Friday, April 13, 2012

Classy KNBR/Cumulus Stench; More Ralph; Obanez/Campbell on KTVU; The Friday File

*You want to know the reality of Cumulus and its Knibber tool?

--After firing Barbieri and assorted tool hosts offering disingenuous platitudes for the Razor, KNBR and its upper brass nitwits had the temerity to tape Tom Tolbert's "tribute" to Ralph and then, (and this is typical Cumulus), offer it on its website, with numerous hosts tweeting the audio.

Let me get this straight: you fire one of your major dogs, your hosts/tools offer out phony huzzahs, all the while catering to management's policy NOT to discuss the matter beyond simple dumb "thanks Ralph", but then, make noise about "being able to 'listen to Tolbert's 13-minute orgasm/tribute." Give me a bleeping break. You smell to high heaven.

*Notice the Knibber tools repeatedly tell their audience, "we have no clue what went down with Ralph and management." Because most of you are brain-dead dimbulbs with no utter clue you're working for the most evil company on the planet.

How evil? Cumulus has one of its Darth Vader's call in to the Mike Huckabbe show as a plant--on purpose. Cumulus relies on its guppie work force, the real little people that adhere to its marginalized talent base...and KNBR is its home entity. They both deserve one another.

*I'm not a Barbieri apologist. We had our battles. But I'm rooting for the Razor. I wish someone has the balls to stand up to these corporate cretins.

*Yes, that was Mark Ibanez and Tori Campbell on the "10 o'Clock News" the other night. Turns out Gasia Michaelian was sick and Frank Somerville was busy on a personal matter. So, Ibanez, sports guy was asked to fill in at the news anchor desk and Campbell, who's a "Morning on Two" anchor was called in. No big deal, both handled their chores as the professionals they are.

*Follow me on Twitter


  1. In the end it doesn't matter. Sports Talk Radio is becoming a dinosaur.

  2. *I'm not a Barbieri apologist. We had our battles. But I'm rooting for the Razor. I wish someone has the balls to stand up to these corporate cretins.

    My thoughts exactly. Cumulus m.o. is right out of Goebbels propaganda book. I am surprised they haven't dug up the corpse of Leni Riefenstahl to direct their own version of "Triumph of The Will"

    One of the most frightening truths ever uttered by Nazi Josef Goebbels, Minister of Propaganda under Hitler.

    “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”

    Keep those rocks slinging.

  3. What did Raddy have to say other than what he really was thinking, and that was "Better him then me"?.

    1. lol Exactly. He really needs to go.

  4. To stray over to the positive side of the street; I always appreciate the professionalism of Ibanez and Campbell in their respective usual spots. They did a fine job on the 10 o'Clock News when I caught a few segments. I much prefer their style to some of the more "exuberant" ("raw"? "wet behind the ears"? "overcaffienated"?) substitutes we've been getting the last few months/couple of years.

  5. It was a suprise to see Mark Ibanez anchoring the news but than I paused and thought how hard can it be to read a telepromter? He is used to doing it on his sports segment. Not that hard of a transition and I bet most people who dont know Ibanez does sports would of noticed.

  6. Cumulus has booked an express elevator to hell, all expenses paid.

  7. Why is that Gas woman always sick? Every time i happen to see her she has a bad cold and can barely speak.

  8. The Giants game was on KNBR when I got off work the day Ralph was let go.....I turned to 1050, and was shocked to hear Ralph's voice, interviewing a 49er player....At the top of the hour, there was some switching and ESPN radio came on....

  9. I caught Ibanez on on the news the other night, and I thought he was great! I kept waiting for him to wrap to the scores! I agree he is positive and competent, and hardly missed a beat filling in as anchor.

    Another Ch 2 stalwart I'd like to see more of is Sal Casteneda; don't let him just hide in that little traffic room, get him out and about from time to time! Sal's been around for years and has a good style, I like him.

  10. I'm still PO'd at Cumulus for the decimation of my favorite radio station KGO, but I just don't feel the outrage on this one. Doesn't a company, even Cumulus, have a right to fire an employee? I would say, and many others would agree with me, that they've actually improved the product with this move.

  11. I caught some of Amy G. on the Giants. If we could ever see the rest of her. Just some leg in skirt.She's such a beauty. Like a young Susan Saunders.

    1. Everyone is discussing The Razor, Mark Ibanez and Cumulus in general and you want to talk about Amy G. in a skirt? What kind of FREAK are you?? Geez!!!!

  12. I figure it's only a matter of time before Cumulus starts its own "sports radio network" comprised of various hosts from around the country.

    And I wouldn't be surprised if Tony Bruno is involved - he's worked for just about every sports radio network there is.

  13. Sal Casteneda, he reminds me of the weather man from Anchorman. Same blank stare. I can't believe no one has noticed this....

  14. If Gasia needs some chicken noodle soup and TLC, I'm volunteering!

  15. Oh, gawd, please. Anyone but Somerville.

    KTVU has really fallen down a rabbit hole with its current news style. Nothing but violence and tragedy. KPIX does a better job of letting the public know there more is happening in the Bay Area besides murder, fires, and car wrecks. The ONLY reason to watch KTVU is for weather reporting.
