Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Why do I write about something I hate so much? Because you corporate morons make it easy

Someone asks why I write so much about what I clearly "hate."

Maybe it's masochistic. I used to tell a buddy that I so despised a certain few outlets that I would listen and watch only to see how shitty they could be. If you spent some time here --even in the most recent past, this market was a once-renowned destination for some of the best talent in the industry until it was hijacked by a bunch of asshole consultants who wouldn't know talent and guile if they had it written on their chest.

I hate mediocrity. I abhor phoniness. I detest morons and clowns who make up our local airwaves. It's not sour grapes or disgruntled worker. I've never applied nor work at KNBR. I've never sought employment at KRON.
They couldn't afford me. The asshole contingent at both outlets is too many to count.

I have deep passion and interest in the biz since I worked very young here from the start. I was sports director at K101 in 1981 at the age of 18. And I made decent money for a kid right out of high school with great pipes, funny and genuine banter and a loyal following to boot. Thanks to then news director at K101, (Charlie Seraphin, who gave me a chance,) I was able to generate a buzz at a famous FM radio station that Jim Gabbert created, (and I even got paid--Gabbert was on his way out.)

I also toiled some time for Mutual Broadcasting and ABC Radio. I was Larry King's SF guy. King was good to me, maybe its because I had a distinct NY-like act. Too bad I didn't take my talent to the 212 but that's another story.

Truth is, as I age and see what's happened here, I can only semi-cry. My love life is depleted and Clown Alley has closed, so I have to listen to the dreck on local radio. And there's a virtual garden variety of dreck. I think the more dreck you can provide, the better chance you have at making it here.

BREAKING NEWS: Yes, KRON, you are a disaster! KPIX, you have major inbred ASSHOLES running the ship there, surprise!....Hey, COMCAST SPORTS, Bay Area? You are a well-oiled money machine funded by clueless dick heads back in Philly...and you have BORING, DULL shows, outside of Giants and A's games with a staff of on-air bimbos that have about as much street cred as both of my armpits.

Since when did Greg Papa become a male bitch? What the fuck is Scott Reiss doing on SF cable? And when did you guys espouse to the idea that staffing a "newsroom" with the romper-room crowd would make you look credible? Damon Andrews? Was that supposed to be appeasing the affirmative-action crowd? Henry Wofford? He's so bad he makes Eddie Alexander look like Ed Bradley.

Jaymee Sire and Amy G? Just god-damn brilliant, guys. Maybe next you can fleece the KRON weather girls. They could use the money.

Yeah, you think I'm an asshole? Yeah, I'm an asshole for watching this shit but there's a certain delight and love for the crap you put out daily. Yo, Papa? You CAN'T interrupt me. I HAVE THE FLOOR, schmuck. You want to control your bitches, D Bruce, Tittle and other enablers, go ahead---THIS is my DOMAIN.

And MY PEOPLE, MY FANS....they are here and they understand my passion. They don't want the watered-down BULLSHIT and the LIES all of 'yous shove down their throat. They want it REAL. They want it raw and un-filtered and PURE.



  1. Do you feel better now?

  2. Your right-we are sick of the BS,the clowns and clown helpers. Its a bad time for them with the net and social networks. You can see the act live and respond. Kate Scott is not going to be a pure sycophant like Patrick Conners..you can see she is already disagreeing as often as she agrees. Patrick-jeez,like he's proud of sucking up to no end.
    KNBR is the worst of all local media. Can't tell you when the last time I listened past noon. Hardly listen on the morning commute. Radnich might fit into the "so bad ,you watch" category. But he has a few topics he loves that are instant channel changing- Hockey,Barry Bonds,out of town sportswriters to name a few. Just dull.
    S F Gate? crap. A forum for rightwing nuts on the news side,the beat sportswriters are bought and paid for by the team they cover..I wouldnt doubt the Chronicle knows and condones that they get some stipend from the team they cover. Susan Slusser-I knew when she wrote about the Geren-Fuentes flap was because the A's management WANTED that out..then Geren was let go. I knew it.
    Its more of the rich get richer,the regular newspeople pay goes down..and the "journalistic morals" are out the windows.
    I think some of the people you hate Rich,in private hate themselves too. Or,at least the role they have to play on Air...

  3. Rich,
    You would sound less racist if you:
    -wouldn't use the word "janitor" when putting down Brian Copeland.
    -wouldn't throw the 'affirmative action' thing out there when you don't like an African-American
    -stop comparing the talent of an African American to the talent of another Africian-American, because when it comes to talent, what does skin color have to do with it? You even hit the racist trifecta with your Wofford->Eddie Alexander->Ed Bradley comparison. What, you can't compare their talent to a non Black?

  4. "I hate mediocrity. I abhor phoniness."

    People tend to dislike the "qualities" they see in other people that they themselves have.

    It's the pot/kettle thing.

  5. I thought you were much older, you are very wise for a young buck.

  6. Fifteenth verse, same as the first.

    Please, Rich, climb down from your cross, because someone else surely needs the lumber.

  7. That fact that you rail on KNBR on a regular basis is the #1 reason I read your blog. But the other stuff is good too. Who else calls out the BS in this area? I don't believe anyone else does. Keep doin' what you do Rich.

  8. Rich, your right on and you rock dude!

  9. Every time I read this blog I have gas.

  10. Like your blog but you're starting to go Charlie Sheen...

  11. I read you for the truth and facts you present, and this is what you give! It may be "The Ugly Truth" but no one has to read you if they don't like what your opinions and facts are. You don't whine and you are not Charlie Sheen! The media mess is real and I agree with what you say. And yes, Dana King "rules!" Keep going Rich, you "rule" too!

  12. Did anybody else hear Kawakami on Comcast at 5 say that he,Purdy and Baggardly were confirmed bachelors?..I thought I heard that.
    If so,then..

  13. Fans? This little blog? Who are you anyway? I found this doing a search on Radnich. Radnich is a bloated has been. You seem to be even more bloated. Yeah I know. Hard to believe.

    I can't imagine anyone cares what you think. I've lived in the bay area all my life and have never heard of you until recently.

    First of all the local media doesn't even warrant someone having a blog covering it. I mean who cares?

    So I would suggest you take some meds and find another way to spend your pathetic life.

    Push away from the table doughboy.

  14. Rich, thanks for telling it like it is. KNBR, Comcast, local news.........they all suck. The local news scene used to be stocked with quality.

    The entire Bay Area media scene is an embarrassment.

  15. I thought you were bi polar before but now you're just crazy. Yeah, we know local media is boring and bland. Why get pissed off about it anew every 2 days though?

  16. Your posts are becoming more disturbing. I would suggest that you consider a 48 hour lock down in a suitable mental facility.

  17. Kate Scott is dealing out the shots faster than I can post.."You pissed me off" to "Working everyday with you"..the setups are too long to post,but take my word,they were zinger answers.
    Also,while Radnich and Connors have the freedom to say who they admire...Kate holds back a bit.
    Lee Hammer was in the studio the day before looking every bit the part of the Comandante of the prison boot camp,including making hand motions to break while never looking up from his Iphone/thingy. He's a busy man.

  18. Rich, what's the problem? you sound like you're having temper tantrum or something...."i was this" "i was that" blah blah blah...have you tried getting another job in the industry? because it sounds like that's what you want...

  19. Yes Rich we understand, you demand respect even though you don't get any.

  20. "Your posts are getting more disturbing"-signed, Bruce Jenkens.
    " I found this blog doing "research " on has been Radnich"..signed, Mrs.Radnich.
    "Your starting to go Charlie Sheen" signed,Aston Kutcher.
    "Climb down from your cross,somebody else could use the lumber"..signed,I always wanted to try that,Budda.
    "I thought you were bi-polar,now I think your nuts"
    signed,Gary Radnich
    And finally "Have you tried getting another job in the industry?" signed,The whole worlds workforce that does the same boring thing eight hours a day,every day.

  21. Rich, you need some strange....

  22. "Larry King's SF Guy"

    what a crock of shit... how did they let you on CNN?

  23. KRON my mentally stroke impaired wife and i play a game early sunday mornings how long before news makes their first mistake.sat morning emergency callback to work i put the news on for her before leaving.i get to work she calls cant stop laughing.cant get her to settle so i put KRON on in shop...giants wilson blows save temper tantrum dugout then hes back on mound hi fiveing?really!!!

  24. Every time I see jamie sire i can't stop staring at the bizarre thing in the middle of her face, more commonly known as a nose, specifically, the tip. The two weird vertical lines look a freeway, she should seek out a good surgeon.

  25. Hello Rich...this your medication calling.

  26. Have you ever considered writing about something you enjoy? If I abhored something, I wouldn't go out of my way to subject myself to it. Life's too short to waste it complaining about something easily avoided.
