Sunday, May 6, 2012

Why Pat Thurston has Class and Ronnnnnnn Owens Doesn't; Fails to Say a Word about Gene Burns

Saturday evening driving home from an event, I was listening to Pat Thurston on KGO. About the only person, besides Christine Craft and Stacy Taylor, that I listen to on that station.

Thurston opened her show with news about former KGO host, the ailing Gene Burns, who suffered a stroke about five months ago. Thurston said that Burns was getting better and is able to move about and talks lucid. Every now and then, his speech is slurred, but he's getting better. While he gets better, unfortunately, as Thurston noted, his return to radio is a long ways away, if at all.

Thurston plugged a website where one could send Burns some get well wishes and informed listeners that the veteran Burns was delighted to hear and see news of those concerned of his health status. It was a classy move on Thurston's part to tell folks about someone not only liked by his legion of fans, but those in the broadcasting biz who regard Burns with high esteem.

Moreover, it was cool of her to do so on a station whose owners only months earlier had fired Burns and others. It was also the right thing to do and Thurston deserves props. It's called professional courtesy--remember that, Ronnnnnnnnnnn?

That is a far cry from the guy in the morning on M-F at 9---ever heard of him? Ronnnnn Owens. Owens hasn't said one thing on the air about Mr. Burns. Not a word. Nada. You would think that Owens, who has much professional love with his "esteemed colleague", would have taken a minute or two to tell his audience about Burns status, but Owens hasn't found this necessary. You would think that Owens would show just an ounce of backbone with a bit of  respect to Mr. Burns, but he either can't or won't. I'd bet the latter.

Those of you who have berated me for piling on Ronnnnn need only see this type of act, or non-act, really, to explain my feelings of repugnance toward Owens. Owens is all about Owens and nothing else. He's a paycheck guy now that only cares about the house in Seacliff, his dinners with Willie Brown and making sure his nails are manicured. Throw in about 50 gadgets or so and that's Ronnnnnn, the guy that sold out big time and is puppetted by a lowel-level a-hole named Jared Hart. Ronnnnnnnnn has no time to the little things or people in his life. He's got to take care of those mattress ads and dinner at North Beach Restaurant.

Everything else is secondary. Which only further illustrates why Ronnnnnnnnnn Owens is a schmuck and has no class. Quote me.

A poser supreme.

*Follow me on Twitter


  1. I hope he sues your butt, asshole.

    1. Sue his butt for what? He's totally right Ronn is a phony of the highest order!

    2. For can't sue when its the truth.

    3. No wonder Savage calls him Mr. Softie. A man of Ronnn's age getting manicures and pedicures? I agree with everyone else. You can't sue when it is the truth. Additionally deflating an oversized ego is not a crime.

    4. Actually, it has nothing to do with truth re: a libel lawsuit. It's an opinion. Opinion is protected. You can even call a non-public person a a-hole. However, if you make a false claim, such as saying a-hole cheats on his taxes and is having an affair, this could be actionable if it is 1. False 2. Reckless regard for the truth ( meaning, did you attempt to determine the truth and were those efforts sufficient to remove this variable, which is one of three in libel actions that must be proved to be a success) and 3.Was it malicious?

      No. 3 is the most difficult to prove, EVEN when false, defamatory claims are made. Furthermore, Ronn is a public persona, making it even more difficult to succeed in a libel action.

      In this case, where Rich has simply stated an opinion based upon listening to Ronn and not hearing anything about Gene mentioned, even if Rich is wrong, all he would have to do is write a correction and still call Ronn a narcissistic, self-centered, materialistic a- hole.

      And, how many libel actions do you see in America? How many do you see that are successful?

      This is not the United Kingdom.

      Lastly, for the person who wants Rich sued, please provide evidence that contradicts Rich. I've listened to Ronn for years. He's blessed with a conversational demeanor and voice, but I know realize he lacks a spine and allows an immature jacka** to boss him around. It's an amazing turn of events.

      As a person who has left two very good jobs over ethics and principle at my own expense, I can see what happens when you sell out like Ronn did: you lose heart and yor soul. You have no character.

      Signed a media pro who has managed small- and medium-sized operations who is now out of work in the traditional sense but who has started his own business.

    5. I have been a fan of owens and KGO form the beging.. I have 2 low spots for ronn that have always stuck with me... He was a waiter.. he would take orders as a waiter for a stake dinner and send them a cheaper meat then ordered.. at the end of the night he/they would take the differnce... hUMM WOULD NOT WANT ANYBODY SERVING MY COUSTOMERS lIKE hIM..
      2nd is Dec 2011 how he handled him self.. I wanted to give him the benifit.. even tried to tune in even with 1 to 3 called per onslot of adds.. Then he kept making adds played all over on what a great new KGO is what SF needed KGO cares about local content now Try it its the new better KGO who cares about you sf... wow he even is spushing this on FM .. I cant stand to hear his phony ass any longer... Lier / lier paints on fire R.O.

    6. Anon 7:07 AM, how did Ronn sell out? By not resigning after the blood bath? He would have been sued for breach of contract, which would have cost him a fortune. Did you expect him to be a martyr? Do you think that those who were fired would have quit under the same circumstances? So, you are "a person who has left two very good jobs over ethics and principle" and at your own expense. Are you suggesting that's what Ronn should have done? Perhaps you had the luxary of time to think about your plan. Ronn didn't. They were all taken by surprise. Ronn didn't fire everyone and didn't create this situation. One last thing, 7:07AM, if you are so ethical and principled, why are you hiding under a generic "Anonymous?" Why not sign off with your real name? I did and still do.

  2. Ronnnnnnnald Lowenstein is a phony. A chicken hawk of the lowest order. Thank you for calling out this fraud againnnnnnnnnnn Rich.

  3. Heard that Imus clown scanning the dial the other morning. That guy sounds like he is drooling all over himself in a nursing home bed. Diane Rehm has a shaky voice, so what - just put Gene on. He can't be that bad off. No doubt his intellect would transcend any speech impediment.

    Owens has more to lose than the gracious Pat Thurston. I'm sure Gene understands Mr Softie is running out the clock. 8 more months.

  4. I agree. Ronn has zero class. What a creep!

  5. To Bad Ronn does not have 8 mo worth of vacation saved up he can take now

  6. Sure like to know the website where someone can post their well wishes to Mr. Burns.

    1. should do the trick.

  7. If you "only" listen to Pat, Christine and Stacey, how do you know if Ronn has yet to mention Gene Burns?

    1. Thank you, 4:43. Rich first states that besides Stacy and Christine, Pat is practically the only person he listens to on KGO. I listen to all three. I love Stacy and am incredibly fond of Christine. I listened to Stacy early this morning and will listen to Christine late tonight. I also like Pat. But if these three are all he listens to, then how would he know if Ronn has ever spoken of Gene Burns? He (Rich) needs to improve his critical thinking skills. Before the December blood bath at KGO, I heard Ronn say that he loved Gene. I doubt that his feelings have changed at all. Rich sends out a post that claims Ronn is jealous of Michael Savage. I think Rich is jealous of Ronn. He seems to have this hatred of him. I wonder if he felt this way before the blood bath. I wonder if he would feel this way if Ronn was one of those who got fired and Gene wasn't. And then Gene didn't resign. Would he then hate Gene? And through all this, I never heard Ronn say anything back against Rich. He wouldn't lower himself to Rich's standard. He knows that would only make them both look bad. Rich has yet to learn how truly awful he makes himself out to be.

  8. Pat is all class... wish she was on all the time (like 10 hours a day!) And its great to hear that Gene is making progress.

  9. Pat Thurston is all class all the time. The line up on weekends is all screwed up. Staci Taylor was on last night from midnight until 3am. Saturdays I tune KGONE out until Pat's show. I mean news until 10? Then the blowhard Monteminor, although I love Finney that time slot sucks from 1 to 4? And then Wolcoff and that bore of a chef? All they do is get drunk on air. Yesterday I tuned for a few minutes, they were getting hammered with margaritas and acting like airheaded frat boys celebrating cinco de mayo pronouncing the R's in Spanish with GUSTO!! Si seƱoRRRRRRR. Ay ay ay! Freaking joke

    1. I second your opinion on Walcoff and the chef--that duo has no class. Much prefer the old Dining Around.

  10. On a side note, Christine Craft is on KGO at 10pm tonight. Sometimes I believe there is a God!! The horrible comedian from Gotham City took a hike for a week at least. Unfortunately,the genius Jared Hart will surely dredge her up again soon. She is like a Bozo bop bag, knock it down and it keeps getting up.

  11. Anyone know why John Madden has not been on KCBS lately? His last day was 4/23/12.

  12. So sad that Pat, Christine, and Stacy are the only ones worth listening to. Be thankful you didn't hear Karel on Sunday -- a complete shambles of a program, all about himself ....

  13. It's a shame that you're just now giving "props" to Pat Thurston. She's one of the best at KGO, but you've been informing everyone here on your blog that Christine Craft and Stacey Taylor are the only ones worth listening to at KGO.

  14. What is the website where we can send messages to Gene? Would you please give it to us? Thanks.

  15. Look, there was time Ron did a good job and was part of the Bay Area. Today is is a tired old Hack who just doesn't care. Rich is right, he's phoning it in to get a paycheck. If he always sucked it wouldn't be so pathetic. Watching a guy who once "had it" circle the drain in public, every day, is depressing.

  16. With all due respect, Rich, this gratuitous nastiness directed at Ronn Owens doesn't become you.

    I agree that Pat Thurston sounds to be a very gracious person, and I enjoy listening to her programs. But, I don't see how what she addresses on the air diminishes her colleagues for NOT addressing it.

    I wish Gene Burns a full recovery, and happy return to the air. Where Ronn Owens eats dinner gives me no indication that he feels otherwise.

    I didn't hear Pat's comments. Can you pass along the website that she mentioned?

  17. Whatever happened to Rayyyyyyyyyyyyy Taliaferro!

  18. Ronn Owens is bound to annoy people as he is essentially in that job because he appeals to the broadest possible audience.

  19. Rich, why do you have a crush on Ronn Owens? Get over it, December was months ago. KGO has a great news department, and an entaining show from 9 to noon, so what if there not live and local at 2 in the morning? I've met Jared Hart a few times as well, and that personal attack was close to a new low. And anyway, when was the last time you worked in Bay Media? I bet you've never met half the people you attack.

    Screw you Rich, get a hobby or pick up golf or something!

    1. Jerred, it is unbecoming to respond.

  20. A few things. I heard Pat both on Saturday and Sunday. She also posted on this site last week about her visit to Gene and believe she has a post on her facebook page. She addressed Gene both on Saturday and Sunday and said that anyone wanting to contact Gene could do it through his Dining Around website OR you could send any letters to her at KGONE at 900 Front Street. She would deliver them to him and she would read them to him or his assistant would do that.
    Way to go Pat!!!! The only one at KGONE with balls!! I wonder how long that the powers that be at 900 Front Street will allow her to do that. I can see Jared's blood pressure rising and his face turning as red as his hair. As far as Ronnnnnnnngone is concerned I do not think that he cares enough about anyone other than himself, his gadgets and his girls and dog to do anything, including visiting his esteemed collegue. Maybe he sent a box of candy, knowing full well that Gene couldn't eat it. For those who question whether Rich would even know if Ronngone mentioned Gene, wake up---if that were to happen, how long do you think it would take for someone that posts here to let Rich know? It would also hit every anti KGOne facebook page. No, hasn't happened. If it does happen, it would be with great flourish. And, if I were Gene, I would not let him in the door....not until he gets his strength back and has full command of his language skills....although Pat said that Gene has worked out a "sign language" and managed to communicate to her that his assistant had gone for a colonoscopy that day..could probably use the same symbols to address Ronn!
    Gil Gross and Rhoda have visited him, not sure who else.

    I was not a huge Pat Thurston fan, but over the last few months have really come to enjoy her shows and make a point of tuning in. I don't think it is all related to how low KGOne has sunk, but Pat has improved a lot. I love her topics, and although I don't always agree with her points she has an extremely valid way of presenting them (unlike the jerk Monty or whatever). Good luck, Pat, keep it up...hope they don't relegate you to 2 a.m. for reporting in such a wonderful way about the remarkable Mr. Burns.
    I don't hear Christine, not my hours for listening, and so very much miss Stacy....they could get rid of Monty, the drunken, self serving useless show with Ryan Scott and Rich, and put Stacy and Christine in those spots, but it would make too much sense.
    John Hamilton seems to be about the only real winner in the changeover. Easier time to listen to his show....they'll probably change it.
    Again, thank you Pat.....we really appreciate you sharing with the listening audience!

    1. You make such a valid point about that Ryan Scott show. They got rid of Dining Around and put this jerk on? All he does is plug his restaurant, plug his friends' restaurants and get drunk on air with Walcoff who comes across as an enabler. I've enjoyed Walcoff as a newstalk host in the past but this "food" program sucks big time.

  21. Pat Thurston seems like a fine person. Her political views are borderline looney. Keep in mind that Owens is trapped in a format that has marginalized him. Is he self-aborbed, yes? But his current performance is as much a product of the rotting carcass of the station he is chained...

    1. Do any of you know some of the stories on how Pat got her KPIX FM job?
      Yes Patrica. Someone do know about it

    2. No, don't know the story. Please tell us. Thanks.

    3. 5:56PM, either I'm reading this wrong or you're coming off just a little too creepy... I hope it's the former.

  22. Agreed on Lowenstein, an asshole of the top rank. BUT, Rich, are you going to turn this guy into a saint on January 2, 2013 when his ass is fired? Or is he going to get the Barbieri treatment, deified because he was fired by someone you don't like?

  23. I totally agree about Ronnn. I used to listen all the time, but since his sellout after the firings I can't stand the pr*ck.

    At the same time, how come you didn't post the website Rich? I'm guessing it was an oversight, but seriously, it looks bad.

  24. Like others, it seems like Pat is a great person, but I never understood why she was on the air at KGO, beyond the ned for a new Sean Nix fill in. Her politics are half-thought.

    I didn't hear her Gene update, but Rich hits the mail on the head with this comparison. One was classy, human; the other cold.

    (I actually called up once after the bloodbath, and referred to a point Dr. Bill makes about nuclear power, and Ronnn gave me the Artic Chill.)

    Walcoff did nothing for me, a half notch below Pat.

    Yes, yes, how did Pat get the FM job?

    1. I know that Pat visits this site. I will hold off until Richie L. says so.

  25. All of this as we approach the tenth anniversary of the passing of Owen Spann.

    Preceding him into the recycle bin of memory ("are you sure you want to delete this item?") of The City That Used to Know How was the Domino Club on Trinity Place, where Spann's show on "KGO Eighty-One" was broadcast.

  26. No respect for Owens. Deleted his podcast from itunes after firings. Listened to lame show after firings and only thought I had was he defines kapo

  27. Ronnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn




  28. If the fratboy food show hosts really did imbibe margaritas on air and get smashed -- as is suggested by several above -- that is both a serious FCC violation, and a firable offense against the Cummmulus employee handbook rules. It's a gray area to do a wine tasting on-air at all, but one that dining shows kinda manage to get away with -- there is no provision in the employee handbook for this, but there is precedent. Getting DRUNK on air, or imbibing margaritas on-air just cause its' a holiday or some such, is NOT okay, and never was. Cummmulus is not mute on this issue, either; the handbook has an entire chapter dedicated to alcohol and drugs: it basically spells out the annual holiday party as the only exception to the rather draconian anti-alcohol policy, and it even dictates the manner in which alcohol can be served and consumed at a holiday party. Barring this exception, if any of us so much as has a sip of brandy within 2 hours of going on-air, we can be terminated with cause. Meanwhile, the FCC has never taken kindly to drunkenness on air; back when we had to be licensed to use a microphone, we could find same revoked for a single violation. (Nowadays, of course, the FCC is toothless, licenses are not required of air personalities or engineers).

  29. Ronn = (Liberal Lite) McTopic

    Gene = The Constitution

  30. Ryan Scott is a tool, I've been listening off and on since his show started and he is a braying Marina-like donkey. I can't believe they gave him a show, he fancies himself some sort of Bay Area Legendary Chef when all he is a Top Chef loser no one remembers.

    I also can't stand that food blogger who says shes "gonna get you fat" she has a voice that only Jan Wahl could love.

    One last thing..Ronn talking about hot rank dog breath is not the best way to lure in listeners.

    1. Under the reign of terror of Jared Hart and Paul "I'm a Hoe" Hosley hacks like Ryan Scott and the NY comedian get a shot at stardom. The problem is they suck majooooooorly. If drinking on air breaks the rules of the Cumulus handbook then Scott should have his ass thrown off the air. Indeed, his smugness describing how to deglaze a pan deserves a fist on the nose. We do not condone violence. Karma,will handle things...

  31. Again, you're SO quick to talk about people you don't even know.

    FYI RICH - Jared Hart is ANYTHING but an A-hole. He's a GREAT guy. Why don't you stop being an A-HOLE yourself and slamming people who don't freaking deserve it!!!!!!!!

    I'm tired of your hateful venom spew towards good people, use that crap energy towards CRAP PEOPLE not GOOD HEARTED CARING ONES!!!!

    1. I agree with you, May 9, 7:32 AM. I first heard of Rich Lieberman after the KGO bloodbath. I liked how he knew so much about radio/TV politics. But I'm just amazed at how very low a person (Rich Lieberman) can scrounge. I'm also amazed at how highly people (former listeners of what used to be the great KGO!) esteem him.

    2. I totally agree. Except for a few disgruntled and bad employees, I don't know anyone that thinks Jared Hart doesn't know his stuff. You obviously don't know him, because everyone I've talked to thinks he's a consummate professional. He does a great job for the Raiders here at CBS, and I wouldn't want anyone else running that broadcast.
