Saturday, March 3, 2012

Karel goes after Rush

Karel is...finally....on fire, talking about the Rush Limbaugh slut brainfart, (although he said that the old KGO was bleeding--Karel, KGO was still billing millions, declining ratings and all--), but I digress.

Great radio.
Thirty minutes?



  1. Karel is never going to be real about what went down at Cumulus/old KGO, that is until it happens to HIM.

  2. Rush's vile, sexist diatribe is not a "brain fart." A brain fart is when you can't remember the name of your assemblyman or the phone number of your hair dresser. Rush's three-day attacks on the Georgetown student were a concerted attempt to demonize her and to demonize any woman who dares to expect health care for her whole person, including her "lady parts." He is a propagandist for the right wing of the Republican party and he is leading the entire party off a cliff. I only wish he would get it over with.

    1. 9:31...awesome post...couldn't have said it better!

    2. you don 't EXPECT health care! you pay for it. it's insurance. otherwise, i want the government to buy me a new treadmill and some new running shoes while they're at it. it's called personal accountability you fool!

      and, for the life of me, i can't figure out WHY sandra fluke would EVER need birth control.

    3. 7:28 In regards to your angry and very mean spirited post, we all have varying opinions,but who you are as a person, pathetic...same attitude towards women as Rush.

    4. 7:28, why not read her testimony before parroting 'information' which you've gleaned from some talking head? And you'd be OK with it if a radio personality went on a three day tirade about your daughter or girlfriend or wife? You'd be OK with some old pervert asking to see her sex tape? Are you serious?!

  3. Rush is merely an indication of what's wrong with this country. When
    blowhards who apologize for the corporate world like Limbaugh are allowed to spew their hatred and vitriol on the air, it cheapens and dumbs down our our culture.

    I wonder if the abomidable idiots who are 'ditto heads' realize that they are slavishly worshiping a man who has single handedly put hundreds of good, qualified broadcasters out of business because of deregulation. Of course, Corporate radio loves guys like Rush, Hannity, and Susspool, because they basically tow the company line and push for anything that goes along with the conservative, republican agenda that has basically bankrupted our country.

    Don't you 'ditto-heads' feel great that you've been supporting a loud-mouth braggard all of these years, who has not only cheapened one of our most valulable resources, but who is constantly putting his foot in his mouth by demonizing anyone who dares to disagree with
    the right-wing, fundamentalist, croney-capitalist agenda?

    I'm not a big Karel fan, but right on this time Karel!

    1. Love your comment - very well said!!!!

      If anything good can come out of all this, aside from the boycotting of advertisers and hopefully Rush's being fired and made into a pariah, which he should be and deserves, all that aside, I hope this also draws attention to the realities of radio these days, and talk show hosts, and connections like Bain Capital to Clear Channel Communications, and all the things we were sort of one step ahead of when KGO went down. It's as if more parts of the country are now waking up and taking the same notice we did a few months ago, and in an ironic way, it took Rush Limbaugh to draw that attention to this subject.

      There have been boycott groups calling for people to report complaints to the FCC against him, which draws further attention to the FCC. I hope it continues to draw more public interest into why and how radio has become so propagandized by its corporate owners, and I hope that people begin to pay as much attention to that aspect as to this particular talk show host, and begin to understand that corporate ownership of media and the FCC's deregulation has as much to do with this problem of what we hear on radio as much as Rush does, if not more. In a way, they are now following in our footsteps of having started with boycotting sponsors as we did with KGO when Cumulus Media fired its veteran talk show hosts. We discovered our own power. Now other parts of the country are too, and making similar moves. I hope it eventually leads to highlighting the issues surrounding all of our corporate owned media and the FCC deregulation.

  4. unlike Hannity and all the bad clones...despite his misogyny(understandable for a man married four or five times who has a hard time even finding it hidden in the fat) he is and always has been extraordinarily talented.

  5. Wa Wa Wa. This college girl is 30 years old (likely has never worked a day in her life, can we say professional student) She also is a political activist (not some sweet little innocent college kid). I agree with his statement. It's like old 1970's bumper sticker: "Ass, Gas or Greass" Nobody rides for free".

    1. well said! the day of suckling of the public teat has got to stop!

    2. When did employer-offered health insurance become "the public teat?" The issue at hand has nothing to do with tax payer money. It has to do with whether women will have insurance coverage for their reproductive system.

      You and your buddy above seem to be thrilled that women are denied birth control medication and reproductive care. By your same "logic," then, health plans should no
      longer cover Viagra or vasectomies or penile implants. You and your manly parts are on your own!

    3. Charles Krauthammer for President. "The teat of the American government"

  6. Courtesy of Occupy Clear Channel, here is some very interesting reading:

    How A Powerful Outlet For Democratic Discourse Has
    Deteriorated Into Hate, Racism And Extremism

    A report by the
    National Hispanic Media Coalition
    January 2012

    I suggest 2:00 p.m. and 3:38 p.m. both read it. Your ignorance is showing, especially if you think Rush Limbaugh is "talented". And Mr. Wa Wa, you're not just a disgusting sexist punk (and probably right out of high school, if not already still there), but being an activist AND a college student are not mutually exclusive, or is that too much of a mental challenge for you? What do you know about her background?! She mentioned that she was attending school on a scholarship (which if you had actually listened to her testimony, would have heard) - something I doubt you would ever receive in five lifetimes given your low intelligence - and you assume she has "never worked a day in her life". On what basis have you drawn that conclusion? What the hell do YOU know about her?! I can certainly tell a lot about you, though - you're incredibly immature and incredibly sexist. Don't be expecting any "sweet little innocent college girls", or ANY women, to be flocking to meet you any time soon -your mind is incredibly unattractive, regardless of what you may look like, and you don't get to have a "free ride" on your comment. I hope you enjoy abstinence, because you're probably going to be.

    1. that still doesn't mean Rush isn't talented. He's extraordinary and he was the first to be so incredibly creative with political talk radio. He has stepped over the line hundreds of times and always gotten away with it. He is a master of polemics unlike the clones I mentioned above at 2:00.This time several advertisers are saying they won't come back, despite his wan apology. We will see which ones return and which ones don't .He is, however, getting a much-deserved spanking.People listen to his shows, waiting for those kinds of outrageous moments.
      The Georgetown law student was marvelous and has handled this beautifully. The President has responded appropriately. The GOP is cringing because Rush is their most visible and most heard icon..All that still doesn't mean Rush isn't talented.

  7. I've missed Karel for about a week because I've been out and about, but I'll download 'em tonight, including KGO's show, if that's what you're referring to.

    Good to hear Karel taking on Rush, and I say this as a person most readers here would consider "conservative."

    While I have been critical of Karel, I don't want to lose him, and feel he deserves more support. His "warts" in no way compare to the crap that Hannity and Limbaugh spew daily, and Ingraham, etc.

    As I said, I'm conservative, and no, I don't like corporately closed conservative talk radio.

    I'll take Karel's honesty any day, even when I disagree with him, over fat fools like Limbaugh.

    As I said, I haven't listened for a while, but I think Karel showed a lot of humanity when talking about his dog. I lost two cats this past year, and I was attached to them. Yeah, cats. I know.

    And Karel's complaints about the economy are spot-on, although I don't blame only conservatives and Republicans. Plenty, PLENTY, of Democrats and liberals enriched and engorged themselves, and continue to do so, at the expense of many Americans who have lost jobs, then lost homes.

    Those are real, every-day issues.

  8. Where was the outcry when Ed "Sgt." Schultz called Laura Ingraham a sl_t? Or when Bill Maher called Sarah Palin a cu_t?

    1. Oh come on 7:55, it's ok when libs call people names and attack them, just look at all the tough talk and attacks from the lib keyboard commandos in this thread! Liberals are tolerant and open minded, they only attack those they disagree with, and that's ok in their book! Oh, and I hope you're not expecting an honest response from them!

    2. Ed Schultz apologized profusely and fully. Here is just a portion of his apology:
      "On my radio show yesterday I used vile and inappropriate language when talking about talk show host Laura Ingraham. I am deeply sorry, and I apologize. It was wrong, uncalled for and I recognize the severity of what I said. I apologize to you, Laura, and ask for your forgiveness.
      It doesn't matter what the circumstances were. It doesn't matter that it was on radio and I was ad-libbing. None of that matters. None of that matters. What matters is what I said was terribly vile and not of the standards that I or any other person should adhere to. I want all of you to know tonight that I did call Laura Ingraham today and did not make contact with her and I will apologize to her as I did in the message that I left her today.
      I also met with management here at MSNBC, and understanding the severity of the situation and what I said on the radio and how it reflected terribly on this company, I have offered to take myself off the air for an indefinite period of time with no pay. I want to apologize to Laura Ingraham. I want to apologize to my family, my wife. I have embarrassed my family. I have embarrassed this company."

      Schultz didn't blame the opposition for his behavior as did Limbaugh today. "In fighting them, I became like them. That was my error.." Get it, kids, the lefties made him do it! It was their fault!!!! What a scurrilous, despicable creature! And what a whiney creep! Those who are leaping to his defense are scarcely better.

  9. There was no outcry, because conservative, and conservatives right wing jerks deserve to be raked over the coals and should be taken to task more often! They run their pro capitalist, fundamentalist agenda down people's throats in this country, complaining that a woman shouldn't be able to decide whether or not she wants t o have an abortion (who the hell's business is that anyway!?) or telling gay couples that they can't marry because it's against 'god's law.' That's just another way of being homophobic or mean spirited, which is what many conservatives are. Frankly, wea lot of us are tried of the worn out nonsense from shortsided right wingers!

    And another thing: We hear Rush, Hannity and others braying so much about 'the liberal media,' so often, that it really gets to be annoying in a major way! The 'liberal media,' my ass! Who runs the media in this country? Not the's big business and huge media mega-companies. Liberals have hardly any power in the media, unless you listen to NPR, or locally, KPFA.

    Can't take a little sarcasm and criticism you right wing bigots? But man, you can sure dish it out though! But when it comes back in your direction though, ohhh...that's not fair!! Waa...Waaa!

    1. Seems like you're the one doing the crying, 9:55. Waaa...Waaa

  10. 7:55 am- How dare you mention those facts. Didn't you know it doesn't count if the hate speech comes from Lefties?.

  11. Hypocrite ALERT @ 9:55am

  12. It's amazing how the right wing nut jobs come out from under their rocks when their precious 'values' are questioned. You guys ought to get a life and realize that you've been on the wrong side of history for a long time.

    Civil Rights back in the 1950s and 60? Conservatives were against it.

    The disgraceful Blackcklist of the 1940s and 50s...supported by hysterical anti-Red mongering from the right wing.

    Environmental policies..rarely pushed by the right wing back in the 1970s (although Nixon underm uch pressure signed the clean water and clean air acts which Bush and his minions tried to overturn).

    A woman's right to choose...fought against by convservatives.

    The Vietnam War? Supported for years by conservatives and the right wing?

    Wrong side of history my friends!

  13. @9:34PM It was the southern DEMOCRATS who were against civil rights legislation. Get your facts straight- they were DEMOCRATS.
    And for the record... not every person who hates Democrats is in love with Republicans. What choice do I have? Do I vote for the commie D's, or the crapitalist R's?
    We must come together to solve problems. But I'm not gonna sit there and let the extreme left bully. I do not like what Rush said about that 30 year college student/activist (30 years old still in college?) But I disdain the putrid comments about conservative women as well. I hate both.

  14. 8:21 - there's always the Libertarians.

  15. I didn't see one mention of Republicans or the word 'Republican' in 9:34's post. I guess you equate his saying that 'conservatives have
    been on the wrong side of history' to Republicans have been on the wrong side of history.

    There used to be a plethora of moderate
    and even liberal Republicans like the former Bay Area Congressman Pete McCloskey. And on the National scene, Nelson Rockefeller's
    delegates actually walked out of the SF Republican convention in disgust in 1964 when the GOP embraced an extreme right winger named Barry Goldwater as their candidate.

    And yes, there certainly were plenty of conservative Democrats from the south in the 1950s and 60s who voted against Civil Rights legislation and then eventually bolted the party and joined the Republicans or became indeendants and supported George Wallace in the late 1960s.

    But generally speaking, it's been the Repu8blicans who represent
    and have represented conservatism in this country and who have in recent times, kow-towed to the extreme right wing, while the Dems in recent years have been more moderate and liberal.
