Friday, September 2, 2011

A Sweet Labor Day Holiday Thought from Yours Truly to SFBA Media


Have a fun and safe weekend. Eat and drink good. Party hardy, chicks and boys. Been a helluva summer, ain't it? Seems the more toxic some of 'yous think I am, the more readers I acquire. I wonder why.

I don't need your validation, good or bad. I rip when I think you and/or your company sucks. I don't hold back and try to keep it genuine, for better or worse. And I'm consistent too, remember that the next time some of your fellow blowhards take you to lunch or write bullshit stuff just so they get invited on your shitty cable or radio show.

I'm NOT beholden to any of you. As much as I rip, (and I do), I don't see nor hear from some of you peons  when I have something good to say. I'm an equal opportunity ripper. Some of my friends have chided me for being in the back pocket of those I complimented, or so they thought. They didn't bother to write in (anonymously, of course) about the time(s) that I took shots at those same people they thought I was blowing.

This is who I am and I'm never going to change. And if that means career suicide, great, so be it. At least I'm cool with it because, A. I'm being me and keeping it real, B. not kowtowing to any of you simply to massage your ego, and c. my readers know that here in this room, they get it straight without any bullshit, good, bad, or otherwise. They EXPECT it and they deserve it. And they appreciate this room because I call you assholes out by and large. Try to pull a fast one. They don't trust you. They only listen or observe most of the shit because that's what you feed them. Yeah, by and large, disingenuous bullshit and THEY know it. They're so wise to you!

You can continue to belittle, make personal attacks, but if that's the price for being honest, fine, so be it, I'm cool with that.

A media wag asked me, rhetorically, if I enjoyed seeing someone, perhaps, lose their job because of what I write? No, not really. Sure, there are jerks who don't like me and vice-versa, but I never made it a point to go after them personally. Because they're public people and work in a PUBLIC media arena, yes, of course, by definition, it all becomes personal, hello!

I have a lot more to say, but now is not the time. I thank all of you, even the trolls for continuing to make 415 Media the fastest-growing, most popular blog in the Bay Area.

*Follow me on Twitter TIPS-EMAIL: (All confidentiality assured)


  1. Congratulate yourself, you are the #1 troll.

  2. Seems the more toxic some of 'yous think I am, the more readers I acquire. I wonder why.... -ever wonder why people slow down to look at the car wreck on the freeway?
    but if that's the price for being honest, fine, so be it, I'm cool with that.... -but never confuse honesty with being correct or right

    have a nice weekend

  3. When you write a post every week explaining that you don't need our validation, it only makes people more convinced that you in fact deperately crave our validation.
    Just saying ...

  4. I know a couple in the media, one an ex anchor. If people could see how some of these people act when in public it's disgusting. They are drunks, womanizer's and big ego maniacs. I've heard about pot and drugs also, which would not surprise me. Half of them can't read the teleprompter and our news stinks these days. Where did all the REAL pro's go? The ones you mentioned in your list?? We need some outstanding people here, but we won't pay them. You can find out more on the internet than you can from a newscast. Whomever selects the "subject matter" for the morning, noon, afternoon and evening news for all the stations needs to be re-educated or released from their job!

  5. Whether you're completely sane or flipping out, I for one love the website Rich. I check daily. I'm a huge supporter. You provide a good service. Keep up the good work.

  6. Right on Rich!!...and my personal favorite is that "Masked S" guy. He's got his finger on the pulse of the bay area media. HOW does he do it??

  7. Hey, Rich... keep doing what you're doing. People can bitch and moan about your style but I know you try above all else to be accurate.

  8. You still come across as bitter and angry.

  9. Bitter and angry is good!
    Bitter and angry cuts through the shit propaganda.
    Long live bitter and and angry!..

  10. I agree! These fools and frauds who call themselves broadcasters all should be taken to task. How many of them managed to convince some idiot making the decision to hire them (i.e. Lee Hammer) still still amazes me, but then when you see these bloodless companies that run these stations, I guess you have to figure it's inevitable. But you keep rattling the cages Richie-boy!

  11. Bitter, angry, and self-righteous.....

  12. "You can continue to belittle, make personal attacks, but if that's the price for being honest, fine, so be it, I'm cool with that."

    Hysterical that you comment on others for making "personal attacks." That's your essence, personal attacks.

  13. I simply called Rich a radio version of Rupert Pupkin, and he censored the comment, no profanity, no over the top personal attack, or anything nasty. I think I hit it on the head, Rich wants want he can't have: a radio show. So he blogs and blathers on. If he was offered something by ether of the two sports stations, he would dummy up & write glowing stuff about his station. This is why the blog is so bitter. Too bad because he can be funny, and at times straight on point.

  14. Fastest growing, most populat blog in the Bay area? Now that's a good one. Your readership may be growing, but most likely because you seem to be going insane right in front of our eyes.

    Keeping it real. Yeah, real stupid. Or in your case, just downright sad and pathetic.

  15. Agree 100% about Fritz..a total As*kisser of the warriors. He can easily criticize the Giants, A's,49'ers,or the Sharks but the warriors forget about it! He would not criticize Don Nelson until he left the warriors! For 10 freaking years it wasn't Nelson's fault for the Warriors woes. It wasn't all him but a major part was due to him.
