like a bunch of angry grade schoolers who had their toys taken away in class by the teacher. Americans have no one but themselves to blame for our current mess. We elected these idiots, and then we complain when they don't do our bidding. If our electorate were more active and took more of an interest in what was going on in their own country, people like Rick Perry and Scott Walker and Ted Cruz and Paul Ryan and Sarah Palin never would have been elected in the first place. One thing I really get a kick out of though: the right wing has f....d up this country big time (deregulation, adventurism in the middle east, trying to turn the clock back on a woman's right to choose and endeavoring to gut hard fought environmental regulations, among a myriad of other things), and then they have the unmitigated gall to suggest that the problems of America sit at the feet of the liberals? Get a clue!
ReplyDeleteObama's biggest problem was that during his first term in office, he tried to meet these weasels half-way, like any responsible executive is supposed to try and do. But all they want to do is block ANYTHING that he proposes. They don't care about anything except stopping him. That's irresponsible governance at the highest level. Our political system has been and always should be about compromise and barter and bargaining, not drawling 'lines in the sand,' like these right wing ideologues do.
And the sad thing is, we have a whole generation of Americans who have now grown up listening to the bleating of right wing talk show hosts such as Rush and Hannity, who tiredly trot out the same talking points each day, drumming them into the numbskull listeners who have got any clue as to what's really going on.
Tell me how you're feeling when Arabic becomes the official language.
Delete9:47 AM you are exactly correct. This nonsense also went on in the 1930's with FDR and the late 1940's with Truman. The Republicans tried to block
Deleteeverything but they still got more done than this congress.