Your 2011 Bay Area media salaries...
The figures are broken down from TV, Cable, and Radio and were provided to me by industry sources.
KGO Radio's Ronn Owens, at a shade over a million dollars, is the highest-paid media personality in the SF market. Owens' personal services contract, (negotiated by agent, Don Buchwald) runs through 2013.
Dana King, KPIX/CBS5: $600,000
Ken Bastida, KPIX/CBS5: $450,000
Frank Somerville, KTVU: $500,000
Julie Haener, KTVU: $400,000
Mark Ibanez, KTVU: $325,000
Dan Ashley, KGO-TV/ABC7: $450,000
Carolyn Johnson, KGO-TV: $400,000
Larry Beil: KGO-TV: $250,000
Wayne Freedman: KGO-TV: $200,000
Raj Mathai: NBC Bay Area: $400,000
Greg Papa: Comcast Sportsnet Bay Area: $250,000
Scott Reiss: Comcast Sports: $200,000
Stan Bunger: KCBS: $300,000
Ralph Barbieri: KNBR $300,000
Ed Baxter: KGO Radio: $300,000
Tom Tolbert: KNBR: $250,000
*Gary Radnich: KNBR: $225,000 (does not include KRON salary--Radnich is paid on an "at-will" basis)
Michael Krasny: KQED-FM: $200,000
**Follow me on Twitter
this is kind of sleezy of you to do. if you list salaries, list the soure as well. if you want to expose what somebody makes why do you see fit to hide your source?
ReplyDeleteTolbert makes more than Radnich? Never would've figured that!
ReplyDeleteBaxter is way, way overpaid. He's 3rd tier talent on a sinking ship. Jon Bristow is the most talented news guy there.
ReplyDeleteReminds me of his speech when he was put in the "Bay Area Radio Hall of Fame" it was classic 'full of himself, no clue what the BARHOF really is' that droned on without mercy, putting most in the room to sleep. Ben Fong-Torres was polite when referring to him as "long winded".
Thank you for revealing this info...very interesting.
ReplyDeleteWow! Way tooo much money being spent on these folks. I don't see anyone of them solving world peace, hell I bet my surgeon doesn't make "media money"
Your source, is your source, I'll take your word.
Scott Riese is on Papa's heel's? For what talent? Ted Griggs must think he's Al Davis "I see greatness in Scott!"
ReplyDeleteWhat's the story on Pam Moore?-too embarrassing to compare to other local anchors? No wonder she drives a beater Mercedes Benz.
I wonder how much Eric Byrnes pays KNBR?
What's Radnich's salary at KRON? I would think his combined salary would put him slightly behind Owens.
ReplyDeleteTolbert makes less than that useless poseur Barbieri.....well there is truly no justice in this sorry old world. If 3 to 7 needs an "adult" hand to balance Tolbert (I don't think this is the case but wonder if this is KNBR managements opinion.) can't we get Ted Robinson back?
ReplyDeleteBarbieri is unlistenable.
@ 9:11am raises a good question regarding Radunich. I bet he makes more than Mark Ibanez even though Mark is a better sportscaster. It would be interesting if one of your sources provided you this information. I notice you did not indicate any KRON salaries…interesting. Frank Sommerville makes pretty good money. My mother in law is his neighbor, I see him from time to time driving a brand new BMW M3 and a lovely Dodge Viper. You can tell Frank Sommerville is enjoying the $. Good for him.
ReplyDeleteDana King and Carolyn Johnson are the hottest female anchors in the area. Julie Haener is a close second. Yeah - it has nothing to do with their salaries - but I thought i'd add that.
ReplyDeletei would like to know how much sarah and vinnie make. anyone?
ReplyDeleteWhat you are paid has nothing to do with your talent. Has everything to do with how good you and/or your agent negotiate.
ReplyDeleteWonder what Gene makes...
Also Radnich is over paid at $1/yr
even if this is accurate (highly doubtful), it's a despicable thing to do. Why don't you let us know how much YOU made last year? Really? That LITTLE?
ReplyDeleteFormer KGO anchor Van Amburg was rumored to be making in the neighborhood of $800,000 a year and former KGO weatherman Peter Giddings was rumored to be making around $300,000 a year. Street reporters were making around $125,000. This was in the mid 90's. When ABC was acquired by Disney high paid talent didn't get their contracts renewed when they ran out. This was through out ABC.
ReplyDeleteDid you leave the folks from 7live off of this article? Looks like you may have hurt some feelings.
Sorry for 2 post
Why would anyone object to Rich publishing the salaries of newscasters? I believe this is newsworthy and I’m certain none of the newscasters mind having their salaries published. I mean most, if not all of these newscasters routinely report on sleaze and do sleazy things like showing up at crime scenes and shoving a mike in front of weeping crime victims “to get a reaction”. Publishing their salaries is certainly not sleazy. Go Rich Lieberman Go! Keep up the good work.
ReplyDeleteThat all ya got? I'll bet Ronn Owens brings in ten times his salary in ad revenue. Am curious what some of the other KGO talk show people make, and the management of some of the radio and TV management. Burns must do pretty well, considering he does both M-F and the Saturday Dining Around gig that requires lots of prep. Speculation, accurate or not, about what media folks make in various markets is a time-honored enterprise. Put out a number that's too low on somebody, and you'll probably hear from them. Too high, and they'll probably just let you keep on believing it. JW
ReplyDeleteI too would have thought Raddy was making more.
ReplyDeleteI certainly don't fault people for getting what they can get but Scott Reiss isn't exactly the high profile personality that brings in numbers. So that number, just under Papa, is interesting.
And I can see why the sports guys are doing more news anchoring. If they only come on for a couple minutes at the end of the broadcast, for those rates, it is stealing money!!
Radnich is stealin money!Just shows his "HYPOCRISY" when he feigns "OUTRAGE" about players contracts.What a JOKE he plays on the SHEEP listeners/viewers everyday,somebody PLEASE REVEAL this FAT HACK for who he really is,ANYONE?The only attribute I will commend this JOKER for is that,he really does READ THE ROOM VERY WELL,huh?
ReplyDeleteIn a local article about 10yrs ago Radnich indicated that he made just over $1M with both salaries. Based on these numbers he's probably in the 500-600k range.
ReplyDeleteThanks for posting this information. Still, it would be interesting if you would also post what the newbies in the industry or in the bay area media, are making, such as Frank Mallicoat, along with Grace Lee, Elizabeth Cook, and the hapless Kristy Siefken & Elizabeth Wenger,at KPIX. Then too, it would also be interesting to note how much Sydnie Kohara is making, now that she was recently retained at KPIX, but doing MUCH more work onair that she used to do. From this list, I DO see Ken Bastica and Dana King as being the next to go at KPIX, as they are grossly overpaid, although they are good.
ReplyDeleteI work in SF TV and I can assure you the "newbies" are making less than 100k. Every stations base contract salary is below 6 figures. It is doubtful any news director would give an unproven talent a multi year contract with a fat salary. I would not call Frank Mallicoat a "newbie" as he has major cred from Boston. But the rest of'em have no track record of viewership, ratings, etc. so they have a lot to prove... and they're willing to work very early in the AM for cheap to earn their stripes. That's why you see their faces on the air instead of SF TV vets... years ago reporters/anchors would flip flop from station to station when their contracts were up. Nowadays, stations don't want to pay what the talent has become accustomed to earning. Even if the public loves them.
ReplyDeleteHow did you confirm any of this? Contracts are usually confidential, so whoever gave this to you has likely committed breach of contract. Also, none of the names you listed take a dime in taxpayer money (unlike elected officials and civil servants), so it's really no one's business. Oh and the viewers and listeners of most of these entities (with the exception of Comcast Sports), don't pay a dime to watch and listen to these personalities, so not only is it no one's business, it is also irrelevant. But then, what else is new from you?
ReplyDeleteFunny that about three weeks ago on a Friday when Radnich was doing that Friday Q&A with his wife...well,he had one of his kids, and Radnich made the remark that's why he works morning noon and night to support his young family. "Ahhh,I could be retired right now" said Radnich-then the camera made a quick shot to his wife-who was giving him a "If looks could kill" stare!
ReplyDeleteI have a feeling when she gets really mad...he runs and hides behind bushes in the yard!
Ahhhhh....The factor of 10 might be good but only as a measure of how much Owens is overpaid. A million bucks is a lot of mattresses. Copie could do just as good of a job for a LOT less.
ReplyDeleteWhat about the rest of the Nibber staff?
ReplyDeleteWow! And to think I used to put in an hour of on-air time each week at 1400AM for $10.00/night. Just wow!
ReplyDeleteIf the four morning schmucks on 680 are paid more than $25/hr combined with the stupid soundboard included, they should get a refund. Ham radio operators.
ReplyDeletePaygrade is the main reason AM schmuck "Bert" Murphy resents GR. Have heard this verbally.
ReplyDeleteRadnich and Tolbert are both pathetic. They are stealing money.
ReplyDeleteI can't believe Barbieri makes $300K/year. The guy misses a bunch of shows and calls himself a socialist. Talk about highway robbery, what a douche bag Barbieri is.
ReplyDeleteYou hear mattress ads on KGO very frequently. I have been wondering what is profit margin for those mattresses. From their salary, I figure it is probably very high.
ReplyDeleteWhy Radnich made more in TV than in radio? He only appears 2-5 minutes per night on KRON compare to 3 hours as a radio host
ReplyDeleteeach and every one WAY overpaid!