Sunday, March 20, 2011

NCAA, Bombs in Libya, Japanese Radiation and Spaghetti TV

Image: Vehicles belonging to forces loyal to Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi explode after coalition air strike, along a road between Benghazi & Ajdabiyah, Libya. (© Goran Tomasevic/Reuters)

Have you enjoyed watching the NCAA basketball tournament?

Did you wander around the tube fixated on Butler beating Pittsburgh while at the same time noticing that in between your hoops sensation, war erupted in Libya? Nothing like rockets, bombs, bloodshed and Jim Nantz inter-connected with CNN and Don Lemon.

Where's Geraldo?

Oh wait, forgot to mention Japan. They're digging out more bodies, but two of the nuclear reactors are supposedly on the mend. The other four? "Meltdown" is still in the equation, but the "experts" are encouraged. The radiation is like, uh, 1000x more than normal in the area around Fukishima. Oh well. At least the "plume" that reached California is not harmful, say the "experts." At least for now, they say.

On the other hand, how's your bracket?

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  1. Rich, while all of this unrest is going on Obama and family are in Rio having a grand ol time, wonder why he isn't sitting on the beach in Hawaii?


  2. 408er...fortunately for the people of Hawaii..the plume from Japan arcs up and above Hawaii..right towards the Aleutian Islands..and then to us here..Hawaii not in this jet stream path...was it your point that he was avoiding Hawaii? because of radiation? I agree it's not a good time to go to Brazil..but the point in going has to do with firming up work contracts in this country.

  3. Because he is picking and watching his NCAA picks in between golf games.

    Mark, WC

  4. Geraldo is 20 miles from any front line pretending that he is close to an active danger zone rehearsing his stand-up.

  5. mark missed the cabinet level video conference on Libya..YOu see this modern age, presidents and others can do bidness w/o having to be in the same place.

  6. Mark in WC seems to forget that the previous POTUS, one I'd guess he respects more than the current occupant, was "on vacation" fully one third of his entire eight year term. And that includes August 2005 when the city of New Orleans and much of the surrounding Gulf Coast was literally submerged under water, thanks to Hurricane Katrina. But he thought it was cute and presidential to fly low over the city in Air Force One to view the damage, and it took days for the reality of the desperation to sink into his patrician little brain. Compared to him, President Obama is the second coming of Lincoln.

  7. Mark and 408er...typical RepubliKKKan White Males who STILL can't get over the fact that a BLACK MAN is the president of the United States of America.

    -Col. Nathan Jessep, USMC

  8. "typical RepubliKKKan White Males who STILL can't get over the fact that a BLACK MAN is the president of the United States of America."

    Correction: an INCOMPETENT black man. Get your lazy mind around that you racist.

  9. In this crazy world of ours with wars raging, nuclear catastrophe in the air, tsunamis and other natural disasters wreaking havoc-- there's at least a sense of sanity knowing that last night Marty Nemko bid goodbye to radio. There may be a God after all....

  10. I was riveted by the quake and all that followed.If you ask me-I think its been UNDERPLAYED. Only CNN was doing 24/7..all hosts talking about the events. PBS...what a disgrace. They went on with their Junkshow roads show,their crappy cooking shows, and all the lightweight crap that PBS has become. Nothing interrupts them.PBS before midnight is worthless. Only a person with insomnia can enjoy the only time they have TV shows that are interesting or educational-at the break of dawn,its once again for the brain numbed.
    What a tragedy and comment on 900+ cable channels that only one for the most part devoted time to such an incredible series of horrible events.
