Tom Tolbert, (of KNBR 680) will join columnist John Feinstein, providing hourly commentaries for the new CBS Radio Sports Network.
CBS Radio begins delivering CBS Sports Minute Tuesday, September 4 to stations. The sixty-second commentaries will be heard near the top of every hour (weekdays, 6:00AM-7:00PM). CBS is working with Cumulus to distribute its new sports product.
Feinstein has written many bestselling sports books and wrote a column for the Washington Post. He's been a frequent guest on KNBR's afternoon show with Tolbert.
Tolbert will continue his KNBR talk-show, (3 - 7 PM weekdays).
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Tolbert is like all the other knbr honks. He is trying way too hard to be funny, (he isnt), and he laughs way too hard at his unfunny comments. He is friends with ray fatto, so that lets you he has no judgement.
ReplyDeleteYou post juvenile comments about a guy's weight, so that lets us all know that you're a six year old with nothing to contribute.
Delete@2:51PM You obviously have nothing good to say (and it seems that you don't know what you're talking about) so maybe you should focus your "wit" elsewhere. Hey... and have a nice day!
DeleteGood post at 2:51PM.
DeleteMany people in the Bay Area are very sensitive about their radio personalities.
Glad he'll continue his KNBR show, but more importantly -- when will Byrnes be dropped from said show? It's become totally unlistenable.
ReplyDeleteTolbert is still on the radio?! Why?
ReplyDeleteI ask myself the same question every day at 3:00pm.
DeleteTolbert is very funny for those who have a sense of humor. I'm sure his comments will be great..
ReplyDeleteI happened to listen to Tolbert and Ratto a week or two ago, and they were pretty good together.
ReplyDeleteI agree, Ray is the best person with Tom so far from what I have heard.
DeleteIf Ratto would join Tolbert's show in lieu of Eric Byrnes these days, I'd still be tuning in.
ReplyDeleteYeah, good that Tolbert is staying, but Spicoli has got to go. Today, apparently Spicoli got there late, so Tolbert asked him why. Instead of saying it was traffic problems and leaving it at that, Spicoli again hijacked the airwaves, going into excruciating detail about changing freeways, referencing his mountain bike routes, and.... I don't know what else. By that point I switched to FM. He's an insufferable tool.
ReplyDeleteI don't get the negativity towards Tolbert, though. He's the best guy on the BLEEDER. His show is easily the least formatted of any of the local sports stations; he's just as likely to talk about 'bizarre news stories,' pop culture, whatever, as he is to discuss sports. I like that. I don't need the repeated 'talking points' that the GAME is especially guilty of ("in 15 minutes, we'll talk about what's wrong with Timmy? Following that, we'll talk about Melky. At the top of the hour, it's 49er Thursday.... you know, the same stuff we did the last two hours"), but the BLEEDER does it too. I may, or may not, be in the minority on this, but I don't need 24/7 sports talk, even from the sportstalk stations I listen to.
-- Gaga V
Tom Tolbert wasn't expected to last when he first joined KNBR. The guy who taught him how to last, despite having average skills as a broadcaster, is now gone. Sorry Tom, but you're not worth listening to without Ralph... Never thought I'd say that, but it's true!
ReplyDeleteRalph managed to hang around long after his shelf life ran out. Thank God he's gone!
DeleteEric Byrnes is atrocious. He has no intellectual contribution to add.
ReplyDeleteOne vote for Tolbet here, he knows sports, he talks about pretty much all BA teams and makes educated comments. He doesn't yell and scream like a certain other station. He has a sense of humor and doesn't take himself to serious or play the "I was an athlete card...". I say good for Tom and congrats, I wish we would have more of Tom as an NBA analyst on CSN.
ReplyDeleteGood luck Tom ... Any chance to hear Tolbert without that fool Eric is awesome... I do wish that Ray could team up with Tom
ReplyDeleteSay what you will about tolbert and spicoli they are ten times better than listening to marty lurie a stooge for the giants and a man that just kills my love for baseball.
ReplyDeleteLurie may or may not be for everybody but he is not a stooge for the Giants. I have heard him be very critical at times even going so far as to say that a certain player should not be on the team. I don't imagine that Baer and company like to hear such statements. Also, he is very knowledgeable and has a lot of baseball contacts. The one negative might be that some of his shows run too long and become too repetitive.
DeleteSeems like the word stooge is often misused on this site.
DeleteSay what you will about Lurie, he is definitely no stooge for the Giants.
Heres hoping Tom Tolbert goes to CBS full-time.
ReplyDeleteMaybe KNBR will hire someone who understands the word "Enunciate"
Hey Tolbert, why is it I can never understand a word that comes out of your mouth?
Listening to you is a chore. All I hear is garbled words and run-on sentences.
Your Arizona education sure helped you.
Is Ralph Barbieri even a blip on the radar screen anymore? Once he got shown the door by Bill Bungeroth and the radio company from hell, we haven't heard much of anything about the 'Razor.'
ReplyDeleteBack in the day, Ralph brought something different and special to the table, but the last 10 years, (especially the last five) he sounded slow, tired, unenthusiastic, and out of touch with the sports scene. It was painful to listen to sometimes, but Tom was always a good sport and solicitous to a fault to Ralph. Tom respected and genuinely like Ralph, and Ralph is partly responsible for bringing Tom (a radio rookie back in the mid 1990s)
along. For awhile, they were a great team until Ralph lost his fastball.
I know his getting canned wasn't entirely his fault because he had worked at KNBR for 28 years, and after you're at a place that long you kind of feel impervious to any changes.
I hope Ralph is spending lots of quality time with his son who must be a teenager by now. He had a good, long run at 'The Sports Leader,' but was very lucky to have lasted there as long as he did.
I can't handle Tolbert being alone, the guy never comes up for air, and can't ask a question under 40,000 words. He knows his sports however,with Ray Ratto, the show would be 1/2 decent. Byrnes can't listen to him for more then 6 seconds.
ReplyDeleteSo are these updates going to be on the BLEEDER or another station in the CBS network? Is it going to be the same commentary, every hour on the hour from 6 AM till 7 at night?
ReplyDelete-- Gaga V
Tom Tolbert needs a co-host in the mold of Ralph. Someone who gets him, who is actually similar to him on some level, and not just a sports fan. A guy who has a bit of a life outside of sports. They need a guy who is humorous, a fan, but can steer the ship a bit more than Tom does because he is so often all over the place. Eric Byrnes is not the right guy at all. They both need another person, although I think Eric would be a good night go alone, especially after Giants games.
ReplyDeleteCompletely agreed, 6:22.
ReplyDeleteI nominate Ray Ratto. They're great together.
I nominate Spicoli to be moved into a dead elevator in a condemned building where he can listen to himself endlessly talk about useless triathlons, his putrid opinions, and his worthless baseball career, epitomized by his crackheaded display in the '03 playoffs at Fenway. (Play at the plate, Varitek, etc.)
Spicoli: "Brooks Robinson could never hold a candle to the players of today!!" (Brooks Robinson was a Hall of Fame 3rd basemen, probably the 2nd best defensive 3rd baseman after Schmidt, and hit 268 homeruns, mostly in the '60s, an era dominated by pitching. (And the Beatles.)
Sure, Spicoli, maybe if Brooks Robinson had done steroids, he would have been as good as all your modern-day heroes.
Spicoli: "Babe Ruth was not as good a baseball player as Will Clark."
He said this early on in his dubious tenure at the BLEEDER. I guess, to curry favor with management and Giants fans.
I will repeat the statement that might have gotten me banned from the BLEEDER's Facebook page:
Please, Spicoli, please.... have your kids sterilized. For the good of us all.
(The real statement that got me banned from the BLEEDER's page was this: during the big 10-year anniversary celebration of the Giants' 2002 season, a TV graphic came up celebrating all of Bonds's deeds -- all these homeruns, so many RBIs, best-ever on-base percentage, you name it. I suggested that either Kruk or Kuip should add, "and he did a shitl*#d" of steroids too.
How great a TV moment would that have been?
And that, of all things, is what got me banned from the BLEEDER.
-- Gaga V
Who the heck is this guy 'Gaga V?' Anyone who would call themselves 'Gaga V' has to be a little bit 'out there.' Hey "gaga V,' why don't you tone down the rhetoric? I agree withyou about 'Spicoli,' but you shouldn't be making such crass comments about steroids and children being sterilized.
ReplyDeleteI am in strong agreement with your thoughts about Brooks Robinson however. Masgnificent career, especially in the 1970 World Series vs the Reds when he made three incredible plays in the field that robbed Cincy of any hope. No one today is in his class!
From Gaga V
DeleteActually, I agree with most of what you say. Re: the name -- it was a nickname given to me long ago, because my first name is Gary, and last name starts with V. No connection to Lady Gaga; it was a high school girlfriend who came up with it. I didn't like it much at the time, but later in life it came in handy to use as a password for Playstation memory cards, etc. So it stuck. And the reason I use it here is because everyone is "Anonymous," so I want to be at least semi-accountable for statements I make.
Regarding the rhetoric: no, I'm just being honest. And while the statement about Spicoli's kids being sterilized may, I admit, have been 'crass,' I stand behind it. I mean, it couldn't hurt society if Spicoli didn't reproduce, right?
But I didn't make any 'crass' comments about steroids. I merely mocked Spicoli's braindead evaluation of how worthless Brooks Robinson was compared to today's players, and also how funny of a TV moment it would have been if Kruk or Kuip had finished up all their praise of Bonds's achievements (during the 10-year anniversary strokefest) with the comment about how many 'roids Barry was on. (I don't hate, or blame Barry for his 'roid use, either. How many millions of dollars did it make him?) But the BLEEDER's Facebook page immediately banned me from the page after I posted that comment. Hilarious! I don't know if it was the 'roid comment, or because I dropped an S-bomb. (Also I was merciless on Uncle Cranky, but they didn't seem to mind that.) I think it was Kate Scott who probably banned me -- she's apparently the only BLEEDER staff member who monitors the page. Cranky refused to do it because he knows that this whole computer thing is just a passing fad, and Spicoli tried but he could never find the page because he had trouble spelling the name of the station.
But I forgive you, Kate. Working with Cranky is punishment enough.
I'm not trying to get banned here, Rich, so I'll do my best to keep it clean.