Goodness knows we have opinions, so why doesn't TV management ask us for ours when they're considering changes? A poll of viewers and/or focus groups would give them some insights - instead of just flying by the seat of their pants.
Good question. Fact is TV management TAKES FOR GRANTED its viewers. Too bad they didn't concentrate on honest feedback and awareness. Their polls are in-house and generic and often misguided. Keep writing and demand a response.
They feel that they do "talk to us." In the form of consultants, those oracles at Delphi who believe they know everything we want. And we keep watching, so maybe those oracles are right.
They do. Both radio and TV rely on research in this market. The only ones who don't are the stand alones. Want to know why Liz keeps her chair? I'd bet she has great Q ratings, and Q cares not for pedigree.
What is going on with the warrior color analyst job for next position? Is Jim Barnett considering coming back for another season or are Warriors mgmt. looking at potential replacements and who are they if you have that info?
Barnett is coming back next year and will do selected home games on both radio and TV. Warriors will still look for another voice but reached out to JB b/c he's still very good and has a lot of followers, including me.
Yeah, Fox wants to buy a Bay Area TV station for a whole lot of reasons, namely b/c of NFL football. First you have to have a station that's for sale, (wink).
Or,wittingly at times? . I always thought the right wing would post some facts if I was wrong. I didn't think they would skip that and just go for insults and that Rich would never get tired of posting them. Yeah,I know now,if you cant beat me,go to the character assassination thing. Jealous that people like to read my posts? do the character assassination posts. btw, I wrote a post on my blog about Radnich being the outsider on his own show? Today he repeated that when Ethel and Fred didn't agree with him. So now you know..he DOES read my blog. 37,000 others have too.
btw, Rich posts lots of those homebody type remarks about me and why I can post so often? I see on my blog stats a good chunk are people using Ipads and mobile devices. And yet,I get the same 1995 putdowns of sitting in a cave by a computer. Man,some tired jokes just wont die. I use that new fangled microwavy thing too. Liberals rule!
Watching Stan and Rich's little lover's quarrel is like watching two midgets fight. I feel equal parts entertained, sorry for them, and ashamed that I'm actually paying attention.
Stan, here's why people don't like you or your posts: You're confusing. Are you actually mentally retarded (which is no joke, I wouldn't make fun of you for that) or are you just incapable of communicating in a way that other people can make sense of?
Rich, you suck as well, but I would never mistake you for retarded. You're clearly bright, just not that great of a person much of the time.
Rich, far from being "amusing," there is something seriously wrong with your friend Stan.
His garbled comments reek of paranoia and delusional thoughts. His nonsensical allegations about political affiliations, both his own and his imagined enemies, are foolish and confused.
Since you choose to select which comments are published, I wonder why his crazy rambling gets published.
First off, he's not my "friend." I don't know a damn thing about Stan other than he likes to chime in and he says crazy things and he says funny and crazy things.
He's a degree. But he isn't hurting anyone and he's serious entertainment and I often find him funny, bizarre, and Rupert Pupkinish.
Lets be fair Rich,you acknowledge clicks go way up on any topics I post on and then say it doesn't mean cash? I hope you don't tell advertisers to ignore those spikes in viewership. I hate to brag more then I usually do..but what local writer wouldn't say all day long they reported the very first Jeremy Lin slur on ESPN? Or that they called the San Jose flap with minorities a year before (on your blog and another) Or, posted Lincecum weight loss..that the WHOLE Giant org and local media denied...and now its one Wiki in Tim's words losing too much weight hurt him. Marty Lurie didn't do that did he? Or when I wrote the Raiders needed to get Russel a life coach..months later,the Raiders got Russell a life coach. Or coincidence? Sure. SO much more..even The Bastida and Cook flap,or Spencer Christian and the local weather media being wrong . Since you read all my posts Rich- and have the headache to prove it- you know my rants have been right. I even said Dibly was tired of that right huh? Huff'd problems?..called that too. I have a great track record. Not even the sportswriter of the year can say he did as much. Now if people want that and perfect grammar and overall the bible. I cant be perfect.
What is the latest regarding Kim Coyle. She said goodbye on the air a while back, and then returned to KPIX for a brief stint. Haven't seen her at all lately.
This is a blog about local media dummy. Rather than discuss how impotent the gop is by their tolerance of barry's unlawful conduct, we should discuss the local media coverage of your disgraceful state senator Leland.
Is Dave Clark's improper sentence structure ad-libbed, or is it written for him that way on the prompter? And, if it is ad-libbed, why don't they make him stop? And if it written that way, really, are Wee Sow Dumb?
Have to ask it every six months or so, Rich: Anything new with Len Tillem? Are we going to get him back in some form (local radio or podcasting) anytime in the near future? I'm having withdrawls.
I've always wondered how Paulie Mac has not only survived 8 years but still has his name on a show "Murph & Mac" to which he contributes about 5% of the content. I think his lame soundboard (Charles Grodin - really?) actually speaks more than he does and when he finally does say something, half the time its something Murph has written for him. I could go on about his embarrassing song parodies and his child-like silence during interviews, but I should stop. I don't listen a lot, but I have always been fascinated by this on-air mooching freeloader. And judging by the tax attorney and dental spots he's done, it almost seems like KNBR just went out in the street and hired the first homeless man that walked by. OK, I'm done. Please, explain Paulie Mac's survival in the competitive world of radio. (Perhaps he works cheaper than a Raiderette?)
He's terrible. He's a terrible interviewer too hence why he disappears when the other frat boy does the interviews...he survives b/c he's not particularly offensive and he works cheap.
Rich which Bay Area TV Morning News Show do you like the Best & Why? I personally like Channel 7 with the Underestimated Eric Thomas & Kristen Zse the most and Channel 2 with the Insufferable Dave Clark the Least.
No. He lost his CC Earthquakes TV gig too. I know he has the experience to go to another market be he has young kids and wife and that becomes problematic ...other occupation --I'm sure he's looking at all his options.
Maybe he can get a job at sportsbyline where other "talents" like townsend,kolski,kreuger worked. Also how does that network stay in business or better put make money with all the sports talk networks these days.
I thought it was outstanding and very well-rounded considering it wasn't your typical sports-oriented interview--more pithy than that, and I said on Twitter, he was very spot on and solid. The mayor was overly-sensitive to his questions too--extra credit.
Unfortunately, Stan's comments and comments about Stan's frequently clutter up Rich's 415 Media.
As has been frequently mentioned, Stan has his own blog. Out of curiosity I just went to Stan's blog, anyone can follow the link, and finally realize what's going on. Stan posts his items - which are very similar to what he writes in his comments here - but NOBODY and I do mean nobody responds. NOT A SINGLE COMMENT going back months and months. Nobody pays any attention to what he writes on his own blog.
So he comes here to get a response, even if it's negative. This is the only place people pay any attention to him, even if only to tell him to go away. He's a troll looking for attention any way he can get it.
I wish he would go away. If I was interested in what he had to say, I'd go to his blog.
A little late - hope you're still taking q's :). So, did I just miss her, or was Amy G. NOT present at last night's home Giants' game? It was broadcast on the usual channel where she appears - but I didn't see any of her commentary. Maybe because it was "remember Candlestick" night??
Christine (Craft) subbed for Karel on his hour-long radio show/podcast four days this week.
It was great to hear her, but since the show doesn't go out live to many (hardly any) stations, there were virtually no phone calls. Too bac, because I really enjoy her interactions with listeners.
Still, it was wonderful to hear Christine opine about actual issues, as opposed to Karel's seeming goal lately of talking about anything but. His sycophantic interviews with C-level celebrities and loving free publicity for companies that loan/give him freebies (such as Apple products, mini-motorcyles, free tickets to stage shows, etc.) have become even more annoying as they consume more of his airtime each week.
You've now been hired to run THE GAME radio station. You have a lock-solid 2 year contract and freedom to hire and fire and make decisions with ownership backing you all the way, within reason (not a blank check as pouching talent from ESPN is probably out of the range for the station). Also, you are stuck with the same FM spot on the dial.
With your newfound powers, fill in the following station line ups:
Mornings (6am-9am) Late morning (9am-noon) Early Afternoon (noon-4pm) Afternoon commute (4pm-7pm) Evenings (7pm-10pm) Overnights (10pm-6am)
Keep in mind:
Given that the Giants are dominant in this region, how do you move the needle and get the numbers up? Do you go for impact now or slow build over two years? Management is just looking for better numbers than what they have been getting.
Do you embrace more of an All-Athletics sports talk or include more Giants to capture more of the Bay Area market?
Do you keep any of the current talent or bring back former talent or perhaps bring in any new talent?
Do you go syndication for anything or all local?
Do you target the Raiders? Sharks? Hell, maybe even Niners and Giants? Headhunt from KNBR?
Do you even keep the All-Sports format or do you jettison for something like Good Time Oldies or Top 40 with Don Blue anchoring or even incorporate some political talk? Or even a hybrid?
So tell us, who's on your talent line up for improving THE GAME??
Gary is a "solid" South Bay dude. It is common knowledge that folks from the South Bay would have cut a bitch, & sold their Mama's into prostitution for the 49ers to have their stadium built in the South Bay/Santa Clara.
Having said the above, most people don't realize that out local media has been compromised "for all things 49ers in Santa Clara." Please note, that we will all see the forthcoming hype in a few months when Levi's opens, from our dear media. Gary Radnich, as well as the rest of our local media know the Yorks need to have behinds in the seats at Levi's, for the Yorks to make money. And the Yorks "DO NOT" want any negative Media whatsoever, to disrupt their money making! Gary is just following marching orders, imvho...smh.
Hi Rich - a few months ago you listed a site detailing how many minutes per hour each station devoted to commercials. I thought I bookmarked it, but can't find it. Seems like commercials now almost dominate programming. And if I scan other stations, they are ALL airing a commercial or ten!
KSCO's reshuffled line up. Your honest thoughts...
ReplyDeleteI haven't listened so I'm not at liberty to offer any honest or dishonest thoughts.
DeleteRe the Allen vs Liz dust-up at PIX - was there anything there? I saw Allen back in his chair last night.
ReplyDeleteNo dust-up.
DeleteIt just came my way that he, (AM), really can't stand her and is pissed at her lack of experience and cadence. Apparently he's not alone.
He took a few days off and I guess he's back. I'm sure she's delighted to see him and vice-versa.
And again tonight - Ken's sitting in Allen's seat.
DeleteI'm beginning to fear that Liz will surface as the winner and Allen will exit. That would be a shame.
Can this be Disney dollars at work?
Goodness knows we have opinions, so why doesn't TV management ask us for ours when they're considering changes? A poll of viewers and/or focus groups would give them some insights - instead of just flying by the seat of their pants.
ReplyDeleteGood question.
DeleteFact is TV management TAKES FOR GRANTED its viewers. Too bad they didn't concentrate on honest feedback and awareness.
Their polls are in-house and generic and often misguided.
Keep writing and demand a response.
They feel that they do "talk to us." In the form of consultants, those oracles at Delphi who believe they know everything we want. And we keep watching, so maybe those oracles are right.
DeleteThey do. Both radio and TV rely on research in this market. The only ones who don't are the stand alones. Want to know why Liz keeps her chair? I'd bet she has great Q ratings, and Q cares not for pedigree.
DeleteWhat is going on with the warrior color analyst job for next position? Is Jim Barnett considering coming back for another season or are Warriors mgmt. looking at potential replacements and who are they if you have that info?
ReplyDeleteBarnett is coming back next year and will do selected home games on both radio and TV. Warriors will still look for another voice but reached out to JB b/c he's still very good and has a lot of followers, including me.
DeleteIs Fox still considering jumping off KTVU and going to KRON or another bay area station?
ReplyDeleteYeah, Fox wants to buy a Bay Area TV station for a whole lot of reasons, namely b/c of NFL football.
DeleteFirst you have to have a station that's for sale, (wink).
Is Stan a fictional creation that you use to get page clicks, or is he just a certifiable something or other who unwittingly provides comedic relief?
ReplyDeleteHe's amusing. I'll leave it at that.
DeleteNot fictional either --he comments on a lot of blogs --page clicks can't be cashed at a bank.
Or,wittingly at times? . I always thought the right wing would post some facts if I was wrong. I didn't think they would skip that and just go for insults and that Rich would never get tired of posting them. Yeah,I know now,if you cant beat me,go to the character assassination thing. Jealous that people like to read my posts? do the character assassination posts.
Deletebtw, I wrote a post on my blog about Radnich being the outsider on his own show? Today he repeated that when Ethel and Fred didn't agree with him. So now you know..he DOES read my blog. 37,000 others have too.
What happened to that stream of Stan compliments that 410 was posting? I want to thank them all I need some comic relief!
DeleteStan does provide comic relief, but decidedly unwittingly. Reading Stan's comments is like watching the Gong Show.
Deletebtw, Rich posts lots of those homebody type remarks about me and why I can post so often? I see on my blog stats a good chunk are people using Ipads and mobile devices. And yet,I get the same 1995 putdowns of sitting in a cave by a computer. Man,some tired jokes just wont die. I use that new fangled microwavy thing too.
DeleteLiberals rule!
Watching Stan and Rich's little lover's quarrel is like watching two midgets fight. I feel equal parts entertained, sorry for them, and ashamed that I'm actually paying attention.
DeleteStan, here's why people don't like you or your posts: You're confusing. Are you actually mentally retarded (which is no joke, I wouldn't make fun of you for that) or are you just incapable of communicating in a way that other people can make sense of?
Rich, you suck as well, but I would never mistake you for retarded. You're clearly bright, just not that great of a person much of the time.
Rich, far from being "amusing," there is something seriously wrong with your friend Stan.
DeleteHis garbled comments reek of paranoia and delusional thoughts. His nonsensical allegations about political affiliations, both his own and his imagined enemies, are foolish and confused.
Since you choose to select which comments are published, I wonder why his crazy rambling gets published.
First off, he's not my "friend." I don't know a damn thing about Stan other than he likes to chime in and he says crazy things and he says funny and crazy things.
DeleteHe's a degree. But he isn't hurting anyone and he's serious entertainment and I often find him funny, bizarre, and Rupert Pupkinish.
This is a BLOG. Not The National Review.
Lets be fair Rich,you acknowledge clicks go way up on any topics I post on and then say it doesn't mean cash? I hope you don't tell advertisers to ignore those spikes in viewership.
DeleteI hate to brag more then I usually do..but what local writer wouldn't say all day long they reported the very first Jeremy Lin slur on ESPN? Or that they called the San Jose flap with minorities a year before (on your blog and another) Or, posted Lincecum weight loss..that the WHOLE Giant org and local media denied...and now its one Wiki in Tim's words losing too much weight hurt him. Marty Lurie didn't do that did he?
Or when I wrote the Raiders needed to get Russel a life coach..months later,the Raiders got Russell a life coach. Or coincidence? Sure.
SO much more..even The Bastida and Cook flap,or Spencer Christian and the local weather media being wrong . Since you read all my posts Rich- and have the headache to prove it- you know my rants have been right.
I even said Dibly was tired of that right huh?
Huff'd problems?..called that too.
I have a great track record. Not even the sportswriter of the year can say he did as much. Now if people want that and perfect grammar and overall the bible. I cant be perfect.
Dear Rich,
DeleteYou say this is a BLOG. Not The National Review. But your exploitation of Stan makes me think you're promoting a FREAK SHOW.
@Stan @12:50. In the words of the legendary Gary Radnich, "WHO DOES THAT? WHO HAS TIME?"
DeleteI'm guessing stan takes his horoscope literally.
DeleteWhat is the latest regarding Kim Coyle. She said goodbye on the air a while back, and then returned to KPIX for a brief stint. Haven't seen her at all lately.
ReplyDeleteShe's always been part time. I don't know her whereabouts but I'm sure someone does.
DeleteHow's your cholesterol big vinny?
ReplyDeleteWhat, are you my doctor?
DeleteIt's high so I'm eating more kale.
My HDL was low so I need to work on that.
DeleteHey Rich, Did you read this?
ReplyDeleteBush/Cheney's CIA's 'Harsh Interrogations' Exceeded Legal Authority, Report Finds
And this appalling Republican Party actually wants our White House back?
With another potential Bush?
God help us!
I'll start paying attention to politics in 2016. Now, I'd rather just have a good turkey sandwich and sip ginger ale.
DeleteThis is a blog about local media dummy. Rather than discuss how impotent the gop is by their tolerance of barry's unlawful conduct, we should discuss the local media coverage of your disgraceful state senator Leland.
DeleteThis ain't mother jones...ya freak.
Is that really NoName's voice or is he actually trying to sound like he is having elimination discomfort?
DeleteIs Eric Byrnes still on KNBR?
ReplyDeleteRegrettably, yes.
DeleteHaven't heard him lately --maybe they're "consulting."
Also regrettably, he has been doing his MLB Network gig recently.
DeleteIs Dave Clark's improper sentence structure ad-libbed, or is it written for him that way on the prompter? And, if it is ad-libbed, why don't they make him stop? And if it written that way, really, are Wee Sow Dumb?
ReplyDeleteI think it's Dave's speaking style for better or worse...and no, not written for him that way.
DeleteHave to ask it every six months or so, Rich: Anything new with Len Tillem? Are we going to get him back in some form (local radio or podcasting) anytime in the near future? I'm having withdrawls.
ReplyDeleteI'll post something soon because I just talked to Len and as soon as Len allows me, I'll provide you an update.
DeleteThanks Rich, much appreciated. Here's hoping Len is coming back. Most entertaining local radio, by far, and there isn't a close second.
DeleteI've always wondered how Paulie Mac has not only survived 8 years but still has his name on a show "Murph & Mac" to which he contributes about 5% of the content. I think his lame soundboard (Charles Grodin - really?) actually speaks more than he does and when he finally does say something, half the time its something Murph has written for him. I could go on about his embarrassing song parodies and his child-like silence during interviews, but I should stop. I don't listen a lot, but I have always been fascinated by this on-air mooching freeloader. And judging by the tax attorney and dental spots he's done, it almost seems like KNBR just went out in the street and hired the first homeless man that walked by. OK, I'm done. Please, explain Paulie Mac's survival in the competitive world of radio. (Perhaps he works cheaper than a Raiderette?)
ReplyDeleteHe's terrible.
DeleteHe's a terrible interviewer too hence why he disappears when the other frat boy does the interviews...he survives b/c he's not particularly offensive and he works cheap.
Getting anything for his upcoming nuptials-like talent?
DeleteRich which Bay Area TV Morning News Show do you like the Best & Why? I personally like Channel 7 with the Underestimated Eric Thomas & Kristen Zse the most and Channel 2 with the Insufferable Dave Clark the Least.
ReplyDeleteI like KGO for local news and I watch a little KTVU to get traffic and weather. Not my fav time of the day.
DeleteRich...any word on Dan Dibley landing another gig...another market,,,another occupation? Thanks....
DeleteHe lost his CC Earthquakes TV gig too. I know he has the experience to go to another market be he has young kids and wife and that becomes problematic ...other occupation --I'm sure he's looking at all his options.
Maybe he can get a job at sportsbyline where other "talents" like townsend,kolski,kreuger worked. Also how does that network stay in business or better put make money with all the sports talk networks these days.
DeleteWhat did you think of Damon Bruce's interview with Jean Quan regarding the A's/Raiders/Warriors stadium situation in Oakland?
ReplyDeleteI thought it was outstanding and very well-rounded considering it wasn't your typical sports-oriented interview--more pithy than that, and I said on Twitter, he was very spot on and solid.
DeleteThe mayor was overly-sensitive to his questions too--extra credit.
Have you ever worked a day in your life?
ReplyDeleteI will take my answer on the air.
Yeah today talking to women like you, thanks Kate Upton.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately, Stan's comments and comments about Stan's frequently clutter up Rich's 415 Media.
As has been frequently mentioned, Stan has his own blog. Out of curiosity I just went to Stan's blog, anyone can follow the link, and finally realize what's going on. Stan posts his items - which are very similar to what he writes in his comments here - but NOBODY and I do mean nobody responds. NOT A SINGLE COMMENT going back months and months. Nobody pays any attention to what he writes on his own blog.
So he comes here to get a response, even if it's negative. This is the only place people pay any attention to him, even if only to tell him to go away. He's a troll looking for attention any way he can get it.
I wish he would go away. If I was interested in what he had to say, I'd go to his blog.
A little late - hope you're still taking q's :). So, did I just miss her, or was Amy G. NOT present at last night's home Giants' game? It was broadcast on the usual channel where she appears - but I didn't see any of her commentary. Maybe because it was "remember Candlestick" night??
ReplyDeleteShe was there.
DeleteYou can sleep now.
Where is Christine these days.
ReplyDeleteUh, She's the new host of The View.
DeleteHush Up, Dude! Do NOT invoke Her name, or She WILL appear! She's a busy girl, just toiling and boiling away.
DeleteChristine (Craft) subbed for Karel on his hour-long radio show/podcast four days this week.
DeleteIt was great to hear her, but since the show doesn't go out live to many (hardly any) stations, there were virtually no phone calls. Too bac, because I really enjoy her interactions with listeners.
Still, it was wonderful to hear Christine opine about actual issues, as opposed to Karel's seeming goal lately of talking about anything but. His sycophantic interviews with C-level celebrities and loving free publicity for companies that loan/give him freebies (such as Apple products, mini-motorcyles, free tickets to stage shows, etc.) have become even more annoying as they consume more of his airtime each week.
Congratulations, Mr. Lieberman!
ReplyDeleteYou've now been hired to run THE GAME radio station. You have a lock-solid 2 year contract and freedom to hire and fire and make decisions with ownership backing you all the way, within reason (not a blank check as pouching talent from ESPN is probably out of the range for the station). Also, you are stuck with the same FM spot on the dial.
With your newfound powers, fill in the following station line ups:
Mornings (6am-9am)
Late morning (9am-noon)
Early Afternoon (noon-4pm)
Afternoon commute (4pm-7pm)
Evenings (7pm-10pm)
Overnights (10pm-6am)
Keep in mind:
Given that the Giants are dominant in this region, how do you move the needle and get the numbers up? Do you go for impact now or slow build over two years? Management is just looking for better numbers than what they have been getting.
Do you embrace more of an All-Athletics sports talk or include more Giants to capture more of the Bay Area market?
Do you keep any of the current talent or bring back former talent or perhaps bring in any new talent?
Do you go syndication for anything or all local?
Do you target the Raiders? Sharks? Hell, maybe even Niners and Giants? Headhunt from KNBR?
Do you even keep the All-Sports format or do you jettison for something like Good Time Oldies or Top 40 with Don Blue anchoring or even incorporate some political talk? Or even a hybrid?
So tell us, who's on your talent line up for improving THE GAME??
ReplyDeleteWhen will Gary Radnich stop defending Kaepernick?
When was he appointed Colin's spokesmen.
Gary is a "solid" South Bay dude. It is common knowledge that folks from the South Bay would have cut a bitch, & sold their Mama's into prostitution for the 49ers to have their stadium built in the South Bay/Santa Clara.
DeleteHaving said the above, most people don't realize that out local media has been compromised "for all things 49ers in Santa Clara." Please note, that we will all see the forthcoming hype in a few months when Levi's opens, from our dear media. Gary Radnich, as well as the rest of our local media know the Yorks need to have behinds in the seats at Levi's, for the Yorks to make money. And the Yorks "DO NOT" want any negative Media whatsoever, to disrupt their money making! Gary is just following marching orders, imvho...smh.
Hi Rich - a few months ago you listed a site detailing how many minutes per hour each station devoted to commercials. I thought I bookmarked it, but can't find it. Seems like commercials now almost dominate programming. And if I scan other stations, they are ALL airing a commercial or ten!