Even though advertisers have been leaving his show in droves, Rush Limbaugh seems resigned and OK with the news.
"So be it", he tells the NY Times.
Question: Has it occurred to anyone that Limbaugh knew full well what he was doing? That being the ego-centric personality he's become; the fact that he may have felt devoid of water-cooler conversation, he chose to make personally insulting, incendiary remarks that would get him, (and his show), however controversial, however advertiser-unfriendly, back into the public news domain?
My bet is Limbaugh deliberately did this. He's got $100 million dollars in the bank. If they fired him tomorrow, (and they didn't and won't), he'd be fine. The advertisers that left his radio syndicate can be replaced...eventually, (like this one). He still has his core GOP listeners base intact and a good many of them still adore him.
Moreover, he still has widespread support among the conservative heartland where "LIB-er-AL" media and "mainstream media" are ingrained as Republican talking points. Limbaugh's apology was about as genuine as fine cuisine at Carrow's.
The bottom line was met. Rush was back in the headlines. His insults were the subject matter of all the talkshows--TV, radio, and squarely back on mostly right-wing oriented talk radio excoriating the "lamestream media."
I think he knew exactly what he was doing. And he succeeded.
*Follow me on Twitter
He didn't do it on purpose, it's readily apparent he's just no that smart...he thinks a woman has to take a pill every time she has sex.
ReplyDeleteI hadn't heard him in many many years until his switch to 910. His act is really tired. I always thought of him as a great entertainer. But he's not even that anymore.
Michael Savage has more talent in his pinkie than Rush has in his entire bloated body.
Limbaugh has really lost his marbles. He's a crazy, rich, old man that hates women with a level of passion I've never seen.
He may have $100 million in the bank but what good does it do if you have to be Rush Limbaugh. Can't be much fun.
Someone needs to tell the KGO producers to turn off their computers when recording pieces. I keep hearing Windows sounds, it's hilarious.
ReplyDeleteRush Limbaugh is nothing but a big, fat, wheezing windbag of conservative nonsense. He loves to bloviate and thinks his own farts don't smell. He loves to pal around with rich guys at the country club, smoke cigars and complain about how the 'Liberal' media paints an unfair picture of what's going on. Give me a break!
ReplyDeleteWhat in the Sam-hell does Rush Limbaugh know about what it's like to be scrapping for a living in today's economically stressed times? He is the beneficiary of media deregulation, which ramped up big-time in the 1990s and allowed him to be on hundreds more radio stations than he would of if deregulation hadn't become a reality.
And with 'ole 'Rush-bo' picking up more stations, it meant the end of the line for many talented, qualified and valuable local broadcasters who ad been important parts of their respective communities.
Rush is an example of many of the bad things that have happened to our once great country in recent years: media deregulation, the blurring of the lines between responsible and irresponsible commentary on the air, self-involved, selfish, ugly pro-Americanism that has given us a bad name both at home and abroad, and perhaps most importantly, a cheapening of a once valued commodity of our free society...the media. Shame on you Rush!
I don't agree. I think he sorely underestimated the backlash. His egregious three-day attack on Sandra Fluke came after (1) Susan G. Komen fiasco of defunding Planned Parenthood, (2) the Virginia state legislature's attempt to require transvaginal ultrasounds as a condition of receiving abortion services, (3) various "personhood" amendments around the country that would severely restrict access to birth control, (4) statements by Republican candidate Rick Santorum that birth control leads to bad "sexual practices," and so on. The public is now quite aware that women's rights are under attack and the public doesn't like it. Limbaugh has been getting away with his provocations for many years but now he isn't getting a free pass. That suits me just fine.
ReplyDeleteHow is it that the party that purports to be for small government wants to set up shop in every woman's uterus?
Of course Rich is right (on this one). Has anyone calculated the value of the airtime spent on CNN, MSNBC, et al covering this "story"?
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone think this garbage out of Limbaugh's mouth has cost him any of his loyal audience? Does anyone think advertisers will shy away from an audience of millions?
Sure, he's a pathetic, misogynist, lying, racist scumbag. He's also laughing all the way to the bank.
He is not pathetic.
DeleteThis Viagra/Oxycontin popping piece of filth is an insult to the legacy of real Republicans like Dwight Eisenhower, Barry Goldwater, and William Buckley.
ReplyDelete8:22, he hates women because he's a closet case.
ReplyDelete9:04, spot on!!!!
ReplyDelete*Rush is still the best analyst of issues. I also love Michael SAvage.
ReplyDelete*Don't be jealous of his wealth; he has earned it.
*I think Sandra Fluke and many of these young ladies should be embarrassed. They are the ones who have given up their dignity as women. As a 50-year-old now, I would have so embarrassed to be talking about my sex life and the volume of it apparently and saying her friends were essentially the same. These people accept the rap songs calling them bitches, etc. because they have lost their dignity and the reverence that used to be given to women. That's all gone now.
*The daily pill he is likely talking about is the morning after abortion pill, not just traditional birth control pills.
*The dirty secret by Planned Parenthood is that 13 million of the abortions conducted since the 70's have been on African Americans, a genocide of sorts.
*i have a 14-year-old and she has been taught dignity, decorum, something the hippie generation and on has lost.
*America has lost its morals, values, and dignity--that includes its people. Can you even imagine p people 20 years ago being so flighty about these topics.
*Rich--I just found your sight a few weeks ago (although I knew of you before that). If you keep leaning so left and trashing Limbaugh, you'll lose people like me.
Do you think Rush is a model of dignity and decorum?
He knew what he's doing. There is no slip of the tougue there.
ReplyDeleteHe'll never get fired. He has too many dittoheads listening to every word he says and Clear Channel knows it.
....and the Sac Bee had to print an apology in their Sports pages today as one of their employee's had been making harrasing phone calls to a radio show the employee didnt like
ReplyDeleteI read alot of Radnich in that. As long as the Dickeys are happy and he can joke of having a Bently...
ReplyDeleteRush,who is nothing more than a Vacuum salesman who hit the right wing lotto mining hate has issues that most Republicans say they consider immoral. Drug abuse,Picked his wife from email photo's-perversion,and Sloth..Rush even with the banded stomach is back to being very obese. Rush most likely hates himself for failures at everything he's tried to overcome other then getting money out of the neonazi's...
Get back on the meds dude.
DeleteWell said Pecon type Dude.
Delete10:08, just because a woman wants to protect her personal freedoms doesn't mean she has any positive feelings or associations with (c)rap "music".
ReplyDeleteThere were plenty of women before the hippie movement (a culture that has had more long term negative results than positives, for sure) who wanted to be able to be free personally/sexually and otherwise, and still managed to be clean about it. The same is true post-hippie, in spite of the overall degradation of society.
If you do indeed feel that women deserve dignity and reverence (as they do), then you are free to continue showing them such whether they choose to use contraceptives or not, whether they have pre-marital sex or not. In the end it's about how they treat you and society, not what they do for their sex lives.
10:08 Well said!
ReplyDeleteThis is all about censorship. They don't want him on the air. Period. Libs don't want any alternate opinions. And I love the diatribe form the left on this subject. Paragraph after paragraph on a guy you have never listen to on the air? Yea right.
no no no...I'm a flaming lib and I know Rush and I certainly don't want him off the air.. especially now....My motives are clear.
Deleteksco today 2-4 pm..lively show with Michael Harrison of TAlkers mag...joining us.
Yes I know you know Rush from back at his days in Sacramento. What is it like to know him on a one to one basis? I have heard that he is engaging and polite even with those he disagrees with.
DeleteCheck on how men 30 and under view women. Like trash. My son is 16-1/2, and he is stunned by how his acquaintances treat female students, both on Facebook in their language, and in person. I hear in person and see on Facebook girls saying, why aren't you a gentlemen, like (my son)? He is considered extremely unusual in his behavior. Read a few women's magazines these days, such as Glamour, Vogue, and the way men speak in Q/A re women and how lightly women treat having multiple partners. If being promiscuous is how women have freedom, this is really sad. We have downgraded ourselves to the point of no return. We are not talking a "little" pre-martial sex or a little sex before marriage. We talking hook-ups, multiple partners in short periods, and thinking NOTHING of it.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous 10:08: As I heard the story, this woman wasn't there to talk about her sex life, rather about her friend who lost an ovary because she couldn't get access to the medication (same as birth control pills) to treat it.
ReplyDeleteAlso, another thing missing from the conversation is that women who get pregnant are having sex with men, not women. So if this woman is supposedly having all this sex, who is she having it with? Where are they in this equation? Is it okay for them to be "loose with their morals" but not for women? This whole thing is so hypocritical. You can't convince me that the only men having sex are married men having sex with their wives. So leave this woman alone unless you are going to also "out" her partners and condemn them as well. The men could put the aspirin between their legs. Be a gentleman, be chivalrous and take care of their woman.
If health insurance covers viagra etc., it should cover birth control. Viagra accomplishes nothing more than helping men have sex. Birth control prevents pregnancy. Men should be happy about it. If they don't want insurance to cover it, the men could pay for the women's pills. Saves them a lot of child support payments. What would the menfolks do if all women stopped having sex out of wedlock??
I get the impression that Limbaugh is bored. He doesn't have a lot confidence in the GOP candidates, hard to whip up his audience for any of them without risking alienating listeners.
ReplyDeleteI really doubt he planned it though. More likely he's surprised about the uproar. His problem isn't losing audience or advertisers, it's influence. Will elected leaders really want to so closely align themselves with him?
I would have thought Romney would have used the opportunity for a "Sister Soulja" moment (look it up) to establish himself as a man of principle. Imagine if Clinton's response to lyrics advocating for racial violence with "those aren't the words I would have used."
As a man, I'm glad to read posts like 11:20. I love nothing more than being intimate with a woman, but I don't degrade her for that, or expect her to take all the responsibility.
ReplyDeleteA moderate Republican.
ReplyDeleteRich you could be right about this, but it seems just as likely this is just another of Rush's many blunders. I think back to when he made his racial comment about Donovan McNabb. He may have had a point, but he chose the worst possible way he could to make his point.
Rush will probably OD on Viagra and have a heart attack like his boy Breitbart. Typical limp dicked blow hard conservative regressive.
ReplyDeleteWhile Rush's comments were somewhat insensitive, they do not hold a match to the utterly disgraceful spittle thrown out by the satanic Bill Maher, the idiotic Ed Schultz or the mean spirited Keith Olberman. There are others, one of whom will appear at The White House soon. This is total hypocrisy, a well known trait of the despicable left. Rush admitted on Monday that he had improperly behaved like a lefty. In addition, the point Rush was making was that the issue had absolutely nothing to do with women's health and all about entitlement and forcing religious groups to pay for services and products that are against their core beliefs. The vast majority of his listener's agree with this correct assessment. Ms. Fluke is a well known activist who knew what she was doing and applied to Georgetown with full knowledge of the school's position on these issues. She should have expected the firestorm she created. Her later comments after her testimony have been very weak. Rush will continue on the road of success and will replace or bring back all the advertisers who have left permanenetly or temporarily. Ms. Fluke will be the useful idiot who will descend into obscurity.
ReplyDeleteMaher...the c word is subjective...there is no absolute objective definition of the c word.
DeleteHowever, when you call someone a "prostitute" the definition is clear,a person who sells their body for money.
In other words, as the originator of the term, "Caribou Barbie", I couldn't be successfully sued by Mz. Barbie,,er Palin. If I had stated she was a prostitute, the same would not be true.
Ms. Fluke is a bright young American woman who enjoys her sexuality and who is entitled to be an "activist", whether you like it, or not.
Some what insensitive? Are you 'effing joking? Please look at a clip of his three-day jihad which was nothing more than depraved: http://tinyurl.com/7f8m87f
DeleteBill Maher, a foul-mouthed jerk, is on HBO and has NO sponsors. Therefore, no companies are associating their good names with him. Furthermore, has never been invited to address the Democratic convention nor has he received a birthday cake from the Vice-President of the United States. As for Schultz and Olbermann, they both were suspended for what they said.
Rush's apology for "behaving like a lefty," is the most pathetic excuse for an apology that I have ever heard.
What Rush, Komen, KGO/Cumulus didn't anticipate was the power of social media. Because of Facebook and Twitter, people are sharing and re-sharing the information and people are mobilizing like never before. Before Facebook/Twitter, you could control the story through traditional media sources - now it won't fly.
ReplyDeleteActually, there's a trend here. Look at John and Ken at KFI, calling Whitney Houston a "crack whore". One week suspension. Scott Kaplan at XX1090 in San diego, calling a female sportscaster "Sasqwatch". Fired. Imus and his "nappy headed ho's" comment. Fired. Rush, etc. It's apparently acceptable to denigrate blacks, hispanics, asians, Obama, etc. but women make a lot of buying decisions, and sponsors take note. Cross them at your own peril.
ReplyDeleteThis woman was at a Jesuit college. Duh? I don't care if insurance companies cover birth control, Viagra, or not. What she wanted was the college to SUBSIDIZE this for students. I could never have dreamed of attending such a university. She is privileged to be doing so. She likely gets a lot of financial aid to do so, and she's complaining of having to buy HER OWN birth control. These spoiled college kids need to sell their iphones, ipods, etc. and get part and full time jobs while they are in college if they are SO desperate for money that they can't spend $30 or $40 a month on their OWN contraceptives.
ReplyDeleteso you want the insurance to stop covering the viagra it provides for the male Georgetown students?
Deleteuh,she's not a college student She's long out of college. She's a third year law student. It must drive you nuts, those extremely well-educated American women.
DeleteI believe that health insurance at college is something that is paid for by the student and is added to their tuition. There is nothing wrong with wanting birth control included. If the issue is whether is free or at a co-pay, it still is acceptable to make a statement requesting this especially since it's caught national attention. The law student is made a respectful, dignified statement and those who don't agree can counter her position in a respectful, dignified way. My problem is with the nasty, insulting attacks.
Deletegoeregetown is run by...wait for it... jesuit priests. it is an institution that is run by people who have a religious opposition to birth control. while they can't control the actions of people who follow their religion or go to their institution by making them not use birth control, they can ask to not be made to financially enable the use of birth control.
Deletethis sandra person went to georgetown with the specific intent to protest their health insurance policy. she said she was representing all the women at georgetown. i don't believe all the women at georgetown chose to go there to specifically protest the health insurance policy. sandra had a choice of where to go to law school and she chose georgetown because of their lack of birth control coverage. she has been protesting it since 2009 and has had her case heard before the georgetown administration and they have continuously ruled against her.
i don't agree with what rush said. i have nothing against rush, but he really screwed the pooch for the conservative argument for the first amendment by turning the discussion in the direction he did. now everyone is talking about how this poor girl was insulted by the big bad wolf instead of being able to talk about what a contrived liberal set up this whole sandra fluke testimony was and how it has nothing to do with womens rights, but everything to do with religious rights.
I long for the day where it not only doesn't matter what gender, race, lifestyle, or religion one belongs to, but it especially that it doesn't matter who is liberal or who is conservative. If we're going to be better as a society, we will need to talk together, listen together, and work together better. You'll be surprised at how much more fun it is to accomplish than it is to hear fat, lazy, all air, no substance comments from an intolerant blowhard or several. Is it any wonder why trust within society is so far gone?
ReplyDeleteUm, the subject was birth control pills being used to treat ovarian cysts and menstrual periods that are so heavy that people have to stay home from work/school. Check out her testimony rather than relying on what Rush said in his "somewhat insensitive" remarks - basically calling her a prostitute, actually calling her a slut and saying he wants to watch the video. She did not mention contraception, Rush and Fox news turned it into a debate about sex and the government subsidizing it. I guess you, Rush, etc do not have a problem with the government subsidizing vaginal ultrasounds in the name of the womb police before a woman chooses to terminate a pregnancy. That would be acceptable, right?
ReplyDeleteum, the subject is religious rights.
Deletesandra can ask all she wants for birth control to be covered in her health insurance policy. the jesuits who run the school have a religious objection to it.
if having her birth control paid for was so important to her, she could have chose to go someplace where they didn't have a religious objection to it. she is trying to force her beliefs onto a religious institution. may i remind you that sandra chose to go to georgetown because she is a women's rights activist who went there specifically after noticing georgetown's health plan didn't cover contraception.
as far as the ultrasounds, planned parenthood requires two of them before any abortion. so what is your problem? you really need to stop taking everything you hear from the liberal media as fact. they are disingenuous you know.
Statistics show that women who see ultrasounds before an abortion often choose not to go thru with them. That is why Planned Parenthood and other like organizations are desperate for women not to have them. Planned Parenthood is a multi-billion dollar a year BUSINESS. 13 million of the 40 to 50 million abortions in this country since the 1970's have been on African Americans, a well kept secret. Oh, and poor babies with heavy menstrual cycles (and I am a female). What did women do before the pill? What did people do when they had to work in coal mines and other jobs. We have become such wimps. Being married to a lawyer, law school is still considered college, by the way...... I don't care how educated these women are. They need to have some dignity. Society does not even realize how decadent (a la the Roman Empire) and ill mannered we've become.
ReplyDelete"Desperate" for women not to have ultrasounds? EXCUSE me?
DeletePlanned Parenthood is NOT a business, check your facts. It's a 501c3.
Before the pill? Women got pregnant. A lot. My dad's parents had 11 babies; my mother's parents had 10.
"Have some dignity." Indeed. You should.
And "being married to a lawyer" does not make you an expert on the law, sweet cheeks.
so you don't enjoy good sex? pity
DeleteThe law student did present her case with dignity. The person who did not have dignity is Rush Limbaugh.
DeleteWhat is the point of wondering what people did before the pill? It's 2012 and much has changed in the medical community. Women use to die more frequently in childbirth and many children died of causes that are avoidable today.
Planned Parenthood has helped many people. If African Americans have a large number of abortions, that's their right. So what? Because they have a larger percent of people who are low income, they probably have fewer people with health insurance and need to go to clinics. Other people who get abortions and who have more money might be going elsewhere.
Also, women today must work to survive in much larger numbers than before and having terrible cramps makes in hard to work. Even if they don't have to work, why suffer every month for crying out loud. Oh poster 6:42 your comments disturb me greatly.
I loved Christine Craft on KSCO today. She pissed off the misogynists in the Monterey Peninsula. Does her appearance on KSCO signal that she is off KGONE for good? I got a kick out of her today. I transplanted to Pacific Grove from the Bay Area and as beautiful as it is down here, the underlying right wing current is unsettling. More Craft please on KSCO!!!
ReplyDeleteI have done shows for many years now and then for KSCO and Michael Zwerling. KSCO is probably the cutest radio station in the world. Did I mention it's on the BEACH? I'm a free agent and am always delighted to sit at the KGO wurlitzer and will be this weekend...sat. midnight..actually sunday morn 12-3..I've got a bombshell guest...must be quiet about the specifics..
DeleteMake that 12 to 2 a.m. With the time change, you should move ahead to "Red Eye Replay Trucker's All Nite Fun Time" beginning at 3 a.m. You do move your clock ahead, right? It happens, officially, at 2 a.m.
DeleteSo Christine was on with the fellow from Talker's Magazine? I hope KSCO has a podcast/archive of that show. Wish I had heard it!
ReplyDeleteMy mother worked as a waitress her entire life, very hard work. She did it with or without cramps and never complained. Some in the African American community consider the number of abortions their community is pushed into (you can google back up this) as a near genocide of their race--not a privilege. How insulting to say they are low income and can't handle their own lives. And we conservatives get called the racists. The point of wondering what happened before 2012 is that we can exist without government paid contraceptives. If insurance companies want to cover it or Viagra, fine, I don't care. I have used contraceptives. You guys don't get it--it's mandating a Church to cover what it does not want to per its doctrine; a Jesuit university to cover it when it does not want to; wanting the federal taxpaying public to cover them, abortions, late term abortion, morning after pills, Viagra, and a bunch of other stuff. We have lost all sense of responsibility, whether buying our own things, or women (or men) exercising some control in their lives. People also died from the lack of aspirin, antibiotics, anesethesia, etc., as well as childbirth. Never said I was a legal expert--said that law school is college--that's all I said, sweets. 501c3 does not mean it does not make money--it has a lot of employees and related people who live off its profits. It also means it should not be involved in politics. You guys also don't get the points re having our children have dignity forTHEIR bodies BEYOND abortion. Young girls are being torn apart (and boys being pushed into all this) by the confusion caused, by thinking they have to give it away on first dates or in multiple relationships. I can see this is extreme left wing site, so I will be signing off on it and find radio information elsewhere.
ReplyDeleteYou are so far off point as regards to this story that it is almost humorous.
DeleteAgain--501c3 means the organization does not make profits. They can pay SALARIES and hey! Check it out! Non-profit workers usually make low wages. I know. I have been one most of my life.
I fail to see how contraception, paid by employers is "tearing girls apart--and pushing boys into all this."
Yes, you are probably better off finding your information elsewhere. Somewhere where good sense, and paragraph breaks, do not exist.
Oh! And one more thing.
DeleteYes, 501c3 means that an organization cannot be involved in politics. HOWEVER, an organization can develop a 501c4 component that can legally get involved in advocating for political candidates or legislation.
But there is a vast--and legal (check it out with hubby!) definition of lobbying. An organization can be involved in opinions.
Thank God for Planned Parenthood! They have saved many lives (think mammogram?????) and unwanted babies from being born.
I don't get why abortion, having been legal in the US for almost 40 years, has suddenly become the catch word for folks like yourself--who twist every piece of news into "abortion rights."
actually it's a great thing that all the young women voters now realize that their rights to self-determination are threatened by the GOP whose theme song for campaign 2012 is "Every Sperm is Sacred"
DeleteEvery Sperm is great
and if ONE is wasted,
Gawd is so irate!
thank you Monty Python
Now it's "self-determination," huh? I think women sleeping with everyone who comes along is degradation of themselves. Christine, you are better than this kind of comment. I occasionally listened to you on KGO, but these kinds of things are not worthy of you.
Deleteno...you don't sleep with everyone who comes along..you have sex with whomever you want to have sex with...completely different equation...It may be lots of sex over a lifetime or not so much. No one else should make that determination..except the individual.
Deletechristine, no one is threatening any womens self-determination, except maybe you with your misinformation.
Deleteno one is trying to keep women from having anything that they don't already have. no one is trying stop women from having birth control.
why are you trying to stop religious freedom? that is what this is about. if sandra was going to a school that wasn't run by jesuit priests with an opposition to birth control, and going there by her own choice, she might have a sound argument. but she is going to a school with a religious opposition to birth control and she went there to specifically protest it.
get off your high and mighty little soap box. or if you are going to continue to expound from said box, at least tell the truth.
One more thing. I assume this is largely a Bay Area dominated site, given Rich's background, the focus on local talk, and the "415." You in the Bay Area fancy yourselves SO tolerant. I can't wait to move back to San Diego in about 10 years. Most in my circle won't speak out because they are ostracized. They actually say, don't tell anyone I am a conservative (or Republican), I will be an outcast. They say, I don't talk about my views as I'll be attacked. I hear this ALL the time. YOur "tolerance" and "open mindedness" is a joke. I consider myself an oppressed minority here. Think about it.
ReplyDeleteSounds like you and your circle are weenies! "Opressed minority" my ass.
DeleteI see this as women's rights (hence the LImbaugh connection). You see not everyone sees women's rights as the right to abortion. I see it as dignity, preserving their bodies for not every man (or for men, every woman) who comes along, feeling used and unwanted after dozens of partners. I see young ladies wearing dresses that are now up to the top of their legs to dances and proms as a right of women. I see them not being pressured to dress as they do on TV shows. I see women's right as the belief they can say "no." That they can go to a dance without showing their stomachs. That they can be liked without being "loose" (heavens, what an antiquated word!). I can only emphasize again that I see the way girls my 16-year-old son has at school, at Facebook, and if you think the way they are called bitches, whores, profanity used loosely (oh, heavens, how old-fashioned!), and spoken of and treated like meat is women's rights, that's very sad. You guys use "women's rights" and "women's health" as a code word for abortion. Oh, well, the ones who agree won't speak up. They fear you Bay Area "tolerant" people!
ReplyDeleteAnd YOU see "women's rights" in purely sexual terms, doncha!
DeleteFor many of us women, what we are really concerned with is jobs and economic equality. Just because you seem to be overly concerned about trashy girls doesn't mean the rest of us are.
No one treats ME like "meat." Interesting that your son and his friends come from this perspective. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree!
it must have been so tiresome for you to wonder all these years what an "orgasm" is...poor dear.
Deleteit is not about women's rights.
Deleteno one is trying to take any rights away, except for the people who are trying to take the religious right of georgetown, a jesuit school, to oppose birth control and not have to be forced to provide it.
there are plenty of other ways a woman can get birth control, even at the expense of the taxpayer, without infringing on the religious rights of others.
lets say that tomorrow, the jesuits found a passage in the bible, that they translated to say that all people of color are inferior to the white man and therefore they no longer felt that blacks, asian, hispanics, etc had to be allowed entrance into georgetown
Deletecuz that is exactly what they are doing regarding contraception
nowhere in the bible does it say a woman cannot take the pill
fuck the jesuits....provide coverage for a womans healthcare or lose federal funding
that's the problem..the jesuits are too busy dosing themselves with the viagra provided by the health insurance! and you know what they do under the spell of that viagra..seed spilling everywhere.