Friday, June 3, 2011

KRON tweets premature SF Firefighter Death

KRON, using horrid news judgement, (some would say, as usual) jumped the gun in tweeting that a second SF firefighter had died in the Diamond Heights fire on Thursday.

In fact, the second firefighter is fighting for his life.

The tweet has since been deleted without announcing that they, (KRON) screwed up. (Someone was wise enough to copy the premature tweet)

As Cronkite once said, "Sure, get it 'first...but 'get it right first!"

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  1. Here's the tweet.

    kron4news KRON 4 News
    Update: Second S.F. Firefighter Injured in Diamond Heights Blaze Has Died, Third in Fair Condition
    1 hour ago Favorite Retweet Reply

    They later reported that one had died two were in critical and one treated and released. Pero is is a total hack and KRON sucks so much ass it's amazing. FAIL.

  2. good job blasting KRON for jumping the gun..wait, didnt you JUST do that to John Kessler?

  3. KRON's mistake is wrong and should never happen. However I find it hard to take you giving them a lashing. You are the one who posts items about people and can not even spell their names correct. Then, when somebody calls you on it, you often times do not post the comment but will go ahead and change the spelling on your post. Now, I say this full aware a misspelled name is a lot different than spreading information on a death. However, news agencies get information wrong all the time. I recall during San Bruno explosion channel 5 kept reporting it was a plane crash. They reported it several times. Wrong. It should not happen but sometimes people are giving wrong information. Hey, just like you sometimes Mr. Media. You report things given to you by a source that are not entirely true.

  4. its apple and oranges i say to the last anonymous comment. kron is a news organization that is bound by journalistic ethics and industry standards to be accurate ALL THE TIME! mr. lieberman can do anything he wants. kron violated that professional code of conduct by not retracting as almost all legitimate news organizations do when they make a mistake. kron has consistently exhibited lax oversight in its coverage. many of its reporters, so called VJ's who shoot, edit and report have never been trained as "news gatherers," the definition of a true journalist. I dont know the background of kron's managers, the ones who provide oversight and guidance to their young, mostly inexperienced VJ's but judging from their field reporting, it seems the managers have the same lack of experience. Mixed together, its a bad and dangerous nexus and most importantly, a disservice to the bay area viewing public. Thank god, our viewers are sophisticated to know better. just take a look at kron's ratings. "color bars" even do better than kron does!
