Melanie Morgan was absent Monday Morning on her KSFO show with Brian Sussman. She was absent most of last week also, (minus the holiday and Friday).
Furthermore, during Monday's broadcast, Sussman nor traffic reporter, Katie Green, never mentioned Morgan's name. (Now you know how KSFO feels about its diminishing listeners).
An insider of mine at the SF Cumulus cluster speculated that Morgan felt as if she was being ganged up on by both Sussman and Green. In addition, and given KSFO's paltry ratings, that some folks in the back office want a younger demo, therefore highlighting Green and her contribution to the show, may have been perceived by Morgan as slap in the face.
First off, although I don't agree with much of Melanie's politics, her overall broadcast style and performance is good enough to carry a show. She's not helped, (nor has she ever been since coming back nearly three years ago), by Sussman's style nor the amateur shrieks by gravel-voiced Katie Green. If KSFO thinks by inserting Green into the program with increasing participation, (in addition to traffic, news and the moronic "apps of the day") that's going to draw in a "younger" demo", they're insane. Young folks don't listen to AM Radio and especially a contrived, ultra-right wing show whose main host likes to talk about his guns. KSFO should concentrate on the White trucker crowd and those older conservative housewives that live in Pleasanton and the like.
Morgan supposedly told some of KSFO's sales staff that she was quitting, which she might be doing. Then again, the sounders and promos on the show this morning still had her name attached to it. Could this be a lame radio stunt? I doubt it but then again I wouldn't rule it out. Might money be involved? Probably not given the fact that Morgan's salary is a low six figures--not massive like the old days but comfortable enough.
My gut tells me this might be Melanie being not-to-thrilled with the show's direction and her interaction with Sussman and Green. Green's act wouldn't be tolerated anywhere else, let alone in market#6. She's perfectly capable to do innocuous traffic reports but beyond that her gravel-voiced tonsil is grating to the ears and kowtowing to Sussman borders on the embarrassing.
We'll know more soon.
*Follow me on Twitter
Melanie may be a nice person off-air. Her politics, to this conservative, are mean-spirited and divisive, and she lacks an appreciation of the intellectual tradition that gave rise to the mantle she now claims: conservative pundit. Today's conservatives would be laughed off the stage by yester-year's.
ReplyDeleteFurthermore, Sussman is nicer when Morgan isn't there.
Lastly, the show is nicer when Morgan isn't there.
Good riddance. Signed a conservative sick of the Tea Party types like Morgan.
> she lacks an appreciation of the intellectual tradition that
ReplyDelete> gave rise to the mantle she now claims: conservative pundit.
They all do. The conservative movement of Kabasasas, Nisbet, Lukacs, Macdonald, et al reads like left wing liberals today, and 40 years ago they were core conservatives.
what do you expect from an old weather man and a old KGO reporter.
ReplyDeleteMost of us don't give a shit about these vile people.
ReplyDeleteI don't understand you sometimes. Your "taste" is so unusual. I don't understand (or really believe) your love for Lowell Cone. And now, I'm really wondering why you think Melanie Morgan is so great. When comparing her schtick to Sussman, its a push. They're both terrible in their own way. But what makes Brian Sussman tolerable is that he's not a dummy.
Melanie Morgan is constantly "outraged" but I literally feel stupid"er" after listening to one of her rants of "outrage". She's a lot of bluster but at least on the air, seemingly little brains.
I'm sure I'm wrong but part of me thinks that your support of her has a lot to do with staying in good graces with the guy she goes to bed with every night. That's a ballsy statement but its the only sense I can make out of you supporting her the way to you do. That and the fact that you just really don't like Sussman - which I can kind of relate to. Either way, the whole show (including Katie Green) is kinda garbage. The politics have nothing to do with it. It's pure mayhem in the AM on that station. Constant outrage, misrepresentation of facts and zaney callers who love 'Merica but hate California.
Dan: I'm not critiquing the show itself which I find really no way entertaining nor informative since the late Lee Rodgers hosted. It IS, however, a show that people listen to and therefore, is worthy of note since one of its major players is missing from the program.
DeleteAnd one last thing - its discussions like these on topics like this that make this blog a great resource. Thanks for providing a forum Rich!
ReplyDeleteDan, may I call you Dan? I disagree with your dismissal of all that is conservative, as that is your free choice. Rich was the epitome of diplomacy in his response to your question, but you inadvertently stumbled onto a catchy phrase someone may want to appropriate; I like your phrase 'MAYHEM IN THE AM" Sounds like a show I'd want to check out!
DeleteMy wish is that Melanie would get her own show such as with Barbara Simpson, or become an occassional talking head on FOX NEWS. I too, always thought Mel should have her own show, but wondered if radio is still operating by some od the old world rules that felt a shows anchor 'has to be' a man. I don't agree with that. In fact, I'm one of those Catholics who would accept a woman priest if she energized, compassionate, wise, and spiritually there for everyone (don't tell the Pope!). Same theory with some other positions, if the passion and the knowledge are there, let that person take a ride around the rodeo of chance and adventure.
ReplyDeleteMonths ago, I left ksfo, b/c I thought they were trying to get rid of my type; (a 56y/o,Black male Tea Party ,Shotgun owning, Veteran, Hedonistic, yet reserved and in the process of becoming a Libertarian)yes, that is a growing demographic. But more seriously, if Lady Melanie does actually leave the talker staff, can she do that? Are they not 'on contract' and would she need to pay a humongous amount in order to be released from this contract? Perhaps someone with her experience would be hired on a 'freelance' basis, working at the employer's discretion or the employee's personal decision.
No love loss there if she never come back. KSFO is total right-wing trash anyways. One less piece of trash in the dumpster.
ReplyDeleteAre you by chance an Obama phone owner?
DeleteLeft wing nuts are all haters.
ReplyDeleteDisagree? Just read the comments here.
So true, so true.
DeleteI thought we were radio market #4, TV market #6.
ReplyDeleteThis is the best comment ever. Truth.
DeleteWhere is it written that younger audiences will listen to a program only if the hosts are younger too? Good, informative, entertaining radio works if the host is good, informative and entertaining. It has nothing to do with his/her age. And people who listen to talk radio are generally smarter and, therefore, unswayed by superficialities.
ReplyDeleteBy the way, the Golden Girls was a huge hit--even with younger demos--not because the women looked like Charlie's Angels but because they were funny.
didnt I see somewhere she has thyroid cancer? I too have thyroid issues and they are very distracting to normal lifestyle. Sorry to see the haters come out of the woodwork, but then again. SF has more nuts than Planters