As reported here first, KRON will vacate its 1001 Van Ness building and is headed across town to 900 Front, the site of KGO-TV, (ABC7).
KRON's corporate owner, Media General/Young insists "no staffing changes are expected as a result of the move."
Yeah, and I'm Carolyn Johnson.
Execute some common sense here. Read the room. These changes on the horizon allow Media General to eventually lay off staff, particularly tech positions like engineering, production, sales, etc. While KRON will have its own newsroom and studio, their on-air content will be enhanced by the presence of KGO personnel. It's precisely that element that worries rank and file KRON workers who are most concerned about the matter. And who could blame them.
**Let's state for the record: I have zero, ZERO, nada, nothing personally against Kate Scott, the KNBR tonsil who is about to embark on some TV sports anchor work at KGO. Just because I don't care for her work doesn't make me a misogynist or some woman hater--in fact, the irony is that I'd bet Scott would be far better on TV than radio where she says absolutely nothing and is somehow held to high esteem by a bunch of rank flunkies.
Scott, if nothing else, is smart. She's been able to maneuver her cutesy, good-girl, gender-enhanced status into a parlay of jobs in spite of the fact that she's a lightweight with a segment of horny males glued to her persona with false cover given her openness about being gay. Golly gee, how revolutionary, imagine that!
If Scott were truly talented, like say a Lisa Salters, an Andrea Kramer, she'd have major cachet in this corner and beyond the 415. Instead, she's treated like a female God here simply because most of the women media members in this market are so awful, (see: Amy G).
To be more specific, Scott doesn't break any new ground. She simply follows the handbook and comes off, (on radio at least), as the reasonable one to Radnich's wise ass act. It's not ground-breaking in any way, there's no IT! factor whatsoever; tell me one thing that Scott has said that has even an iota of substance? Her many "nobody cares" is a blatant rip-off of Radnich's line and her frequent sexual innuendo riffs are a bit hypocritical given her own status. So much for the Gloria Steinem card.
You may not agree with what I said but there's a whole bunch of you that know what the hell I'm talking about and are thrilled.
**More KGO-TV: The reason KGO has been broadcasting their newscasts from the newsroom is because their studio lighting in undergoing some fine-tuning and maintenance. And that takes time to get it right, so says a KGO mole.
*Follow me on Twitter
Yeah, and I'm Carolyn Johnson.
Execute some common sense here. Read the room. These changes on the horizon allow Media General to eventually lay off staff, particularly tech positions like engineering, production, sales, etc. While KRON will have its own newsroom and studio, their on-air content will be enhanced by the presence of KGO personnel. It's precisely that element that worries rank and file KRON workers who are most concerned about the matter. And who could blame them.
**Let's state for the record: I have zero, ZERO, nada, nothing personally against Kate Scott, the KNBR tonsil who is about to embark on some TV sports anchor work at KGO. Just because I don't care for her work doesn't make me a misogynist or some woman hater--in fact, the irony is that I'd bet Scott would be far better on TV than radio where she says absolutely nothing and is somehow held to high esteem by a bunch of rank flunkies.
Scott, if nothing else, is smart. She's been able to maneuver her cutesy, good-girl, gender-enhanced status into a parlay of jobs in spite of the fact that she's a lightweight with a segment of horny males glued to her persona with false cover given her openness about being gay. Golly gee, how revolutionary, imagine that!
If Scott were truly talented, like say a Lisa Salters, an Andrea Kramer, she'd have major cachet in this corner and beyond the 415. Instead, she's treated like a female God here simply because most of the women media members in this market are so awful, (see: Amy G).
To be more specific, Scott doesn't break any new ground. She simply follows the handbook and comes off, (on radio at least), as the reasonable one to Radnich's wise ass act. It's not ground-breaking in any way, there's no IT! factor whatsoever; tell me one thing that Scott has said that has even an iota of substance? Her many "nobody cares" is a blatant rip-off of Radnich's line and her frequent sexual innuendo riffs are a bit hypocritical given her own status. So much for the Gloria Steinem card.
You may not agree with what I said but there's a whole bunch of you that know what the hell I'm talking about and are thrilled.
**More KGO-TV: The reason KGO has been broadcasting their newscasts from the newsroom is because their studio lighting in undergoing some fine-tuning and maintenance. And that takes time to get it right, so says a KGO mole.
*Follow me on Twitter
Amy G? That annoying clucking hen is still on Comcast..Ugh!
ReplyDeleteAnother season of Amy G on CSNBA? Say it ain't so.
DeleteFine tuning the lighting as a reason to move out of the studio? I was in TV news at KING, NBC Burbank, ABC Hollywood and other places and I never saw a studio shut down for lighting.
ReplyDeleteTV news set lighting is set and unless the talent is moved the lights stay the same.
Straight from a veteran staffer who works at KGO-TV. The person told me it was the lighting. Very intricate re-tooling. Sounds OK to me.
DeleteThere's just enough room on the 3rd floor to house KRON at 900 Front Street. Not enough room for two different sets downstairs? Connected to move?
DeleteI thought they were replacing the lighting with new energy efficient stuff. More involved than "fine tuning..."
DeleteThis is NOT a secret. All new energy efficient lighting. All old lights need to be dumped. All new lighting fixture installed. A few weeks. They talk about this on the air!
DeleteWell, that makes sense. Not only do the lights et up a lot of power the AC has to be good to cool the place. I don't watch much KGO because I worked for NBC for a long time and just gravitate to their broadcasts.
DeleteView the media landscape now.. take it in... definitely will be fewer stations doing news... after all.. what they call news today is really easily covered murder and mayhem... if the Chronicle and the other papers shut down... where would tv new be...
ReplyDeleteScott's habit of using an authoritative tone, while saying absolutely nothing, qualifies her for political office.
ReplyDeleteShe'd make a perfect Democratic candidate for pretty much anything.
DeleteShe has the smugness of a politician, too.
DeleteRich, you're the only one who gets it...
ReplyDeleteBy the way, merge with KGO. KRON is moving to KGO's building, a merge is inevitable.
All of you dummies bashing Kate Scott: what do you want/expect from someone hired to do traffic and sports updates next to the old Vegas lounge act? Ratsnitch talks over everybody and everybody plays along with his tired old act. Nobody looks good next to the guy. Do you remember how he single-handedly destroyed what was once the "best thirty minutes in radio"? Tony Bruno could barely get a word in at times, so I stopped listening. I base my positive review of Scott based on her work with Cal Sports not the work next to the 70 year old lounge act trying to be a hip hop guru. Come on!
ReplyDeleteIt doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure this out. You use this thing called Google and learn that KGO DOES NOT own KOFY. KRON moves into the building. Anyone one want to guess what happens next?!?!?
ReplyDelete"Funny how the minor-leaguers come out from under their shell to try in vein to spin a story they know pretty much speaks for itself."
ReplyDeleteThis story does speak for itself and what it says is KRON is moving into KGO's building.
Some, like Rich Lieberman, may speculate about what it portends however there is no SSA in place at this time.
Sadly, Lieberman can't differentiate between his own speculation and actual reportable fact.
DeleteYou're a complete dummy. Go back to interning.
Rich - you nailed it regarding Ms. Scott. Just another sad sign of the times that a lightweight like her can use the scripted formula / handbook in a top 10 media market. I'm sure she's nice person, but what an act she pulls off.
ReplyDelete> While KRON will have its own newsroom and studio...
ReplyDeleteHaving worked at KGO for years, I'd like to know where they're going to fit the KRONvicts, unless recently they've laid off a ton of people and redone their building. This should be very interesting. If KRON gets better digs (because they're newer) that should piss off the KGOers, and if they're stuck with second-rate equipment and rooms that will piss of the KRONvicts. Seems like a lose-lose, but why would management on either end care. God I'm glad I'm out of this business.
Quit blaming Kate. EVERYONE comes off bad working with Gary. It's his deal and has to do with his incredibly thin-skin and insecurity. He makes all the underlings look/feel like crap. The only one he liked was Ray yet he's no longer on that shift for what reason? Kate is perfectly suited for TV work and I hope she can get out of there sooner than later.
ReplyDeleteScott stinks, period.
DeleteIf Kate Scott moves on I wonder if Gary will bring Stan in to fill her spot. Stan seems to think Gary pays attention to everything he says so Gary must have Stan in mind in Stan's mind.
ReplyDeleteAnd that's whats on your mind?
DeleteStop The Presses. Stan's first comment without fracturing the written word.
@9:52 sorry but Stan missed an apostrophe on "whats" and no I'm not Christine "Grammar Queen" Craft
DeleteNope. Stan's streak continues. Approaching Cal Ripken. It should be "what's".
DeleteStop the Presses, parts 2 and 3.. Stan's first comment without complaining about Gary Radnich. Also failed to complain about absence of Hispanic or Asian presence somewhere or other.
DeleteStan is so clueless that he does not even realize he is being slammed by fellow commentators for his redundant comments and egregious grammar mistakes. Stan's response: "But I'm write, even if I mispell right."
DeleteThe KGO-TV 11 AM news has been broadcast from the newsroom since November. Now all newscasts are from the newsroom. The lightning update should result in Dan and Cheryl looking like Brad and Angie.
ReplyDeleteThis is what happens when you can't get 100 watt incandescent bulbs anymore.
DeleteRich - I do think that Kate is much better than Cass Centano or the Sports Babe.
ReplyDeleteRaddy tried getting into Cass's pants around the same time that he was still pestering Pam Moore about her relationship with Frankie Beverly...
KGO Radio gave up a floor in that building. I think they have the space and parking.
ReplyDeleteIt was announced on KGO-TV last week by the broadcast team that the lighting was being worked on. This isn't a secret.
ReplyDeleteGasia Mikealian is HOT. And I would also do Erin Coscarelli. Kate scott... nah...
ReplyDeleteyour just being stubborn about KT Scott. She knows sports well, has a quick wit and unlike most woman on radio possesses a warm speaking voice. You scouted this one wrong bro, get over it.
ReplyDeleteIf Kate Scott does work at KGO will she leave KNBR which would be nice or do both shows since she would be working weekends
ReplyDeleteDan Dibley coming back to KNBR?
ReplyDeleteLet's see how Kate does.. The comments on Radnich making anyone look bad is so true. He could have ruined Sammy Davis Jr.
ReplyDeleteRich Lieberman, Mansplainer.