Tuesday, December 13, 2011

KGO and Double Jeopardy

What is...?


  1. Too funny! Thank you, Rich. You're reporting is upbeat, informative and entertaining, in light of the seriousness of the situation.

    Thanks for updating the radio listening community on a daily basis.

  2. I hate to be the one to break it to you, but they're history.

  3. "What is...? "

    More like "What was...? "

  4. Rich if only you'd spend as much time on getting Fitzgerald fired from GS as you have on your KGO whining bandwagon I'd be once again listening to the Warriors when they begin play on Christmas Day.

    Please give this topic a rest...like your last love affair, I hate to break the news, but "it's over." You lose...

    My suggestion is to start your campaign to reelect President Obama's administration because it is going to end up the same way that KGO did, i.e. it will be replaced.

    Good luck.

  5. 3:18 not yet...in fact it's possible that they will still be on the air...when YOU are histoire.

  6. I agree with 3:41 until the last sentence. Fitz should be fired from the Warriors and KNBR, if the Warriors fire Fitz, does that mean he gets fired from KNBR because the Warriors pay his salary? Anyone know if this a possibilty.

  7. Wait a minute! WE HAVE THE DAILY DOUBLE! .....KSCO and the possible Mickey L. station!

  8. If the Dickey Brothers are so money conscious...why would they fire a host whose salary is paid for by the Golden State Warriors? I see zero chance of that happening. The route you need to take is to have the Warriors fire Fitz and we'll get the trickle down effect.

  9. I think another way to protest the firings is to NOT call in to Ronn's show anymore, starting Thursday.

  10. 3:18pm and 3:41 sound like Cumulus lap dogs.

  11. Despite the death of KGO, the December 15th Ronnnnn Owens program is going to be fascinating and I predict get a huge audience.

    I am looking forward to how a "professional" like Owens will be able to spin his orginal "elephant in the room" catastrophic performance where he made only a brief passing remark about missing his "friends" and then went on for only 15 minutes telling us how excited he was about the changes and how he is still on the air because he is "successful at what he does".

    I think Owen's long career is now on the line, and he may be the other great casualty along with KGO, while the stars that WERE the casualties may end up being the "successful" winners to this mess. If they all find a new home, will they talk about "survivors guilt" when Owen's show and audience vanishes?

  12. The way the Republican candidates trip and stumble and the party can't put forth a viable candidate makes the Cumulus boys look like god damn geniuses!! That alone will get Obama re-elected.

    Wanna talk about it??
    Not on KGO!!

  13. 3:41...the way things are going right now..it is possible,indeed probable that Obama could win in a landslide

  14. I agree. No calls to any talk shows on kgo. If no one calls Ronn's show, he will have to do all the talking. Could be interesting. Maybe he'll put Jared on the air with him again so we can be treated to what young Jared thinks about the topics of the day

  15. Great posts:
    Response to 4:43 PM: Excellent suggestion. I was thinking the same thing, but how can you get people to not call in to Ronn's show?
    Response to 5:28 Pm: Good, smart, politically-correct statement! Bravo and right on

    Folks: DO NOT CALL INTO RONN'S SHOW ON THURSDAY, 15-DEC-2011. Sorry to yell, but think of it as a cyber-rally-cry. Cheers.

  16. Re-elect a President with 11% unemployment, slow slow growth, trillion dollar YEARLY debts and $4 a gallon gas? Only if the GOP shoots themselves in the foot.

  17. What happened at KGO was our talk radio 9/11. Keep this topic alive Mr. Lieberman. The Cumulus lap dogs who continue to tell us to get over it just don't understand the damage the Dickheads inflicted on our community. We will not forget! Here is hoping every host returns in time for the 2012 election and matress boy lives in infamy along with his sidekick Jared Hart. Yuck, just writing his name sickens me.

  18. "This radio station fired the best talk show hosts in the country?"

    Regis, I'd like to use my lifeline or spin again!!

    (Yes, mixing my game shows there)

  19. "This radio station fired the best talk show hosts in the country?"

    That's pretty subjective. I've heard hosts from across the country that were better. Locally, you may be right (or left).

    I sure hope Barrack Hussein Obama gets voted out. I cannot hang on much longer at this pace. At this point, I don't even care about voting along party lines or loyalty. Throw the self-serving Chicago politics shill out.

    I digress..

    What were we talking about again??

    Oh, yea. KGO. it's toast. By the time the all-knowing management figures out they they blew it, will be too late. They sit in big chairs patting themselves on the back for their great decisions while the burning pile of what was smolders down and the light is gone. Then they say something like, "Oh, well. It was worth a try. Let's try something else now!" Afterall, people are their most expendable assets.

  20. Quit blaming Obama for the problems this country is experiencing. He's not the only one who is accountable. Obama inherited a mess from the previous eight years of disasterous Republican administration led by a man many consider the worst president since Warren Harding.

    Remember too that 9/11 happened on George Bush's watch, and that Bin Laden was eliminated during Obama's presidency.

    Obama is no panacea to the ills of the nation, nor is congress or the supreme court. we the people are. We need to be more accountable by voting in people who will do the right things for our nation, and we need to be more involved in our communities.

    I will say this for President Obama; at least he is more of a moderate and trying to find the middle ground, while Republicans such as Gingrich, Rommey, Perry and Backman continue to polarize not only their own party, but love to trivialize and obfuscate issues to make things more palatable for an increasingly attention-deficeit society.

    The reason we're in this mess is because we lived too 'fat, dumb and happy' for too long,
    and now we're paying the price. We need to do what Jimmy Carter urged 35 years ago, and that was cut back, go green, and have a sustainable plan that would work for our children and our children's children.

    This isn't a 'liberal' or political plan, but one that involves practicality and is long range. At least Obama has some recognition of that. He also seems to be genuinely curious about what's going on in other parts of the world. His administration has done a good job in foreign relations, and he also is aware that we really need to work on healing strained relationships with other countries who view us with suspicion.

    Being good Americans means being accountable and responsible. WE have to be the adults. Much of the rest of the world still looks to us for hope and inspiration. But as of now, America is failing that test..and shame on us!

  21. If Ronnnn's show received no calls (doubtful), you can bet he and producer would have call in "plants" spewing his side of the story.
    It happens.


    Better yet, all prank calls. Talk your way past the screening weasel and then yell "KGO SUCKS" !

  23. Got my John Rothmann fix listening to him on KSCO today. Hope Luckoff can pull off something for our beloved talk show hosts.

  24. 9:44, you said "many" consider him the worst president since Warren Harding. Are you serious? You need another qualifier or a different statement because most Americans are insufficiently educated about their own country. They would no more know who Hardin was then Garfield. And speak for yourself. Not all of us lived big and fat. Some of us never had the benefit of working for government agencies, large universities or large corporations that could afford high salaries and benefits, despite our own high level of education. It's a myth you are referring to. Some Americans lived that way; more specifically, the banks and their investors lived that life. As Jefferson said, and I'll paraphrase, when the banks control the country, the American people will lose their country. It's lost. It will never, ever be fixed until the root causes of the materialism that drove this country into the ground is dealt with.

  25. 6:59...When I was said: 'fat dumb and happy,' I meant figuratively speaking. Too many Americans eat too much junk food, and spend way too much time watching 'junk food TV,' probably because they're either too stressed out or just plain bored.

    In either case, it doesn't bode well for our country when a high percentage of young people are overweight, undereducated, and have problems focusing. And why has this happened?

    Well...there are certainly a lot of reasons but I well say that one of them is that TV, and now to a certain degree, cell phones and the internet
    (which of course I'm on right now!) have taken up a lot of our free time. Instead of giving our families, friends and hobbies (try exercise and getting outdoors!) the time...we zone out in front of the boob-tube or spend ridiculous amounts of our day texting, e-mailing, or cell-phoning other folks.

    There are plenty of people, especially here in the bay area, who lead a relatively healthy lifestyle...but the majority of folks in this country today have become conditioned to spending time watching TV (since their parents probably plopped them in front of the big screen when they were just 2 years old!) or texting or making cell phone calls instead of actually doing something productive.

    We have become so distracted by all of this 'necessary' electronic and technological nonsense that is now available, that we don't even have the time or the ability (lack of focus, attention deficeit) to understand what's going on, sometimes right in front of us.

    That's why all of this hue and cry over KGO astonishes me. Sure, it's terrible what Cumulus did to KGO, but if any of you had been paying the slightest degree of attention to what has been happening in the media over the last 15 years, and whgat Cumulus has done to other radio stations, (including another big one right here in SF), you wouldn't have been surprised (Rich Lieberman certainly wasn't, he'd been predicting it all along!)

    Human beings never cease to amaze me. They don't seem to pay the slightest bit of attention to much unless it has some effect on their own lives...but once that happens....whoa!

  26. Reminds me of the moniker KCBS used for a while, then dropped, "What's happening, why, and how it affects you." It wasn't long before they dropped the last part. But, for a while, you could tell they were really targeting the current generation- "Unless it affects me, I don't care". Too short sighted to see that everything affects everyone eventually.

    By the way, don't blame Bush for 9/11 unless you also want to blame Clinton. It was the first WTC bombing, and the USS Cole that Clinton turned a blind eye to and let them off. You want to blame someone for 9/11? Blame the weenies we've had in the white house and congress since the late 80's, starting with Bush Sr.

    Again, I digress..
