I thought the speech was more style over substance, (to a degree), and it worked...in the hall.
I liked Mr. Obama's passion and his oratory, as usual, was superb.
And he took some rather pointed, effective shots at Romney and the GOP.
What do you think? And remember, try to be objective. Try to be fair. Put away your partisan hats and judge the speech on its merits--good, bad, mediocre, style and substance. And yes, once again, please keep it clean.
Your reaction.
Fabulous delivery. Empty speech.
ReplyDeleteObama does what he did best, but it lacked any real substance which they accused the RNC of lacking. He basically said the economy was far worse than he thought and he needs four more years. Weak. I actually thought Biden did much better, because he kept to the teleprompter and did connect to the average Joe through his past life challenges. While Clinton was a bright spot (and he is a master politician positioning Hiliary for a run in 4 years), I don't think Obama will get much of a bump out of this convention. They distorted much of what Romney said, but so does the RNC. It will all come down to the 3+1 debates in October for the undecided votes in the swing states.
ReplyDeleteI do find it amusing that the Democrats are touting foreign policy as a strength this year. The UBL kill was largely setup by Bush policies (but I do give BO the kudos for the final call) and the Iraq success was primarily due to Bush's surge poliy that Obama opposed. But such is life and timing.
ask Osama if it lacked substance.
DeleteWow ... referencing Osama. Clever. Think that one up yourself?
DeleteVery good speech. It lacked any lofty oratory from years past. More subdued and workman-like. Excellent digs at silver spoon Romney. The deal is sealed once Obama and Biden wipe the floor with their opponents at the debates. All the pressure is on milk toast Romney now. He will need a knockout in the first debate. It ain't happening.
ReplyDeleteYou are kidding yourself. Paul Ryan will easily mop the floor with Biden. And Obama's empty straw man BS won't fly in a debate with a real man of substance like Romney. It's over. Obozo is going home.
DeleteThe delivery was much more impressive than that of the RNC. The showmanship was a lot more professional. Now we get to see which rhetoric touches the electorate.
ReplyDeleteFood for thought;
"Should any political party attempt to abolish Social Security, unemployment insurance, and eliminate labor laws and farm programs, you would not hear of that party again in our political history. There is a tiny splinter group, of course, that believes you can do these things. Their number is negligible and they are stupid."
---President Dwight D. Eisenhower, 1954
Same thing that he said in 2008..... I agree empty speech
ReplyDeleteAwesome speech as usual. Far from empty, hater 8:55PM. Robot Romney's was horrible delivery and had nothing to say, no solutions. Great to see such great diversity @ the DNC, and the typical old white guy crowd at the RNC, aka KKK.
ReplyDeleteObama 2012
Romney 1040
So much for putting away partisan hats here. Asshole.
Delete"old white guy crowd at the RNC, aka KKK."
DeleteMore name calling.
When in doubt marginalize your opponent.
Typical of a liberal Democract.
Moron alert.
DeleteThe speech was great. No empty chairs at the DNC.
ReplyDeletelol that's because they brought the speech indoors due to a ficitonal storm that wasn't going to hit. They said there was 0 change of rain, but the Dems pushed the rain and lightning excuse. Why? Because they weren't going to be able to find enough people to fill the stadium.
Delete"No empty chairs" was a reference to that strange Clint Eastwood speech at the RNC, not the number of people in attendance.
DeleteOther than the president's speech, my favorite was the one given by former Michigan governor, Jennifer Granholm, talking about the auto bailout. She had the crowd on its feet, especially when she pointed at one state delegation after another and shouted how many auto-related jobs were saved in each state. Her most memorable line in talking about Romney's opposition to the bailout and Romney's garage elevator in San Diego was "...cars get the elevator, and workers get the shaft."
ReplyDeleteAs for Obama, I thought it was very effective. Romney's speech was more about telling people who he is, which he needed to do. Obama needed to talk policy and at least give the impression of a vision for the next four years. I felt he did that quite well. But, mainly, he got everybody fired up. I don't think that can be said of Romney's speech. I do wish Team Obama would tone it down on Bin Laden. It is counterproductive at some point, even though I think Obama bet his presidency on that decision and deserves tons of credit.
It will be interesting to see the audience numbers compared with Romney, and whether Obama gets more of a bounce than Romney.
Jennifer Granholm has her own show, "The War Room," on Current TV (107) M-F at 6 pm. It's one of the few shows that I bother to record on a regular basis. Since she films out of SF she interviews a lot of local and statewide political personalities which is an added bonus.
DeleteHer speech last night was really high octane. She was the tiger in the tank.
I thought it was more substance than style. He framed a vision of America that many people like, including me.
ReplyDeleteBiden gave an uninspired speech, and almost gagged when he started doing the fake choking-up bit when he was talking about honoring service members and veterans.
Joe Biden's son served in the military, I believe he was in Afganhistan, so if you think he does not honor service members and veterans, you are an idiot. A simple minded idiot at that, how about democrats bad, republicans good. A little critical thinking would do you some good. I didn't care for George Bush, agreed with him on very little, same for many others republican president, that does not mean that I disagreed or discounted everything they said, especially when it comes to feeling about the following: Love of country, love of family, religious belief, and respect for our military. Romney has five grown sons not one of them have been or are in the military, perhaps I should distrust Romney when he says he honor out military, however I don't. By the way neither Romney or Ryan as far as I know acknowledged the people serving in Afganhistan, or the military at their convention. Following your logic, I guess I should believe he does not care.
DeleteBut I loved old Joe Biden's round of Botox to his noggin, I hardly recognized him, until he opened his mouth.
DeleteHey Anon@10:41, do you think Biden was honestly choked-up, or do you think he was acting? I happen to believe it's the latter, and get tired of politicians who turn on the tears because they believe it adds drama to their speeches.
DeleteI was in the Air Force. If people want to thank me, that's fine (though embarrassing.) I don't expect people to start blubbering in gratitude.
I'm 10:41, and I have been following Joe Biden since he was a newly elected senator and his wife and daughter was killed in a car crash, his sons were in the car, but survived. I really don't think you can fake choking up, you can fake emotion, but even great actors need some help in getting the tears to flow. I tend to not like when people get too emotional in public, but if it is genuine it is okay. John Boehner gets choked up more than anyone, Bush 41 has had several moments since he left office when he was overcome by emotions. Walter Cronkite had problems when he had to announce to the nation that their president (JFK) had died. JFK himself, who was pretty cool, and did not display much emotion in public, got choked up when he mention his older dead brother, in a speech he gave when he was running for congress. Teddy Kennedy almost lost it when he did the eulogy for Bobby Kennedy, I think when family members are involved, we should just accept that whether you are a republican, democrat or anything else people get emotinal. Don't be so jaded.
DeleteThe auto bailout "victory" is so funny. Romney said to put them in bankruptcy immediately, which many billions later in taxpayer money Obama did. So Romney would have saved GM/Chrysler as well, but without many billions lost in intermediate taxpayer bailout. The bottom line is that Obama/Biden don't have a clue how real business works. Maybe the entire Congress needs a real wakeup call.
ReplyDeleteYes, government-structured bankruptcy was part of the package, along with the loans and purchase of equity. But "normal" private sector bankruptcy would have required the participation of banks and other financial institutions to avoid liquidation. They were all on the brink and in no position to do that. In the likely event of liquidation, the taxpayers would have had to take over all the pensions through the PBGC and paid long-term unemployment to all those put out of work, instead of collecting state and local income taxes from the workers around the country. Ironically, in light of Romney's criticism, even Bain was approached and refused. There was no alternative to the type of government intervention that took place. It wasn't just about a few GM or Chrysler plants in the midwest. It was about the collapse of the suppliers and thousands of auto dealers across the country. Ford did not need the cash infusion, because it had lined up a strong line of credit before the crisis developed. But, the CEO of Ford made it clear to Congress at the time that, if GM and Chrysler didn't get bailed out, Ford would be in jeaopardy too because of the suppliers.
DeleteWithout the teleprompter Obama is no different then Bush. Good speakers don't make best president's. Registered Democrat voting for Romney this time around. NOBAMA!!!
ReplyDelete@6:15am. This teleprompter crap is getting old. It was okay for Reagan to use one, but not Obama? You right-wingers are a hoot. Sure you're a registered Dem...lol. Liar, just like Paul Ryan. I can't wait till the debates. Romney will have nowhere to hide, as Obama will destroy him just like he did to that sad, pathetic McCain in 2008.
ReplyDeleteObama 2012
Robot Romney 1040
But calling Romney a robot and harping about his tax returns is fresh and new? Gimme a break ... Obama teleprompter comments are made because he uses the teleprompter a lot (more than most) and, when he does stumble while speaking, it's usually when a teleprompter isn't being used.
DeleteI agree that the debates will be revealing. It will be good to see both candidates going head to head without the benefit of scripts. Because the independents will decide this election, during the debate I hope that both candidates can get their message across without bickering and mudslinging. Just get the message across and let the voters decide.
@7:31, yes I am a registered Democrat. I am tired of bailing out. I work hard everyday, pay my bills, don't live beyond my means and why should I be responsible for someone else if they choose to be ir-responsible with their life. Auto industry bail out- Now I hear folks are going into ER's demanding free medical because OBAMA CARE will pay for it. OBAMA CARE .... SHARE THE WEALTH.... While you are at it Mr. President, do you want me to drop my pants and bend over so you can take away my dignity too!!!
DeleteI thought Biden was better, but agree with the idea that now that Obama is President he's tamped down the rhetorical flourishes he would use during the 2008 campaign.
ReplyDeleteAnd when you think of the messaging all week, it worked well.
For all the guff Biden gets, he closed me. The recitation of the number of casualties, the reference to "your husband" as looked at the First Lady as he recounted how the President acted during the bin Laden section of his speech - the mixing of the personal anecdotes and policy decisions...incredibly affective.
Agree. Empty speech. I fell asleep after the first 20 minutes.
ReplyDeleteLots of goal, but what policies will he use to achieve them?
ReplyDeleteI agree with Rich on his assessment of Obamas speech. Although I would have liked specifics, I appreciate that he was not giving empty promises and that his economic approach would not be trickle down which does not work. I heard some people who were at the convention say that the speech worked much better in person than on tv.
DeleteI liked Biden's speech. Actually the quality of speeches at this convention was excellent. I have to say that Clinton is the master of style and substance, hands down.
10:31 - you are off the mark. a bankruptcy would have allowed gm to cancel union contracts. o wasn't going there.
ReplyDeletei would vote for either person that agreed to stop random drone attacks. the fact that we are killing people outside of a battlefield is disgusting. obama is killing thousands of innocents, and there is no one to call him on it....the left lays down like dogs when it is their guy doing it. the right won't stop it because they enjoy it.
there is no bigger hypocrite than someone who hates bush and loves obama (or visa versa).
ReplyDeleteThe DNC Convention is over.
ReplyDeleteIn today's headlines . . . . 8.1% unemployment rate.
96,000 jobs created in August.
Far lower than economist had predicted.
We are back to square one. It's time for a change.
To quote Clint Eastwood "When somebody doesn't do the job, you've got to let them go".
So if we are looking at job performance and Romney is running away from his only record of political employment (which is a very different animal than running a business), why choose him for an even harder political position? Sounds like he is running away from his time as governor because he is ashamed of what he accomplished...hmmmmm
DeleteThe entire DNC was a homerun with incredible speeches by the President and First Lady, Joe Biden, and Bill Clinton. I am so glad they came out swinging against Republican lies.
ReplyDeleteHow much vodka do you typically put in your koolaid? Yeah, I didn't hear one lie all week at the DNC! Pure gold.
DeleteIF Bush could have had 4 MORE years....think of where we would be today.
DeleteEnough Said. Give him 4 more years. And pass the vodka.
As a life long Democract it is time for a change.
ReplyDeleteObama did not live up to expectations.
In November I will cast my ballot for Romney.
And Romney will give us what kind of change exactly? Bigger tax cuts for the rich? Cancelling Obamacare for what Romneycare? Why is Romney down by 11 to 20%+ in polls in the state where he was Governor, in Massachusetts?
Deleteyou're no Democrat, just another wolf who's got theirs. Whats matter, couldn't get a tee time?
Delete10:38...I bet you are not a Democrat. 2:15 you made me laugh.
DeleteI am a proud Democract. Long time caller to KGO.
DeleteIt is time for a change.
I urge all my fellow Democracts to do the same.
What kind of change will Romney give us? Instead of an unqualified, incompetent failure, we'll have a skilled executive with 35 years of success under his belt. Are you that stupid?
DeleteI missed the speeches... had to take care of a bit of business here in the office. The owner of the janitorial service I've had under contract wanted a chance to pitch his company again, despite its across-the-board failure to live up to the standards and expectations outlined in the first contract. But I've got to hand it to the guy, no one ever did a better job of using the language of success to dress up failure. Really, I think the man missed his true calling... should be selling bulk salvation out of a big tent.
ReplyDeleteIn the end, I told him thanks, but no thanks. Even though I can't be sure the next crew will be any better, this one needs to go.
Future posts by DropShotDandy:
DeleteIf Hispanic President: "owner of a landscape business"
If Asian: "owner of a laundry business"
@1252, If you're still seeing African Americans behind mop buckets, your knee-jerk, racialist programming needs tweaking.
DeleteIn my opinion Obama's speech was a re-hash of his 2008 Presidential acceptance speech....just warmed over. Its time to move "Forward" with a new President, imho.
ReplyDelete"According to this morning's report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the unemployment rate for August fell to 8.1% compared to 8.3% in July." [Yahoo Finance, 9/7]
ReplyDeleteI am sure the Obama campaign will proudly claim that all his carefully crafted fiscal policies are finally paying off for the middle class! It is well-timed vindication of the Obama road to success and the future of America!
But wait.
"The labor force participation rate fell to 63.5%, the lowest read in over 30 years. When this number goes down so does the stated unemployment rate. To get to 8.1% unemployment, 368,000 Americans had to drop out of the labor force." [Yahoo Finance]
Indeed this is the future of America under Obama's policies.
"Think about that if anyone tries to tell you a drop in the headline rate is anything but more evidence of an ongoing national disgrace." [Yahoo Finance]
I heard a rumor from an anonymous source (a la Dirty Harry) that Clinton will do one of the Presidental debates instead of Obama. Anyone care to comment?
So if we vote for Rmoney, he will stop his leveraged buyouts ( that is, borrwing money to buy other companies that the companies will owe, while he pays himself $$$) and get all those jobs back that were lost when he Bained said companies? I heard a rumor that Rmoney has a problem with truth and reality. And tax returns.
DeleteThe speech was okay. Nothing great. Clinton's speech was better by far. Obama, whom critics deride as a "socialist," is more Eisenhower than FDR. I was disappointed that he didn't present a detailed set of policies his administration intends to pursue over the next 4 years. Neither did Romney for that matter. I was expecting Obama to present a point-by-point program for turning the economy around in the near term and eliminating the federal deficit over the long term. This speech was little more than a rehashing of what we've already heard before. He didn't urge Americans to elect Democrats to the Senate and House in order to give him the congressional majority he needs to adopt legislation. With the notable exception of Obamacare, very little of the hyped "hope and change" that Obama has failed to materialize. The best argument he can make is a negative: that no matter how bad the economy is now, it would be in far worse shape had McCain been elected in 2008, and it will become worse under Romney. I get that Obama inherited a terrible financial mess left by George W. Bush, but he campaigned for the job knowing that and promising that he would turn things around, which he hasn't.
ReplyDeleteDid anyone hear the idiot, moronic Michael Zwerling's commentary on KSCO? He is taking his mother's lunacy to a whole new level defending Clint Eastwood's despicable performance. Suddenly Zwerling is an expert on acting technique. Hey MZ, sometimes old and senile is just old and senile. Don't read "greatness" into an old stumbling, fumbling fool. You need to look no further than your mom. Rich, please do not ban my commentary. MZ said liberals don't like straight shooters so let me show him that a liberal can shoot straight at old hags even if they inherited money. This guy MZ better thank his lucky stars he was born into wealth otherwise he'd be giving his commentary to a light pole outside a BART station.
ReplyDeleteClint would have been wise to take counsel from his own character Harry Callahan, "A man has got to know his limitations". Clint is revealing the biggest hoax of all, not President Obama as he told the 'Cone, more like the Eastwood myth. KSCO is folksy hay seed radio out of character for Santa Cruz.
DeleteI was hoping to read some interesting and intelligent responses and instead we get the usual tripe from the self proclaimed 'pundits' who think they are the real story. I guess that's why most of you spend countless hours turning your minds to mush by texting, tweeting and facebooking!
ReplyDeleteI get a kick out of a lot of the posts when political views are discussed. People get so bent out of shape when their stands are questioned. Shouldn't political discourse in a forum such as this be about intelligent discussion and debate of the issues, instead of insulting remarks that sound as if they were written by someone 15 years old?
What ever happened to civil conversation instead of insults and snappy patter? Some people (both Dems and GOP fans) seem to relish the opportunity to take shots at each other. And this is the big problem with our country today. People are encouraged to shout, interupt and insult each other. They are trained to do it by the loud-mouth know-it-alls who are overpopulate our airwaves these days.
As an example: Just listen to people such as Limbaugh or Hannity, or some of the other hate-mongers and carnival barkers on local radio like Melanie Meanie and Brian Susspool, and you'll understand what I'm talking about.
I refuse to listen to these jerks anymore, because half of them don't believe what they are saying anyway...they just want to 'stir it up' and get ratings so they can keep their jobs. That's really responsible behavior. American has gone to the dogs because we have become children and gotten intellectually lazy, and the media encourages this kind of behavior.
Is it a surprise then that we've fallen way off the top of the list when it comes to producing well-educated, thoughtful citizens? Looking forward to reading more 'enlightened' musings from some of your readers Rich! Sheesh!
Dear Anonymous September 8, 2012 12:10 AM:
Delete"I get a kick out of a lot of the posts when political views are discussed... Shouldn't political discourse in a forum such as this be about intelligent discussion... instead of insulting remarks that sound as if they were written by someone 15 years old?"
"What ever happened to civil conversation instead of insults and snappy patter?... Just listen to people such as Limbaugh or Hannity, or some of the other hate-mongers and carnival barkers on local radio like Melanie Meanie and Brian Susspool, and you'll understand what I'm talking about."
Oh, Pot! I see you've met Kettle!
You forgot to mention KGO and MSNBC.
DeleteThere is an angry liberal there (MSNBC) who like to get into fights with diners at Denney's.
Couldn't agree with 12:10 more! here here!
ReplyDeleteDear anonymous September 8th 2012 11:22pm. What is your point?
ReplyDeleteThe 12:10 am poster made a good point and he's right about right-wing hate monger radio, which is an insult to intelligent Americans.
You are probably one of those nit-wits he's talking about who just like to listen to people shouting, or like to shout insults at people yourself. No wonder the conservatives have given this country such a bad name overseas. They have made our country a joke with their chest thumping and braying like some dense teenage drunkards.
Glad you agree with him.
DeleteThe point was people (and I see you are one of them) who badmouth those they disagree with. I could care less about the politics of it, everyone has an opinion, but the name calling is what he was rallying against, and in the next breath did exactly that which he found reprehensible.
And no, you don't know a thing about me and what I probably do or don't do. But thanks for jumping on stereotypes and shouting at the figments of your imagination. It is entertaining.
Rather than insulting people you don't know, you might have a conversation with them. It appears you'd learn a few things, the least of which might be civility. Cheers!
ReplyDeleteAs a voting Democract I will cast my support for Romney.
ReplyDeleteI urge all you Bay Area liberals to do the same.