Sunday, July 24, 2011

Alan Colmes; Best show on SF Radio is not in SF

One of the most entertaining, funny, quirky, and informative radio shows is not even based in SF. That's not a big surprise anymore.

Check this out.

Alan Colmes, the ex-Fox News co-host with Sean Hannity, hosts a nationally syndicated show on Fox Radio, (aired locally on 910 AM, KNEW, 7-10 PM), with humor, intelligence, insightful interviews and a steady diet of truly "interesting", (quotes intended) callers that provide some of the shows' more hilarious moments, (sometimes unintentionally.)

Colmes is a unique mix of provocative commentary, funny, engaging, and straight-forward intelligent conversation with callers. He doesn't dumb down the audience even if at times, the audience deserves a shellacking. In fact, Colmes can be quite the comedian when it comes to those callers who might sound as if they're short of a full deck, which, ironically, sometimes enhances the show. If you've listened to the program, you know what I mean.

Colmes show is political, decidedly left. He's proud to refer to himself as a liberal, but he frequently points out that the show is not a closed-door format for conservatives. In fact, unlike Hannity and/or Limbaugh, Colmes encourages callers from the opposite end of the spectrum. And he gets quite a bunch of 'em who often go off the political deep end.

My favorite part of the program is at the end: "radio graffiti", an hysterical, bizarre, sometimes borderline scary three minutes of callers having the opportunity to say virtually anything, with one condition: one sentence only. I can't give it all the justice nor describe it, you really just have to listen and hear for yourself.

*Follow me on Twitter


  1. Don't listen to 910 except Cal sports programming

  2. Hmmm, one wonders how much your own personal political preferences colour this choice. Holmes is O.K., but he seems permanently stuck his one ideological gear. Just like a lot of the right-wingers do. Colmes is too bland, and not capable of understanding other points of view. Not interesting,, except on the odd occasion. Try again .....

  3. Trying to decide who's scarier looking: Lieberman or Colmes?

  4. I now in good faith CANNOT visit this website anymore after reading this article.You obviously have officially lost your marbles!

  5. Hey Rich-
    I don't read that many blogs but I'm always amazed at how crass and angry some people can be when they respond to some of your musings. I guess it's a reflection of an angry, distracted, frustrated society where people feel powerless and for some reason have a need to strike out in any way they can.
    I'm not offended by profanity, as a matter of fact sometimes it's warranted. What I find upsetting however is a tendency among many of our young people to use it as a substitute for more appropriate and descriptive language that would indicate a little more intellect. I'm amazed that people proudly show off their vulgarity and lazieness on a regular basis by not taking the time to really think before writing some of their responses down. Some of these individuals actually might have been brushed by the veneer of an education that is beyond middle school, but I'm beginning to wonder. But it's not surprise
    that many often refer to today's America as "dumbed down."

    And it's too bad we can't put our energies into working together to try to solve problems by having honest and helpful discussions where there is some give and take that we can all learn from. Playing the blame game like a bunch of petulant school kids and throwing mud and slander at one another is the epitome of absurdity. It used to be laughable, but now it's so excessive that it only gives one an annoying headache!

    Anyway, that's just my two cents for what it's worth. You keep up the good work and don't let some of these fools get you down!

  6. I don't listen to Colmes, and I disagree with him for the most part, but I find it interesting that he's not on greenquake960 or whatever that station is called now. Maybe whack960, I don't know? It's got to be because he's well spoken, is able to debate without insulting people, doesn't call people names and/or threaten them if they disagree with him politically, etc, like the insane hosts on whatever960! Its probably just as well that he's not on that station, since nobody listens anyway, even here in the wacky Bay Area!

  7. no personality, dull, etc. and Colmes actually does look like one of those "reptilian" or lizard alien types.
