Thursday, June 30, 2011

KRON Bullshit; Comcast Crap and the rest of the Usual Suspects; I'm Back

*Hey KRON suits: You don't "like me?" I'm astonished. For a moment I was to believe you were going to host a party for me at Tommy's Joynt. "Don't talk to him." You weren't that dumb to put it on a memo at least. Still, I'm humbled. Honored really.

See, KRON, its been awhile since we had coffee. Nothing stupid of late has caught my ear or eye, but the backroom stories still exist. No matter how matter times you tell the comrades to stay clear of me, word nevertheless gets to me.

I still chuckle at all the shenanigans. And don't believe for a second that I don't know ALL the good stuff you think I don't know because I DO know. And you know about me. Great. Sorta of a mutual deterrent, although I'd personally prefer a cold turkey sandwich at the Joynt. You guys still have a house account, don't you?

*Comcast SportsNet Bay Area: I just figured it out. The majority of the air "talent" reminds me of the movie, "Invasion of the Body Snatchers": lots of people that look rather ordinary, but possess no personality. Maybe they were dug from the pods and forced to watch '7Live.'

Comcast thinks they're God. Being that they're in bed with the Giants universe, they sorta are. After all, its comcastic. That unbridled love extends across the bay too. After all, how many cable behemoths can attest to the fact that their chief A's "Insider" once was mass-tweeting star pitcher Brett Anderson. Gushing too. That's a prerequisite for employment at Comcast Bay Area. I think they should apply for a Pulitzer.

*The new KPIX hiring formula: set up shop at the Walnut Creek Nordstrom and hand out applications to young white girls with huge teeth and big boobs. Take a few Polaroids, ask whether bimbo#1 knows who John Boehner is. Upon initial completion of duties, call the studio and set up screen test. Then, ka-ching!, call AFTRA.

*At KGO-TV, Dan Ashley just had his 435th comb-over, a record! Larry Beil is watching from the bullpen.

*The new FM Sports radio station, 95.7 FM? Sorry, but frankly, all you guys are are a KNBR-East. Nothing special. Retread central. A bunch of no-names, really, notwithstanding the Eric Davis hire, (which I like because Eric Davis is good and doesn't need to manufacture "chemistry" or scream and act like a complete asshole.)

The days of sheer talent and ingenuity went out the door a few years back. We've now degenerated into a circus of sound effects, banal and useless false chatter, disingenuous "conversation" that has all the authenticity of a cheap strip show at the Hustler club. Dan Dibley? Are you fucking kidding me? Kate Scott? Yeah, just fucking riveting. Glad you got that token woman in there, that'll work. Rick Tittle? What, was Damon Bruce too expensive? (God help us)

Truth is, you BOTH SUCK. You're are the embodiment of TERRESTRIAL radio at its worst. AM, FM, DOA! Satellite rules and besides, Howard Stern's left testicle has more gravitas than all of 'yous.

*Follow me on Twitter


  1. Eric makes no waves..and no waves of interest. He's the smarter ex jock-but dull. His time period? Never going to beat the routine that Pizza guy and Surfer dude have got. Maybe They find somebody funny to co host with Eric..
    Comcast..all the "seniors insiders"? eh,your right-status quo. Ann Killion no longer is a regular..when she's too outsider for them..
    95.7 Morning show? again they were talking A's and Giants this morning..on KNBR Chip and Dale were talking tennis..boring.
    Radnich,doing his best to make lemonade. The dialing for dollars segment-man,you just have to feel embarrassed for the guy. Its like he's being asked to take out the trash like an intern.
    Kate Scott? you can see she's smitten with her new fame...when that wears off..she's till an underling to the old man. And keep her "inclusive" radio talk to herself,Hammer will warn,if he hasnt. KNBR isnt about that. Look around Kate-all white boys around you.

  2. Yes! Big daddy is Back and he's swinging for the fence!

  3. I don't go in for the screaming, yelling and arguing on these shows, not interesting at all. But if talking sports is boring, why even have these shows?

    Just because you try to be funny doesn't mean you are funny as you can see from 9-12 at KNBR.

  4. I really doubt that Kron has ever had an account at Tommy's dump.

  5. gravitas (ˈɡrævɪˌtæs)

    — n
    seriousness, solemnity, or importance

    [C20: from Latin gravitās weight, from gravis heavy]

  6. What happen to Jennifer Jolly at 7live? Did she jump ship?

  7. Rick Tittle is really smart and MUCH more informed about bay area sports than that fraud Bruce.

  8. Lou Wolff on Chris Townsends 95.7. What a liar Wolff is..according to him no other choice then San Jose. Not possible in Oakland...just BS. Townsends asked Wolff why Selig wont give him a timeline to answer? Wolff shot back " Why would he?" Because Lou,its all you whine about,its what you need,its been your crutch.
    Lou Wolff himself sounds like a thug,a mobster. No doubt why he and the Fisher family play MLB for big money on the sharing plan.
    Just a disgusting and devious ownership group.

  9. dibs seems like an ok guy, but the character he played on the radnich show was old and tired. it was weird how they had him change characters from one show to the next. kate is doing a fine job.

  10. One big difference-and you sort of said it Rich-KNBR voices are under the Giants thumbs. 95.7? I dont hear Monty and Dibs sounding pro Beane. Murphy and Mutley?..he works for the Giants harder than he does KNBR. Fitz& Brooks? Warrior whores. Radnich? he's every ownerships bedmate. He's like Kawakami on Jerry West. Love bubbles and hearts come out when they talk or write.
    95.7 isnt perfect-but for 2 months they've picked up huge ground on KNBR's 50 year,50,000 watt, head start.

  11. Rich, you are totally on a "ROLL" today...Preach Brother, Preach!

  12. Can't stand Monty's "Mon-trarian" opposition ton any cogent sports point; he sounds like Skip Bayless after too much cod liver oil. They'd be better off with Tittle/Townsend team-up...regardless anything's better than the KNBR "morning tool box"...Yes I have to look at you a-holes on the back of every SF bus; don't care how much promoting of your show KNBR does or how many contests involve your show... YOU GUYS SUCK AND ALWAYS WILL!

  13. I don't understand all of this slurping for Rick Tittle. Who is this guy? I never heard of him until a few months ago. What impact has he had in this market? Just because he talks Raiders and A's, people think he should be given a prime radio slot? Unbelievable!

  14. Anonymous @ 12:21PM...

    Lou Wolff most likely, and did take lessons from the York Ownership of the S.F. 49ers...SMH...Another disgusting, and devious Pro-Sports Ownership in the Bay Area.

  15. huh, what? your KRON rant made no sense whatsoever. If you have something, write it. If you know something, blog it. Quit your childish games and bring down your ego Mr. Media. You are weak.

  16. In three years I've seen Radnich go from full of himself blowhard with real conservative views such as defending Palin or Glenn where he's toned it down so much since losing Dibley you feel sorry for him a bit.
    And why Dibley might have left...Dibly and Monty and JD were going over the Ellis trade yesterday,while on KNBR,Radnich was talking to Kate Scott about Barry Bonds influence on the 1999 Giants....

  17. Kate Scott is awful, absolutely uninteresting and so NOT funny or entertaining. Can someone tell me WHY she is KNBR? she brings NOTHING to the table. Can't stand her!
