Tuesday, February 22, 2011

SF Radio Ratings

The full rundown, and yes, we know its a beauty contest, but here they are, the overalls.


  1. KGO has really started to smell. And it's obvious by these numbers that the market agrees. For years they would go on and on about how they were "number 1" for 40 quarters or whatever. Now they're number 5. Last I heard was #3.

    Everything runs its course, and KGO has had its day. Ron Owens is tired and should go. I hope Gene recovers soon and he would be a welcome addition in the morning spot (if he wanted it).

    Bottom line -- it's becoming old and tired with all of the cutesiness that goes on there, and with Ron Owens fake laugh (I can't gripe about that enough).

  2. It looks like you got rid of the huge list of old articles on the right. The pages load much faster, and I can actually use the scrollbar now.

    Much better!!

  3. Yup, the scroll bar now works. Thanks for cleaning up the site.

  4. yeah, thanks for shortening that list...i thought i was the only one that bothered cause i just have a netbook and a slow internet connection....

    would be great if you take the next step and get your own real website instead of the blogspot stuff....blogspot looks kind of cheesy, like you're not serious about you're business...you have some ads so you must be getting decent traffic....

  5. One day you should do a breakdown on KNBR ratings and for who's shows are best. I wonder what the up and down is as the day goes by,which host gains or loses the most,etc.
    btw,Ray Woodson did a fill in for Raddy on Monday..he started off the show reciting his memorizing all x number of Presidents of the USA in order of term.
    Ray,even on Presidents day,that was a bore beyond my best patience available. Made me miss Raddy.

  6. Wow... I heard it and thought it was appropriate for President's Day and sort of cute. I don't think half of America could do this under a minute. Go Ray!
