Says one veteran station source: "There's been a lot of tension between her and others, especially camera people--she's real tough--it's an ongoing issue."
My spies tell me the issues with Watts and Channel 5 is that she simply doesn't get along with what she considers underlings. "She treats us like shit, offered a source.
"It's reached a point where she's impossible to deal with and they, (presumably management), won't touch her. It's bad."
Attempts to reach Watts were unsuccessful.
Wonder if this issue will be TRENDING at 855 Battery Wednesday night.
*Follow me on Twitter
*Rich Lieberman and 415 Media are not responsible for comments made by others on this website.
"It's reached a point where she's impossible to deal with and they, (presumably management), won't touch her. It's bad."
Attempts to reach Watts were unsuccessful.
Wonder if this issue will be TRENDING at 855 Battery Wednesday night.
*Follow me on Twitter
*Rich Lieberman and 415 Media are not responsible for comments made by others on this website.
If that comment about her is true, your blogsite here is performing a great service, Rich. This site, telling the unfettered, unvarnished truth, allows insiders to understand how their actions on inactions are being perceived by others.
ReplyDelete"This site, telling the unfettered, unvarnished truth, "
DeleteTRUTH? Since when does unsubstantiated gossip from an anonymous source constitute truth?
I use to work at KPIX. It sounds like you talked to one pissed off photographer. When I was there she seemed to go out of her way to be kind to PA's like me and other "underlings."
DeleteGo out of her way? That's funny, when I've seen her chew people out over superficial crap. And let's not forget why she went from weather, to anchor, back down to consumer watch. You don't get relegated down like that for no reason.
DeleteThe weekend anchor job at KPIX is freelance. The consumer job is staff.
DeleteWeekend freelance? Better tell Ann Notrangelo that. I think she'd disagree, since she's staff.
DeleteShe is a hostile work environment lawsuit waiting to happen. They better nip this in the bud soon... Ps Julie you're horrible at your job what's the attitude about?
ReplyDelete"Horrible" is putting it mildly. I work with her & she knows about as much as a zip shit & a fuck you charlie.
DeleteOh God I've worked with dozens of difficult people like her for 15 years. Not that they don't get on my nerves, and I love to watch it when they eventually fall (and they all do, except Darya, because she's banging the news director) but a hostile work environment lawsuit??? ALL TV newsrooms in the Bay Area are hostile, and the bigshots shit all over the people who do all the real work. Narcissists and megalomaniacs are attracted to this profession and if a lawsuit were fired every time one of them reared their coiffed heads lawyers would have no time for their Caribbean vacations. At the same time, Julie WHO??? Walk down the street and ask 1,000 random people who she is and I'll bet money not ONE will know. There was Robin Williams, a truly famous man who never stopped giving to all kinds of people, and there are brats like this "reporter," a two-bit talking head who's a big zero in the cosmos.
DeleteI think I just threw up in my mouth a bit!
DeleteRight on, 11:52!
DeleteI worked with Julie. She's a very ambitious person, but also very nice.
ReplyDeleteI'm not surprised at all that she's ambitious. I always thought there was something a little screwy about how she became the consumer reporter. I recall reading various reports that PIX was eliminating the position when they let Sue Kwon go. A couple of weeks later, Julie Watts had the job. It seemed legally actionable to me, and I've always wondered why Ms. Kwon didn't pursue that. It seemed like a ham-handed attempt on the part of KPIX to lose the Asian in favor of the white blonde girl.
DeleteI knew Sue Kwon. I don't say this about many people in the industry but she was very smart, very capable. If I ran a station I'd hire her in a minute, but as most of Rich's readers show, it's all about the hooters these days. Then these same people bitch and moan that TV news isn't the way it was back in the days of the greats like Richmond, Wilson, McElhatton, etc. Yet they don't see the connection as they go back to oogling the new blonde reporter's tits.
DeleteMaybe she wants things done right and for people under her to do their damn job instead of complaining all the time. As always, there is more than one side to this story.
ReplyDeleteReally Julie? You suck and you know it that's why you're such a B. How long did you think you could get away with this? You're a NOBODY who has such little self respect you have to s on your coworkers that know much more than you do. Go home and stay there.
Delete"Be nice to people on your way up because you'll meet them on your way down."
ReplyDeleteWilson Mizner
I used to work with Julie. At KCRA Channel 3 in Sacramento, she was a really demanded person at the weather department then. That's one of the reason, that her contract was not renew.
ReplyDeleteI've never gotten Julie - she comes off as snotty and ineffectual (she never solves a case, just tells us to be careful). And her signature 'mm hmm' must drive the anchors bananas. It certainly does me.
ReplyDeleteLooks like a nice rack though
ReplyDeleteI would like a consumer report on her nice knockers!
ReplyDeleteSo you accept all the comments on her rack and hooters and don't accept where I said it looks like someone needs to get laid on a post yesterday? Don't judge comedy competitions anymore, Rich.
ReplyDeleteShe's fucking hot though. Great legs and nice rack.
ReplyDeleteBut she looks so sweet in that picture!
ReplyDeleteTalk about a picture telling a thousand words. I think you could have just posted that shot of her and not written a single word and we would have figured it out.
ReplyDeleteTo her credit, I think she comes across as being bright and versatile. But probably a little ruthless at times, too.
ReplyDeleteJulie's a class act. This post and negative line of comments are a crock.
ReplyDeleteThe definition of a "class act" is someone that doesn't belittle everyone working around her. Definitely NOT a class act. Obviously by all the comments, despite the low rent crude ones, there is a major issue here. Rich is the only one with the guts to call her out. Bravo!
DeleteJulie Watts has been fired from every station she has worked at- Sacramento AND Fresno. She has enemies at all the stations. She is, however, very good about becoming cozy with the anchors. Her on-air delivery is so fake. Can't stand her.
ReplyDeleteReally? Julie is a hard worker and demands excellence from those around her. She cares very much for the viewers and the content that goes on the air. I think this posting is irresponsible garbage. But then again... it is what we have come to expect from the Perez Hilton of the Bay Area, Rich Lieberman
ReplyDeleteHer appearance should be so excellent. Fat and fashion challenged doesn't reflect much care for the viewer, her profession, or herself. Perhaps she should work in radio.
DeleteReally Julie? Nobody in the station wants to work with you or respects you but stay classy and keep s***ing on your coworkers. Let me know how that works out for you. Smoke fire...
ReplyDeleteSomebody needs to get a life.........
ReplyDeleteJulie is a good news reader and that is the only good thing about her. She has no people skills, its all about her all day, every day. And while this is to be expected from most on-air people, Julie tops them all.
ReplyDeleteJulie, you need to re-visit Robert Lyles event. Eventually even managers got enough of his bull....t.
Julie treats most people she works with like they're beneath her. She has one agenda: go national. It's unfortunate that she doesn't realize she doesn't have the talent. Her good stories take weeks to put together while other reporters can probably do the same story as a day-turn. Once, when I called her out she said I couldn't speak to her the way I did because she's the reporter. Her on air delivery is fake and she has no fashion sense. She once told me she considers herself part of the 1%. She honestly thinks that.