Welcome to KSFO, your official Obama/Birther Bay Area radio outlet.
And meet your birther host, Brian Sussman and "OV", (Officer Vic).
I've had numerous e-mail exchanges with the SussMAN, (as he's known) and seriously, don't know if the Susser is serious-- not just on this latest topic or not, but he and his co-hort are seriously milking the birther bit, and I do mean milking.
Maybe stretching a bit too.
Suss and OV spent the better part of their four-hour AM show both Wednesday and Thursday mocking President Obama and his alleged Hawaiian birth. We'll, actually, Susserman and the Vickster concede that the long-form birth certificate released Wednesday by the White House looks pretty official, but WAIT...
SussMAN went into a very, very, very long dissertation on some "Constitutional Convention documents" that question whether a potential POTUS individual, "whose father was born in Kenya", (and therefore, perhaps, da da, 'non-naturalized citizen') has the legal/constitutional right to be eligible for POTUS.
But wait, Suss, wasn't his Mom born here? Oh, never mind...
Like I said, I don't know if Sussman is serious. Maybe he's looking for ratings. The show is highlighted by a lot of sound bites and white guys phoning in named Earl driving trucks to Fremont. That's known as prime breeding ground for ultra-right-wing people who think, perhaps, that Mr. Obama is a non-legitimate, socialist/communist, Muslim living at 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.
A dream scenario: The Donald fires all of 'em! Oh wait....Yeah, that guy.
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Who cares if SussMANN is serious. Bortherism is ractism period. It's the equivalent of telling a racist joke and then claiming you're not racist because you have friends of the joke's target ethnicity.
ReplyDelete"AFTERBIRTHER".....Term I made up for moronic people that still... AFTER all the evidence proving the ligitimacy of President Obama's place of birth , still question it!!!
ReplyDeleteLOL Take Care Rich!
Mike Gonzo Gonzales
If Sussman had been there for the birth...he would still not believe his eyes. It was a mock up -like that cartoon says,a FAKE Obama mother!
ReplyDeleteBrian Sussman is a despicable human being masquerading as a educated man of science when his head is in the 19th century. More like him would destroy society.
Brian Sussman/Skip Bayless-seperated at birth?
ReplyDeleteThe birthers, racists, tea-baggers are all in a hissy fit because the Pres played them, exposing them for the tools they are. He could have released this stuff years ago, the timing was perfect.
ReplyDeleteIs Sussman Mark in WC? Lots of similarities.
ReplyDeleteRich what are the ratings for the Sussman’s show? Listening to those two reminds me of the two main characters on Of Mice and Men. Officer Vick sounds like such a gullible “gee-golly-whiz” tool next to the more “intelligent” Sussman.
ReplyDeleteWho cares if SussMANN is serious. Bortherism is ractism period.
ReplyDeleteNow if only we could just get people to believe in "Spellerism". Please....how about a little time devoted to proof reading before posting.
Good lord....whoever is in the minority power party clings to these things....until the sides switch and they move on to the "serious" issues. The left still obsesses about Ollie North for god sakes. Remember the "Christic Institute" positively losing their minds over Bush senior...and his mysterious overnight SR-71 trip to Iran. Don't we still endlessly rehash the Kennedy assassination?
Lighten up folks....it's just schtick!
Man...I'm really disappointed in Suss. I worked with him at KNTV back in the 1980's. He was a very funny guy who was pretty well-liked in the newsroom. He NEVER spouted off about politics. Never. The photogs in the shop all liked working with him for Brian's Kids and WX live-shots. The desk and producers would assign shooters to shoot some WX shots ("Wix-Pix" as he called it), and they never complained because he was such a cool guy. He even worked with a photog/producer who was gay. They got along GREAT. I don't know, maybe Suss changed when he got that KPIX gig. But the Suss I hear on the radio is NOT the Suss I knew and worked with.
ReplyDeleteIt is always something with the ridiculous right wing. Nothing will convince them, so why bother trying? They revel in their ignorant bliss. Let them.
ReplyDeleteWait - isn't Sussman a meteorologist? I guess he knows everything then.
ReplyDeleteI've known Sussman for many years and I can tell you that he absolutely believes what he says on the radio. Brian looks and acts like a friendly guy off the air, but his mind is clouded with dark ideas. His radio program has given him an outlet for the worst part of his True Believer personality, and his equally misguided listeners provide him with symbiotic feedback that reinforces a closed system of cult-like behavior.
ReplyDeleteI wanna see The SussMAN's birth certificate, mental health records and college transcripts and diploma! DOH!!! That might prove to me that he has the right to be on air!
ReplyDeleteEver heard of freedom of speech? God forbid someone puts out a show that goes against the liberal grain of the Bay Area... If you don't like Sussman's point of view, then don't listen, and stop complaining. Where was your blog, Rich, about Ronn Owens when he was GOING OFF on the GOP's tax plan? Oh right. He supports the Left.
ReplyDeleteYes, Freedom OF Speech....but not Freedom FROM Responsibility. If we don't care about facts and getting to the truth, then why not just spout that someone rapes little babies? Hey, Freedom of Speech, ya know! Anything goes!!
ReplyDeleteYeah Rich, where was your blog when Ronn Owens was defending the invasion of Iraq even after it was revealed that our administration lied to us about WMD's?
ReplyDeleteOh yeah, he supports the Buch/Cheney/Israel right.
I'm sorry... so any Liberal AM news-talk station can go on, and on, and on, and ON about how the GOP's plan to reduce the deficit will essentially starve seniors to death, but Sussman can't say he is skeptical about our president's birth certificate? Where are the facts in the killing seniors bit? So, when its the left side pointing fingers, its responsible radio, but when its the right, its just irresponsible hot air? Hellooooo, hypoctite. Its this double-standard that makes me so irate when the Left is supposed to preach "tolerance and love of all" but they're only tolerant if you see eye-to-eye!!!
ReplyDeleteI think the birthers must think that Obama's Kenyan father gave birth to him in the only known case of paternal pregnancy. Either that, or they think that his pregnant white mom, age 17 at the time, decided to leave Hawaii, where her parents also lived, to avail herself of the superior natal health care facilities in Kenya. I'm having fantasies about a Law & Order script, whereby somebody kidnaps Sussman, Limbaugh, Hannity and Trump. They haul them off to an undisclosed location for a dose of truth serum, during which they do #1 and 2 in their pants while being interrogated.
ReplyDelete"Ever heard of freedom of speech?"
ReplyDeleteI don't see anyone calling for him to be removed from the air.
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteMan...I'm really disappointed in Suss. I worked with him at KNTV back in the 1980's. He was a very funny guy who was pretty well-liked in the newsroom. He NEVER spouted off about politics. Never. The photogs in the shop all liked working with him for Brian's Kids and WX live-shots. The desk and producers would assign shooters to shoot some WX shots ("Wix-Pix" as he called it), and they never complained because he was such a cool guy. He even worked with a photog/producer who was gay. They got along GREAT. I don't know, maybe Suss changed when he got that KPIX gig. But the Suss I hear on the radio is NOT the Suss I knew and worked with.
April 28, 2011 9:55 AM
I also worked with Sussman, but a decade later at KPIX. And I can second what anonymous said.
He was an incredibly great guy to work with. One of the best in the business I've ever worked with period. We even talked a bit about politics, and he came across to me as middle of the road, maybe just a bit right of center, and very reasonable and level headed regarding politics.
Nothing like that person spouting vitriol on the radio. Listening to him now it's hard to believe it's the same guy.
All I can say is I hope he's just doing it for the money, and doesn't actually believe in much of what he's saying.
My wife and I are what most people in the Bay Area would call right wing, and I don't really care. What's nutty conservative here is mainstream in Dallas and we lived there for eight years. If it weren't for my wife's pension, we would go back.
ReplyDeleteIt's my opinion that Sussman stirs the pot too much. I don't think he's all that intelligent. He doesn't speak well, his writing doesn't flow...he's just a mouth. Mark Williams made him look like a fool by comparison earlier this week. Mark Davis from WBAP in Dallas would make BOTH Williams and Sussman look like interns.
California has a government and safety net it can no longer afford. Jerry Brown and his minions can make their usual arguments backed up with union stooges but it doesn't change anything. There's still no more money and no toleration for higher taxes. This ain't Europe...and eventually we'll reach critical mass and the serious cuts will finally be made. When that will happen is anyone's guess but I don't think it will be this year. Next year? Maybe.
You see the lie is that the Left wants freedom of the press. They don't, they go on campaigns to ban voices which disagree, or boycott. They live in double standardville. Calling Bush a traitor or war criminal was fine, but asking some simple questions about the current president's sketchy past makes you automatically racist. The left can prey on the fears of the seniors and minorities without penalty.
ReplyDeleteThese hypocrites are still fuming over hanging chads.
I too worked w/Sussman back in the old KNTV Days. I will ditto the previous two comments from other former co-workers (wow, I probably KNOW you two!). What I remember is that he used to make fun of Reagan. Suss would just shake his head about "a B-Movie actor...and not a great one at that...is NOW our President!" He would also mock-scream out "All Hail Bonzo!" and we'd start cracking up. He did a HELL of a Reagan impersonation, by the way.
ReplyDeleteJust a pure joy to work with.
Maybe he is like the comedian Dennis Miller...who after the 9/11 attack suddenly had a conservative epiphany???
Keep insulting white men stupid and then look in the mirror.
ReplyDeleteI think this country would have been so better off if we had implemented a mandatory draft. 3 years in the service of your country. So many of the Bay Area misfits, misfires, and radicals would have had to leave the comfort zone of mommy, daddy, college, & their "lifestyle" of smoking their weight in pot, and soaking it in booze. We have a hot bed of soft men. Men who could not defend themselves or their family. Cowards who would run for the hills. What was left of their minds after the drugs, drink, & general misadventure, was further damaged by 4 years of liberal education. We now have walking and talking boys, not men who can't change a tire, throw a punch or discern the difference between want and obligation.
ReplyDeleteI once knew a guy in Dallas who had spent several years in a Vietnamese prison camp, and he said the exact same thing. When we eliminated the draft, we screwed up America. His exact words were stronger than that but you get the picture.
ReplyDeleteIf you want to get back some of that manhood and you're an otherwise intelligent person, sign up for pilot training at your local airport. It helps.
Brian Sussman is an ignorant idiot. Enough said.
ReplyDeleteBirtherism = "Presidents need to be republican and white"
ReplyDelete@John J Wyatt - Say what you want but that's a mainstream opinion in most of the south and there are quite a few Electoral votes there, way more than in California. Bush won twice without carrying Cali and it's a fair bet to say the Republicans will win again without it.
ReplyDeleteObama won Ohio, Pennsylvania and Florida because Lehman Brothers collapsed. That made him President. Period. We all knew it was over in late September. McCain never had a chance.
I've been watching campaigns since high school (before getting the BA in Political Science and having become a veteran of MANY campaigns) and I'm telling you Obama looks like a loser next year. He's starting to get that same dull, beat up look that Carter had. Clinton had a better economy, less debt, was a likable guy and a better politician.
Barack is toast. He knows it. You can see it in his eyes.
Problem is: the repubs don't have anyone to nominate. It's a clown circus there.
ReplyDeleteI listen to Suss. Always will.