In yet another attempt to get the masses to listen to him, KSFO's morning irritant, Brian Sussman, referred to Barack Obama as "Hussein" countless times on Wednesday's show, (5- 9 AM).
Sussman apparently is trying to embellish a game of radio "look-at-me, look-at me!!" (And I'm biting, I guess)
Still, calling the POTUS "Hussein?" As in, (psst---he's really a Muslim, I swear!) Sussman's act is getting tiresome, even by wacky ultra-right wing standards. I mean, my god, even some of the the Fox Noise pundits were giving Obama credit for the Bin-Laden take down. (Except of course Glenn Beck who probably thinks the Earth is flat.)
Sussman's weak reason as to referring to Obama as "Hussein?" The countless mistakes by TV people Sunday night, (including the reliable Geraldo) calling "Osama" as "Obama." Ok, yeah, it happened. A lot.
But the "Hussein" chortle is bush-league. It's also not funny, especially soon after a pristine military maneuver that took out enemy #1. And it was never funny, either, referring to W as "shrub." I can think of more pithy, verbal venom for that guy. "Shrub?" Not.
And "Hussein?" How so KSFOish.
*Follow me on Twitter
Hussein is his middle name, although I'd wager less than half the KSFO audience knows it.
ReplyDeleteInappropriate in any case. Even Michael Savage praised Obama. It's not easy to outslime the Savage-meister.
BTW, come clean, Rich. You have to admit "Shrub" was mildly amusing the first time you heard it 12 years ago. Molly Ivins was a treasure -- almost as funny as you!
I always use the term shrub when I refer to Bush. Sussman has always been bush leauge. What a moron!
ReplyDeleteTo Sussman who will read this- you despicable coward. A hawk who NEVER would have enlisted to fight. Do the liberal bay area a favor-join a cult in some Idaho compound..and cut yourself off from the world you scum. Sussman is an opportunist parasite.
ReplyDeleteFWIW his former oil company was called Arbusto, which is Spanish for shrub.
ReplyDeleteI took "Shrub" to mean just a junior 'Bush', not much of a slam. His other nicknames, 'Dumb-ass','Disaster', 'Spineless Idiot' etc. much harsher.
I don't like him. I dont listen to him.
ReplyDeleteIt has been proven countless times that a lack of intelligence is no hindrance to employment as on-air talent.
ReplyDeleteSussman was such a nice guy when all he did was the weather on KPIX. What the hell happened? He sold out to RW douchebaggery for some extra $$$?
ReplyDeleteSussman is probably just working on his reel for Fox News.
ReplyDeleteThese comments do not sound very inclusive, diverse, or tolerant. I'm calling the ACLU!
ReplyDeleteI’m open to listening to good entertaining radio whether it’s on the left or the right (I tune in to Michael Savage daily), so my disdain for Sussman is not based on politics. He’s simply boring and predictable. He is a very poor, local imitation of Rush Limbaugh. I used to listen to Lee Rodgers in the mornings, at least his anger seemed legit and he could be funny although grating. Sussman and Officer Vick are just not worth listening to, hell I used to tune in to hear the 7:30 stretch but I don’t even tune in for that anymore…
ReplyDeleteMost of Sussmans weather forecasts while on KPIX talked about fog. I think he's still living in the fog with his dumb ass remarks.
ReplyDeleteYou've seriously misjudged Glenn Beck. He celebrated with a brass band.
What's hilarious is he got you talk about it Rich. You fell for it hook, line & sinker.
ReplyDeleteFell for what? Pointing out he's (Sussman) a horse's ass? Or do you mean the old "there's no such thing as bad publicity" lie?
ReplyDeleteI agree with 2:36pm's comments...he's dullville. Like he's reading out of the right wing zealot handbook. No original thought, no humor just narrow minded, idiotic, uncreative radio. BOR-ING!
As much as I can't stand Savage's ideology, I have always suspected it's largely schtick so I don't get too worked up about it except for the effect it may have on his dimmer audience members. This cat is highly entertaining! Especially when he gets off his political tirades and is just talking life-stuff. He's a real broadcaster and can be wickedly funny.
Limbaugh is predictable now but used to be a lot more creative and funny as well. But he's a big personality and that gets him through.
Personally, I am delighted for the return of Gene Burns. The sanest voice on local radio as far as I'm concerned. Smart, period.
Brian's not that good. As I've said before, Mark Davis (WBAP Dallas) would mop the floor with him. I thought Mark Williams was far better as well.
ReplyDeleteThe reason we don't have good SOLID conservative talk radio in the Bay Area is because that's not where the money is. All the heavy talent is at KGO. KSFO is owned by the same company but seems very weak in comparison. I wonder if that's on purpose.
I could see KSFO being sold off.
He's on the air because he's cheaper than Lee Rodgers...end of story...he's happy the bosses are happy.
ReplyDeleteSam the butcher...you have way too much time on your hands if you're listening to all these different stations and hosts whom you don't like. I mean you're listening to Sussman,yes any publicity is good publicity.
ReplyDeleteGo back to cutting meat.
It's sad to see a real meteorologist drop trou and bend over and say "Please, sir, may I have another?" to the whacko right. They don't believe global warming for two reasons: one, it's science, and these people believe the earth is only 10,000 years old. They think the Flintstones is a documentary. And the other reason is they hate Democrats and Al Gore so much that he could assert the sun rises in the East and they'd disbelieve it.
ReplyDeleteSussman was a decent weatherman but now sounds like a wanna be Sean Kennedy, he is very prejudiced and immature with the Prez middle name.