From stalwart GOP loyalists in the Beltway and Main Street to the Democratic halls in North Beach, this is what they said about Clint's chair virtuoso at the RNC...
**On CNN: Ex- GW Bush Press Secretary, Ari Fleischer: "It was not a very wise decision. (Shaking his head) "This takes away from (Romney's) night."
**On ABC, George Will: "Simply bizarre."
On KCBS, Marc Sandalow: "What is everybody talking about today, (Friday)? 'Not about Romney's speech, but about Clint Eastwood. You have 20% of prime time and you get this?" Sandalow adeptly pointed out, "will this take votes away from Romney? 'No, but it sure doesn't help."
*Romney campaign spokeswoman on CNN: "This is 'not about Clint Eastwood. This is about Mitt Romney." (Uh, OK)
---KSFO: Tony the Tiger, aka: Brian Sussman, the mad scientist: "Clint was great!" At least 8 greats in a span of 15 minutes.
Melanie Morgan, I like you and you're cool, we can agree to disagree, but c'mon, you really think Clint helped out the Mittster?
*Follow me on Twitter
Clint Eastwood for President!!!
ReplyDeleteHe may have a better vision than those that he is trying to cater to.
Delete.....or for a remake of HARVEY!!!
DeleteAll the critical posts here from Liberal Democracts are filled with envy.
DeleteNothing hurts a liberal more than when a Hollywood celebrity shows conservative principles.
Face it liberals, you do not like to see Barrack mocked. Do you?
You show em Clint! Send the community organizer home.
I don't think Barack O'Kenya is very comfortable talking to Clint Eastwood!!! Do you?????
ReplyDeleteRacist much? Why do you feel the need to mock the President's East African roots?
Delete@2:26 Play the racist card much? Typical liberal response.
DeleteAnd I don't think the RepubliKKKans are very comfortable around minorities--except the "Oreo" and "coconut" minorities like Condi Rice or Marco Rubio (you know, black/brown on the outside, but White on the inside).
Deletebecause he's too white to diss the President's Kansas roots?
DeleteAlex Castellanos on CNN sheepishly tried to defend Dirty Harry but when pressed by Blitzer he had no answer. What an embarrassment. I have not heard El Rushbo in years but I may tune in today to hear how that blowhard spins this one.
ReplyDeleteMadam Speaker. The Great State of Wacky. Cast it's VOTE for THE CHAIR! 4more years!!!
ReplyDeleteJamelle Bouie, a blogger, said, "This is a perfect representation of the campaign: an old white man arguing with an imaginary Barack Obama."
Ding! Ding! Ding!
DeletePerfect indeed.
Another blogger with another opinion. You know what they say about opinions...they're like assholes...
DeleteHopefully you'll read this in between chanting Hope and Change and Yes We Can!
If you actually quoted a comment by a blogger who was relevant...like Rich...maybe more than 3 people would care...
DeleteI guess Clint Eastwood realizes that it is time to "Let 'em go" as he stares blankly at the chair as caters to Mitt Romney whom is a master as it.
ReplyDeleteI agree Clint Eastwood realizes that it is time to "Let 'em go" as he moves on to better things in life!~Good luck Republicans!!
DeleteRegardless of how they spin it the GOP can't be pleased that all the headlines and talk today is about Eastwood. I forget who else we are supposed to remember from last night?? Oh yeah it was John McCain. Had to think for a second.
ReplyDeleteMeanwhile, on Friday, Mitt Rommney is New Orleans surveying the damage casued by Hurricane Issac.
ReplyDeleteWhere is Obama? Campaigning in Texas.
Who looks more presidential? Mitt Rommney!
And if you don't think "Rommney" isn't campaigning in New Orleans, you are a fool.
DeleteWho looks more presidential? Certainly not your spell check!!
Way to attack the spelling. Typical Liberal idiot. Next comes the race card, age card, dirty air, dirty water, illegals need free houses, on and on...
DeleteOur president was at Fort Bliss thanking and acknowledging the troops. This, imo, highlighted the fact that Romney did not mention the military in his speech. Obama looked presidential to me.
DeleteLet's face it, Barrack is weak.
DeleteThe troops at Fort Bliss gave him a cool reception.
There is no respect for this commander in chief.
Yesterday, upon a chair
ReplyDeleteClint met a man who wasn’t there
How sad it is that Rowdy Yates
Has ended up as Orly Taitz
(Credit: @Mr_electrico)
Rollin', Rollin', Rollin,
Deletekeep those chairs a rollin'
Head 'em up! Move 'em out
I've never seen a president get so much hate. From SF Gate avatars of the President as a ape to the incendiary comments of Hank jr and Ted Nugent. No liberal ever said anything close about the hated Bush family.
ReplyDeleteAnd its all because he's black. Just compare Clinton a similar moderate liberal President..and yet,no congressman stood up and said "You Lie!".
When he was elected I posted..the right wing is going to go nuts when they really,really,realize a black man is President. And they have.
Also in all these years no press EVER asked a question before the president was done speaking,like it was done this year by Tucker Carlson's goon.
DeleteThe total lack of respect from the right even in the military is all for one reason, because Obama is black.
Birth certificates,Muslem sounding names,when the President has said over and over he's Christian..anything the right can throw at the wall and hope sticks,they will do.
Its a myth the media is liberal..on that I agree with Clint.
You have a limited mind & are a stinky little racist to boot. It's all because he's black my ass. He's not competent to hold office, a frigging buffoon, with no sense of the American Experience. Clinton tagged Obama with his new moniker "the amateur", read the book you might actually learn something. The problem with you is you use race as an excuse for everything. I bet they pinned the murders on OJ because he was Black in your simple minded ass-backwards world.
Delete5:41 speaks the truth. People in the Bay Area don't know any better than to mindlessly listen to what the likes of Liberals and Apple feed them. Marketing people eat up the supposedly "educated" people in the Bay Area.
Delete541..You cant hide the hate in you. Obama has done a great job as President..he saved the auto industry,he saved the economy. Ok,I wish he had taken the Republican bankers out behind the shed and shot every one of them. But,he's a man,not God.
DeleteAlso,you say he has NO sense of the American experience??..your are a insane racist. From a marriage of white and black and served as commodity activist after college? I will bet all I have he did more at 18 then you have done your entire life.
5:41...thou does protest too much....I think you are overreacting to 4:19. Also, 5:41, no need to be so offensive if you don't agree with someone. Take a walk and get some fresh air before you respond.
DeleteWhen you started your post, 12:10, I thought you were talkng about Bush. The Dems are the party of hate and we will see that in its purest form next week at the DNC. Calling Romney a felon, murderer and that he likes to party as black people drown. Class. I don't hear those words from the Pubs. But, when you have nothing positive to say, well, bring on the haters! War on women. War on minorities. War on the rich. War on religion. How do the Pubs have any free time?? How about talking about solutions to real problems? FORWARD and it's all Bush's fault. That's the Dems platform. After 8 years (god forbid, oops I used the word), will it still be Bush's fault? People want President Obama out as he (and his inner circle) are incompetent, not because he is black. The Dems play the race card every chance they get, as Clinton found out. I'm surprised that Jeremiah Wright isn't the keynote speaker, with old friends Father Pfleger and Bill Ayers firing up the crowd. Nah, we have Pelosi and Reid instead. Do you think old Harry will make up another "inside source" about Romney? Nope, because he won't have immunity from defamation in North Carolina. Maybe Nancy can call the Pubs the "ecoli" party again. Class.
Delete"It's all because he's black my ass. He's not competent to hold office...with no sense of the American Experience"
DeleteDog-whistle rant from another toady in denial.
dear 5:41..I'll bet if you were asked to tell us where to find the bill of rights, without using your google, you'd be left scratching yourself. It must really have annoyed the hell out of you when Obama deported more illegals in three years than Bush did in 8, when Obama bagged Osama after Bush let him go, when the auto industry in the US started to thrive again after Obama's bailout, when you learned that people in countries with universal healthcare live longer than Americans....Did you forget that Hillary and Barack were OPPONENTS in 2008?some patriot you are.
DeleteLove how the left "forgets" the vile attacks on Bush. Hypocrites to the core. Crying racism at every turn. Clint was great, the more I watch it the better it gets.
DeleteThe funny part about 541's post is that he thinks THATS classy of him and proof!
DeleteNO doubt he's another FOX news person hating those welfare minority's...while he of course is on welfare himself!
Wow, I did not realize that "Gran Torino" was a documentary.
ReplyDeletei youtube'd it expecting a complete train wreck, but instead i found it pretty entertaining. much more entertaining than the usual conference speech. he didn't deliver it very well, but he hit the punchlines....not the usual bunch of cliches and focus group tested one liners.
ReplyDeleteFunny to hear right wingers try to spin this one...nice try. I think Dirty Harry shot himself in the foot big time on this one. Sad...pathetic...embarrassing...take your pick. Time for Clint to ride off into the sunset I'm afraid. Only question is, where was the hook?
ReplyDeleteSays the left winger as he chants hope and change. obama!. yes we can! pathetic.
DeleteI love Clint. But last night, he did not "MAKE MY DAY"
ReplyDeleteDid the republican party just nomanate a chair?
ReplyDeleteIn the end, "Baseball Mitt" Romney will have to stand on his own two feet against Mr. Obama. It won't be up to Harry Callahan. Eastwood was entertaining and he looked a little like his angry character in "Gran Torino."
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of angry, Americans are pissed off. High unemployment, profit-minded businesses, rising gas prices and a deeper divide between the haves and the have-nots.
It doesn't matter what was done at the RNC last night or what will be done at the DNC. What will matter is what the next president will do to give America back to the people...and not to a select few who control who works and doesn't work.
Stop worrying about appearances. Work on substance. Reminds me of the rich jerkoffs who worried about what the new Bay Bridge would look like. Thanks to vanity, the bill went up profusely. Who will pay? The working stiffs who have to cross that thing every day.
I agree with some of your premise. Here we are on the great ship of state, the SS Titanic. We're bickering who will be at the helm for the next four years, and whether they will rearrange the deck chairs in rows, or in a circle, as the ship continues to slowly sink. And no matter what captain is at the helm, his actions will be determined by the owners of the shipping company (Wall Street international banksters, the obscenely rich [the 0.01%], and their ilk).
DeleteIf the legal tender of the United States properly represented its worth, after over a decade of its purposeful devaluation by The Fed, it would be printed on toilet paper. The trend of its devaluation against foreign currencies has little elsewhere to go than steadily downward, with periodic tiny upward burps. And a total collapse of the dollar through rampant hyperinflation, like they had in Germany in the early Thirties and that put Hitler into power, is fully within the realm of possibility.
Meanwhile, the world ecosystem is collapsing like a house of cards and the still-radioactive Cesium 137 and other longer-lived radioactive remnants from the Fukushima earthquake and tsunami of 3/11 are projected over the next 7-9 years to turn the entire central and northern West Coast of North America into a radioactively polluted marine and coastal environment. When will the radioactive releases finally end in Fukushima? No one really knows. Is the U.S. helping resolve the problem in any way, for our own self interest? Not really. And could it get worse... much worse? Hell yes. Just because the U.S. media act like the problem has gone away, that doesn't mean that any real progress has been made to put an end to the ongoing releases.
And no matter which finger-puppet for the Ă¼ber-rich has his rich benefactor's chubby middle finger inserted fully up his ass, nothing meaningful is going to be done about any of these very real world problems.
It's time to replace the bald eagle as our national bird, with an ostrich that has its head buried in the sand and is getting kicked in the ass by a rich banker or polluting industrialist. And, while we're at it, let's also replace Uncle Sam with Unkel Skam.
Truly sad. America, as our constitutional founders envisioned and created it, continues to transcend into the world's largest oligarchy. And they won't willingly cede their power, until their fellow travelers' blood flows in the gutters.
So, am I angry yet? You decide.
I was more impressed with the Reagan hologram.
ReplyDeleteI read so many posts here and on other sites, but had to wait until I got home to watch the video ... and I'm a democrat ... and I have tell you ... I think it was genius, pure genius. LOVED IT!
ReplyDeleteAnd Clint is now in Donald Trump area with that ridiculous comb over. Hair in back combed forward and hair on the sides up. Just crazy man.
ReplyDeleteDid Clint come off well as the "Surprise Guest"? Uh, no. Although the audience dug it a lot, it didn't play well on TV. Now, can we get back to Mitt's tax returns that he's still hiding? Or discuss Matt Taibbi's fresh new article in Rolling Stone that unearths the reality about Bain Capital; and how much the heavily ballyhooed Salt Lake Olympics was really facilitated by Mitt milking federal tax dollars? Or what he's gonna do to the tax code? (Or not) Or do to reign in Wall Street? (Or not) Or start a war with Iran (Likely)
ReplyDeleteSo what did Gil-man and Rho-duh have to say about Clint's weird speech at the RNC Convention? It's another surreal Friday afternoon on 910 with the erudite Gil-man, who plugs a certain cabinet maker (like Ronn Owens promotes mattresses) and splits his guts laughing at his own stupid jokes (puh-leeeeeeze spare us), the giddy Rhoda with her insipid comments interlaced with feighned shock and giggles (Thank God she's only on Fridays), and the way too serious (or is it uptight?) but informed John Rothmann going on and on about Iran's nuclear program. A special treat: Rothmann is filling in for the Gil-man on Monday (Labor Day) from 4-7 on 910. Don't miss it. Have a great holiday weekend everyone!
ReplyDeleteGil Gross is terrific and has upped his game quite a bit since he has been on 910. Rhoda, not so much. She's nice, but her high pitched laugh is hard to take. Still he has a great show. I do greatly appreciate Jon Rothman, but he is quite serious.
DeleteLooks like we can enjoy Rothman at 910 on Monday and I think Christine Craft is on 810 in the eve on Monday.
He's 82 give him a break.
ReplyDeleteHe was funny, and to the point without resorting to shouting out his opinion or being" mean spirited" as the Dems like to moan about all the time.
Sad to see that even the RNC didn't see anything amusing, perhaps because he upstaged every one.
I think Obama sees the value in this light moment and will try and come up with his own ringer.
Clint told us the truth, that our country belongs to us, and we can fire the losers who work for us when we need to. Obama had his shot an proved he is in way over his head and needs to go back to Chicago where he belongs. Its Romney's turn to bring us back to life. Obama is a third world guy who wants to bring the United States down to that level. Sorry dude, you are Fired.
ReplyDeleteso until that great expert on American history and politics, Clint Eastwood "told" you, you were unaware of the electoral process? Funny you missed the part he also ignored,ie: the role of corporations and PACS over all elected officials,including presidents.
DeleteYou could study perhaps the role of AIPAC in determining who is in congress, and who stays in congress.(American Israeli Public Affairs Committee)
I agree with the poster who said Clint could have used some assistance, like a teleprompter. But oh no "Dirty Harry" had to show us all that's he still..uh..in charge. I might have..uh..agreed with some of his points except he kept on saying "uh" a lot. No it wasn't a train wreck but his speech sure made him look like a bumbling, angry, old fool.
ReplyDeleteReminded me of Bill Bungerbutt. Senile and out of touch.
ReplyDeleteThank goodness for DVR's. Listen to the important stuff and fast-forward through the bad stuff.
ReplyDeleteHannity on Faux News was praising how great Clint was too. Did he watch the same thing I saw? It was painfully embarassing. If that was a dem actor talking to an empty GWB chair, the whackadoodle Contards would be all over it.
ReplyDeleteAnyone who has witnessed the GOP in the last 10 years realizes they could never admit anything was anything but a huge success.
ReplyDeleteRich, you and the other liberal partisans have missed the point on Clint's speech. And sadly, so have many of the conservative elite. This speech was not aimed at you, or even me. It was aimed at Joe Six Pack undecided voter in the swing states, and also the older generation. He mocked Obama as the empty suit (chair) that he is, in a way a politician would never dare. He did it with a smile (the "angry old white" man canard is so tired) and with common sense. Think of the actual context of the speech. Solid blow after solid blow on Obama, pointing out what a farce this presidency is. And he did it without getting personal on Obama. Biden of course was not spared.
ReplyDeleteWhat Clint did is tell the average voter who has been told by the media over and over again that it is racist to not aprrove of Obama's job performance, that is OK, and wanting to go in a different direction does not make you a bigot. Why do you think so many on the left are crying "racism" at his speech. And the best and most true lines of all, simple in their eloquence. "'We own this country... Politicians are employees of ours... When somebody does not do the job, we've got to let them go."
I've watched every movie he's ever made. Lost all respect for him between this debacle and "Mrs Eastwood". Where were his so called friends and family? Why did they let Romney make a damned bumbling old fool out of him? I guess they will do anything for a buck. Maybe Clint will get his new Monterey golf course after all?
DeleteAnybody who thought that Clint's random blubbering was "great" will also tell you that they love Le Perfume De Clint..aka, a Eastwood fart.
ReplyDeleteGood work Clint. It was a joy to see Clint Eastwood mock Obama.
ReplyDeleteListen liberals, if the shoe fits . . . wear it.
Let's send the community organizer packing back to Chicago.
That speech by Clint reminded me of Charleton Heston's over the top "Pry these guns from mine hands!". I think Clint like Chuck felt they better finish off the bucket list of hate extremism before they croak!.
ReplyDeleteWhat ever happened to be "diverse" or "different"? I truly laughed out loud 8 or 10 times during his delivery. Ya, he's old, ya, it wasn't perfect, but it was entertaining. It created buzz.
ReplyDeleteOn top of that, I'd still vote for a tomatp can over Obama for dozens of proven facts:
8.3% unemployment
15% unemployment / underemployment
$1.5 Trillion a year in debt
$5 Trillion + over 4 years in new debt
World Apology Tour
$4.20 a gallon for gas, and still he touts electric cars *cough*
Bungled the Gulf oil spill
Has plans to bend over for Russia if he wins re-election
Doesn't support Israel
Golfs too much (over 100 times)
ObamaScare - 22+ new taxes
So what, a 82-year-old actor was a little quirky. As Clint said, "I cry when I think about 23 Million unemployed Americans." Touche, Clint.
except there aren't 23 million unemployed americans.
DeleteThe economy hell you list is under the George Jr regime. They created two wars we didn't need. That's also the presidency who allowed the bankers to loot the economy.
DeleteObama saved the American auto industry while republican leaders were saying to let GM go under. Obama caught all the terrorists of 9/11..not George.
ALL the hate he has had...has come from conservative white people.That's the 99.99% who make threats also.
He's going to be reelected. And what the white power people will do is what is scary.
Tomato Can. Very good.
DeleteEastwood: "Joe Biden... the intellect of the Democratic Party." Classic.
ReplyDeleteIt's going to take more than four years, even with a cooperative legislative branch, to undo what doofus did to our economy. You don't cut taxes when you are funding two wars. We should never have invaded Iraq and we were lied to to justify the invasion. These idiots want to make this government a theocracy, no different than an ayatollah in Iran. As a woman, I could never vote for this party.
ReplyDeleteI vote democrat because Obama supports the "Arab Spring" and, while not a Muslim himself, he is very supportive of the radical Islamic culture. When Obama gets elected, we will be one step closer from kicking girls out of school, decriminalized rape, burkas, killing your daughter when she dates some doofus, and best of all, NO MORE WOMEN DRIVERS! Vote Democrat, and put women like Katie back in the kitchen! Praise Allah.
DeleteHe put a bullet between Bin Laden's eyes..and dumped the body with the fishes. Same for Zarquai..the head hunter terrorist.
DeleteSure,your being sarcastic. I just wanted to point out you also are being an idiot. And I DON'T USE THAT TERM LOOSELY...you earned it.
Vote for Republicans so we can enjoy the Bush years all over again.
ReplyDeleteLet's cut through the junk-Clint's attempted metaphor was an uncomfortable embarrassment. None of it will matter once the two debate. Then Obama will crush. Hell Mitt doesn't even believe what he says. Read his body lingo-totally unconfident.. I doubt if either has the guts to end the Ponzi scheme that is the US economy..
ReplyDeleteI think it's pretty clear from the above posts that with a few exceptions if you're a conservative, you liked Eastwood. If you're a liberal you thought he was "weak". A totally predictable result showing that people's political leanings supersede their objectivity.
ReplyDeleteIn any event, the RNC couldn't have been happy with the result -- folks are talking about Eastwood, not Romney and not the economy.
Myself, I turned it on the radio right after it started. If you thought it was incoherent on TV, you have no idea just how strange it sounded on the radio without knowing he was talking to an empty chair.
Really? I thought I was being rational that listening to a man who has 7 kids by 5 mothers,is a near billionaire if he isn't already,and is telling me that there is something wrong with a country that has given him everything he could dream of,is a old nut now.
DeleteRomney and Eastwood-wealthier now then they ever were even under Obama..and they have complaints?..LOL..
One point to consider is trust.
ReplyDeleteHow do I trust that, if taxes are lowered on corporations and wealthy individuals they will actually reinvest it? I doubt they will.
How do I trust someone who, apparently, is more interested in helping corporations and wealthy make more money? Where is his real compassion for the "little guy" (hint: It doesn't exist.)
Finally, if Warren Buffet, a BILLIONAIRE can still make tremendous profits with a 35% corporate rate and is willing to even pay his fair share (I trust him) why can't Romney and all his wealthy friends.
His father, grand father and great grand fathers were innovative, creative, competitive and make millions of dollars when the tax rates, on some individuals were in the 90% range. What happened to this generation?
The Romney Rhetoric is interesting to listen to and its very entertaining, but it is very hard to trust. There is another shoe out there somewhere and its going to drop on the middle class.
So you don't trust Romney (and by extension the RNC) for the resaons you say, but you do trust Obama and the DNC. You kidding? Obama, except for Obamacare, broke every campaign promise me made. He gave us Obamacare with the promise to make it affordable, and now we see the massive taxes coming to the MIDDLE CLASS over the next three years as a result. You think Obama cares about you? He and the DNC could give a crap about you and me. Neither does the RNC. Forget about trust and caring. The only thing you can count on is that BOTH parties will ONLY do what is in their best interest, while their rhetoric will praise all of us. Buffet is WILLING to pay more? Then why doesn't he. He doesn't because he doesn't have to. Romney makes his money off of captial gains, which by law, is about half of ordinary income. So he pays, like Buffet, what he is legally required to pay. They are all the same. Stop listenting to the RNC/DNC bullshit.
DeleteThe only question on the table is whose policies will, as a side effect, help the middle class. Base your vote on that, and not who you "trust". LoL.
As a strictly independent voter, I don't trust the rhetoric on either side. Politics, by its nature is a cesspool. About the best we can do is vote for the candidate whose S**T smells the least offensive.
DeleteAnd, for the record, trust is part of the equation. I have to trust the individual, not the rhetoric. I will vote for whoever sounds most trustworthy.
DeleteBeautiful spot, on post there 7:12pm. I give Obama a solid B for his 4 years. He's done good under these extreme circumstances. If McCain and Palin were in there, we'd be totally fucked!! I just can't beoeuve this election is goig to be as cloe as they say it is. Wouldn't that be hoot if Romney wins the popular vote and Obama gets the electoral vote! The Teabaggers would go nuts. They'd say he's not our presoident because the people didn't vote for him. Maybe, just maybe, they'll scrap that silly electoral college then. Should be straight majority vote IMHO.
ReplyDeleteBarack O'Kenya will be defeated for a second term! Go Mitt Go!
ReplyDeleteO'Kenya? Oh, how clever. NOT!! You Cons are immature, ignorant, racist losers. 4 more years is gonna eat you retards up. I love it!!
Delete"And a total collapse of the dollar through rampant hyperinflation, like they had in Germany in the early Thirties and that put Hitler into power, is fully within the realm of possibility."
ReplyDeleteExcept that the supremely brilliant Germans managed to rise from the ashes and become an economic powerhouse. Perhaps it's because unlike the U.S., they understand that a capitalistic market doesn't mean ceding power to oligarchs. Nor do they accept that labor and the middle class have to be obliterated so that the haves can have more. The German government deeply invests in its people and Red State Americans, with all of their vapid wedge issues, are too ignorant to realize that.
Clint was an absolute embarrassment to himself and the GOP with his rambling, nonsensical peformance. It that's the best the Repubs can do, they're in deep doo-doo!
ReplyDeleteBarrack Obama. The worst President in US history.
ReplyDeleteCase closed.
Hey 8:54, the Germans managed to rise from the ashes because they are hardworking people. Go into Berlin at 6AM, and you will see people heading off to work (I have seen it). Go into France at 6AM and everyone is still asleep until about 9AM. Yep. The entitlement society. With a second Obama term, we will become a full member of the entitlement society. Why work? Let the rich people pay for us to "think about work" (per his illegal revision to Clinton's welfare reform) while we drink beer and watch Sandra Fluke demand free condoms and free birth control. Actually, the stem cell sector should embrace Sandra as constant source of new stem cell lines. This country will sink into third world status with a second Obama term. So much for the shining city on the hill. It is sunset in America.
ReplyDeleteA week later and Clint rambling odd talk is all that people recall about the Republican convention. There was nothing there.