Wednesday, August 31, 2011

The Knibber Coward from 9-Noon

Open a radio show.

Act inappropriately giddy and disingenuous.

Don't even mention the other guy. It's professional courtesy.

Matter of fact, just acknowledge something went down, (without any specifics because we know that's how you operate).

You owe it to the listeners, even the ones who still like you on the air.

And yes, even to the guy that's on his way back to Radio Death Valley, (1050 AM).

Instead, s.i.l.e.n.c.e. Utter silence.

That's the coward in you.

Then again, I didn't expect anything new. Did any of you?


  1. Boy if 1050 is "Radio Death Valley" what is the fm station?

    Radio Clovis, Radio Beirut, Radio Graton?

  2. Why should he mention the fool, everybody know Gary hated the guy before they even came up with that stupid idea. He owe's D Douche nada but he will say something in time, not to worry.

  3. Rich, I love reading your blog, but your obsession with Radnich is getting ridiculous. I've read for months, maybe over a year, how you rarely listen to knbr anymore. However, it seems that Radnich makes up a third of your blog. While I agree his show isn't at its peak anymore, you never cease in your attempts to shred him. To sum up: Quit acting like the boyfriend who can't get over being dumped. It's embarrassing. Other than that, thanks for the info.

  4. Gary makes his own world. Sure he wanted Bruce dumped,Bruce wasn't "Taken away from Gary"-right?. Now,he's going to feed off Krueger for all he can. No sympathy for Larry though. Krueger had no problem taking Bruces's dog eat dog at KNBR.
    Radnich is a phony..his machinations and backstabbings while pretending to be loveable Gare are legendary.
    95.7 better come up with something better then Lund and Roxie Bernstien...thats just four hours of boredom. Bernstein isnt a lot of laughs.

  5. I just don't understand how any of this solves KNBR's main problem: Radinich's sagging ratings in that time slot. That is what put the changes in motion in the first place. Adding Larry K won't turn things around, so in the end, Radnich is probably still doomed. He bought himself a little time, I suppose, but the ratings will rule the day. To use a Harbaugh-ism, he's "arrow down" with the key demos...

  6. Aunt Gary: A Profile in Courage

  7. Radnich sounds genuinely at ease with this partner. Let's remember when Krueger got into trouble the first time, he tried to protect him, saying we've all said things on the spur of the moment which we regret.

  8. You're full of crap. Damon Bruce is an obnoxious nobody; I couldn't even listen to him with his endless stream of whiny know-it-all comments. And, he would state things that were patently wrong at least twice daily.
    When he was on KNBR a few years back, he took numerous swipes at Radnich.
    Good riddance to a boorish bore.

  9. Comcast still lists the program as "Gary & D. Bruce."

    Rich, why was Gary in New York City? Was he visiting corporate?

  10. Good, bad, or indifferent, everybody sounds more relaxed today- see,s like less tension without D-Bruce- he can jangle your nerves...

  11. That's the way it always is in radio. For some reason program directors are worried about putting any information about employment issues on the air thinking that if they're sued that it will be used against them. True but cowardly.

    For the record KNBR doesn't care about its listeners--they make fun of them at every turn--all they care about is the bottom line as if those 2 are mutually exclusive.

  12. You can like Gary or not. The fact is, for me at least, he the proverbial old pair of jeans. He just fits right. I've listened to him since the Pete Franklin and "Mark from Millbrae" days. I still listened when I moved to Oregon. The chemistry with Bruce was just bad. With all of the options out there for sports radio programming, given the access you get on the internet, it's OK with me not to have someone over-analyzing and/or screaming about the local teams. Just talk and be moderately interesting and I will be there. This isn't rocket science.
    Bend, OR

  13. why is it none of my comments ever get posted? you have the right to do is your site and not censorship. but if you post b.s. at least my comments might add to it.

  14. where's the story about Radnich and his wife meeting with management of of 95.7 (as reported on the other blog????

  15. no Bruce on 1050 ... he should take 2.5 weeks off.

  16. I saw that he'd tweeted he's starting that timeslot next Tuesday. We'll see if that transpires...

  17. This is how radio works. A jock, talk show host or sports personality is there one day and gone the next without any comment. As far as D. Bruce goes, he could never read to the room. FYI - corporate is in Atlanta.

  18. No Bruce on 1050 is right,no announcements,no mention of Bruce on KNBRs website.
    Just what you would expect of a secretive rightwing guys like Hammer and Radnich.
    Radnich owned up to nothing today,he just broke into his giggles early and often. He was happy to win another infight. Screw Bruce.

  19. What is the lesson here? Never bite the hands of the master. ...

  20. And Radnich loyalty? Add Tony Bruno and D. Bruce (even Pecon) as the latest casualtys of Radnich's rat race to stay on top.
    I've met that type...not a shred of guilt..just glee.

  21. If the new gig doesn't work out for radnich perhaps he can get a job pounding nails for the great homebuilder.

  22. @ 12:30pm You're a one track mindless twit. What the fuck does it have to do with Right Wing guys? There was no chemistry, period. Same thing happens in the television business all the time. Why delay the obvious, fire him and move on.

    Bruce is a putz, Leiberman hates him most of the time/tremendous jealousy. So, Leiberman then gets all pissy when they sack him, you just need something to yell and scream about. How about getting a life. This site is no longer enjoyable.

  23. I love how Big Rich always wants Radnich (or any other KNBR host) to talk endlessly about programming changes on the air, and if they don't they are "cowards" and "gutless." Nothing about the fact that management probably tells them to zip it to quicken the transition. Since the hosts like having a job and eating, they do it- something Rich the Car Salesman should relate to. Of course, Big Bad Rich (who hasn't worked anywhere near a radio in 30 years) talks about how he would tell management where to get off, since he's walked the mean streets of Montclair and is a tough guy with integrity and a fedora.

  24. I'm back to listening now the DB is gone!!!
    What a boneheaded experiment.

  25. I agree with you Rich. Gary sucks and it shows and he can't share the sandbox. To all you idoits making comment about D Bruce- he is the best and the most knowledgable person with knbr. And Gary just brought the man down. And like that, he's gone...

  26. If Gary sucks, then what does that make DB since he ain't on from 9-noon? a winner? not...
    I think it's win, win, win... Gary's on, Larry's on, Damon's gone!

  27. If that loud mouthed arrogant prick doosh bruce is gone maybe I'll try listening at 9 to noon again. And why in the hell do they not get rid of that other dbag Fitz?

  28. Hey Rich,,,when are you going to take some shots
    at Fitz, better known as 'Giggles?' That backstabbing, brown nosing, apologist for the Warriors should be taken out and bitch slapped. But it was Tony Salvadore, the former GM at KNBR that hired this shill, and Fitz continues to hold forth. He has got to have compromising pictures of Lee Hammer, Bill Burgeroff and Lou Dickey !
