Saturday, May 21, 2011

Tech glitches screw up KPIX Sportscasts' on consecutive nights

Glitch central at PIX last Thursday during the 11 PM Sports...

Ten seconds into Dennis O'Donnell's sportscast, the server went down. Consequently, O'Donnell had to throw it to a commercial.


Then, after coming back, he and the other anchors had to awkwardly talk for about two minutes before signing off.

This embarrassing episode was just the latest to beset KPIX.

The night before they ran out of time in the sportscast and--before O'Donnell could even get through the Giants' highlights, they were forced to go to commercial.

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  1. As long as they don't go to commercial while Kristy Siefkin is on, I'm good!

  2. I saw the botched Thursday night show. Good to know they really ARE still doing the news live! But I already knew that since I've been in studio behind the cameras when they did the news as a visitor and crew member.


  3. I happen to catch both newscast, I thought I'd had to much wine, the Giants blunder was really strange. When the sever went down that was just shitty..
    Hell RadDick pulled it off when the fire alarm went nuts, PIXers had nothing..

  4. Fascinating posts like this are why I come to this site.

  5. Yet another reason why I watch Larry Beil and Channel 7.
