Underline major.
Like several thousands of dollars and that ain't no pizza dough. It's a good deep dish amount of change. And to add a little mozzarella to the pie, think about this tidy ingredient:
Ralph Barbieri, currently in contract negotiations with Cumulus, is the pizza chain's chief spokesman. His in-show commercials are quite ubiquitous and have become comical in nature. (Not to mention farcical too). But the $$'s are real.
Could Barbieri's apparent close connection with Peter Cooperstein, the owner of Amici's , play any part in the ongoing KNBR/Barbieri contract talks?Again, Amici's is a big KNBR sponsor. Barbieri is intimately related to the company-- his name and picture is on the box.
This much is certain: It doesn't hurt to have the pizza bucks behind you in contract talks; whether or not that means leverage to the Razor remains to be seen.
On the other hand, I would doubt Cumulus and Bill Bungeroth, (Market MGR and the real "power" behind the KNBR/KFOG/The Bone operation) will be swayed by extra anchovies even if they have a lot of dollar signs.
But it's an interesting subplot in what promises to be quite a show at 55 Hawthorne.
Pass the peppers.
*415 Media
*Ralph Barbieri
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I think Ralph's centrist to left leans(not that I heard much of that-but people tell me) has made him the one that right wing Cumulus is hoping to make go away. You say his Q rating is low?..it can't be any lower then Fitz and Brooks..and Raddy's you've often said has a sinking Bismarck Q rating..and for years now. SO why Ralph?
ReplyDeleteThe rich are really going for the takeover of the economy-concentrating every dollar-and less. Even a old middleist like Ralph is getting Bungerholed for his last penny.
So maybe the pizza dough is why they've kept Ralph around. But then the rest of the on-air dead wood doesn't bring in that kind of ad money. Since money seems to trump quality programming that would lead to Ralph and Amici's staying around unless KNBR can unlink the 2.
ReplyDeleteMan...it's going to sound petty but I had Amicis pizza once at the Dublin store.....once was enough. Greasy and bland! Greasier than Round Table and that's saying something. Tombstone out of the box is better! I'm glad people enjoy it and they are welcome to it.
ReplyDeleteWhatever Rich, if Ralph stays I'll just continue to not listen when he's on. Just like I do now! When Tolbert works alone or with a guest host I'll listen! When the pseudo intellectual is on it's podcasts on the Iphone ported to the car radio. Hey Cumulus technology is freeing us from shitty programming and unlistenable hosts....make a note of it!
Every time I hear him do his blow hole pizza spot, I shut it off, the Pizza is ok, I prefer two other places before Amici's Pizza
ReplyDeleteTwo sure fire station changers, Ralph with a lengthy insincere Amici's ad and Ronn's lengthy smug Sleeptrain spots.
ReplyDeleteRalph burned TOO many bridges. Try this on for size. Enters ATT's parking lot and parks in Baer's spot which was empty. Lot/Giants employee who is well known in wheel chair goes over to Ralph, calls him Mr Barbieri and or the Razor and apologizes while saying you can't park there.
ReplyDeleteRalph says fuck you who the hell are you, I'm more important than Larry, and I helped get this park built and keeps on going...
Peter McGowan's wife Eye witnesses the whole thing and comes over to the employee and apologizes to him and then says Ralph is such an AHole....
Nice Ralph. Karma's a bitch. Just like your entire Rant against Father John LoSchiavo for shutting down Hoops over the Q Dailey rape incident.
Nice Ralph. How many times has Mills High School asked you to speak at the HS you attended.
Nice Ralph
Rich according to another website. KNBR is going to hire a weekend host.
ReplyDeleteIs this a negotiation ploy in the Barbieri contract talks?
Honestly, let Tolbert run the program by himself. He will do just fine. Better focus with one host.
I still remember the first time I tried Amici's (in San Mateo) after hearing probably thousands of glowing Ralphie commercials about them. What a disappointment. It isn't awful, but no way does it match top quality East Coast pizza. As fish said, it may be petty of me, but after that I always take everything Ralph says with the proverbial grain of salt. Maybe it's his age, his illness or a combination of both but Ralph sounds really old and tired. Time for him to buy an Amici's franchise and retire from broadcasting.
ReplyDeleteRalph sucks!! His commercials are the worst, any kid could do better than that clown. I hope they get rid of his fat, arrogant whiny voice ass!! FUCK RALPH!!
ReplyDeleteWell,Raddy swears Ralphs a GREAT dad,then again he swears Krueger is a GREAT dad,and then again swears Kate is a GREAT wife,..no wait, He doesnt.
ReplyDeleteOn THGAME,They were working over Ann Killion..again,I had the finger on the pulse,etc, when I posted here that Ann sure seemed to dislike John Lund a few weeks ago on Comcast. "Radio boy" she called him. Today Dibley was rubbing it in that THE GAME wasnt for the WNBA crowd but for MEN. OOF..
ReplyDeleteThere will be fireworks..
And speaking of Ann..she isnt going down without a fight..I saw he mix it up with Eric Davis on Comcast too...Eric didnt like she pointed out that Ray Lewis was in a incident where a man was murdered "OH! your going THERE?!? said Davis..angry. He's "Ray Ray" My boy!..Ann could only smile and stare. She knew being called racist was getting close...