She is Roberta Gonzales, weather woman extraordinaire, frequent Facebook fanatic, and looks to die for, which isn't such a bad deal as long as TV is a visual medium.
She's also, I'm told, heavily loathed by the newsroom boss, perhaps because her enormous Q rating and style drives most of CBS5's various news shows.
What many people don't know about Gonzales: her monumental charity work for kids and underprivileged children, being a full-time mother for two kids while juggling a pretty hectic schedule, and yes, Roberta is married to Sharks play-by-play TV broadcaster, Randy Hahn.
NOTES: The fallout from the Dave Guingona firing at KRON is but the latest incident to affect the already toxic atmosphere inside the newsroom at 1001 Van Ness. Many staffers, understandably, are on edge, (again) as Guingona's ouster, (after 28 years at the helm) proves no one is safe. This, all the while, when certain less qualified VJ's get preferential treatement from a news management dept. universally detested by most of the staff, but that's not news...I neglected to mention that "da loya", Len Tillem, is also Jewish, (big deal), and part of KGO Radio's weekday line-up, but keep in mind Tillem talks the law, not Middle East conflicts, last I checked...Ego aside, it's funny that I was the only guy locally that reported on the Guingona firing, while many out-of-town trades, (including Newsblues(pay wall) picked up the story. Your fine SF-area media on top of things...The showoff radio reporter who thinks he's bigger than god needs to know the staff at Grumpy's isn't impressed, (tone it down)...Speaking of weather guessers, those of you who write to say I'm hypocritical about praising Christina Loren and her loveliness, (Roberta too) while ripping into the you-know-who's, big difference: the others have a certain 'tude and can't differentiate between what we want and the way we want it--Loren, and Gonzales too, simply get it. 'Nuff said...I like Christine Craft on KGO every now and then, but her downright nastiness toward some callers is not nice even though many are a pain in the tuchas...Chris Townsend will continue both pre-and post-game duties for the A's on KTRB while the future of the radio station remains murky, but all signs indicate the A's will eventually take control of the 860 AM frequency...A voice I'd love to hear a lot more at KGO: Peter B. Collins...Gene Burns is said to be recovering after an extended hospital stay. KGO people are not talking long-term about his status, but from this observer, it appears that Burns may well be done as a full time host at the radio station, with Pat Thurston taking over--didn't I say that recently?
*Follow me on Twitter
The guy who hosted the Gene Burns food show on Sunday said that Gene would be back doing that show in two weeks. btw-the 15 minutes or so I had it on was agonizing. The guest host's voice, constant restaurant industry name dropping---good gawd.
ReplyDeleteRe the Guingona firing: What "fine SF-area media" are you criticizing by not reporting it? Except for maybe this site I don't know of another that reports the hirings and firings of behind the scene employees.
Roberta Gonzales-meh
Christing Craft- horrible, talks over callers, cuts them off before they can make a point, belittles callers after they are off the air, major chip on her shoulder. Her hubris and nastiness are right up there with Wattenburg.
Now back to work.
so, how long have you been stalking Christina Loren? maybe you're trying to get a date or something. Roberta Gonzalez is nothing special in that pic there.
ReplyDeleteand lastly, who is "The showoff radio reporter who thinks he's bigger than god"?
Well Rich.I'm glad you like me on the radio from time to time..I've been doing it for seventeen years at the station being discussed. It's always a treat and yes I have an edge which isn't going away. I do find it amusing that male hosts can call people a-holes and worse and they aren't perceived as 'NASTY"...I've never called anyone an a-hole on the air..so it's just misogyny.I do have significant anger towards the boobengrabber most particularly for what he did to those least able to fight back..ie: injured workers and the disabled..the very people I help everyday in our law practice here in Sacramento. I have to tell you that I and many , many people are so happy to have Jerry as our governor and a no frills walk-to-lunch kind of guy we see all the time, not the pomp and circumstance,"addicted to the power" jerk who is now departed..Happy faces, sigh of relief.
ReplyDeletegot a few questions for you Rich....and I hope you respond. Did you get permission to use that photo of Roberta or did you just swipe it? Those are usually covered under copywrite. Next is your gray line between being a blogger and a journalist. You say you are a blogger not a journalist. Yet in this post you say you 'reported' on the Guingona item and another outlet picked up the 'story'. Sounds like you are a journalist to me. I did not even know who Guingona was until you wrote about him. Now if Pam Moore is let go that is news.
ReplyDeleteI must agree with all the criticism directed towards Ms. Craft. We can forgive her for initially supporting John Edwards, for attacking Obama during the election in her unwavering support of Hillary Clinton, for her obsession with the Governator, for holding a grudge towards Michael Vick and her general nastiness towards callers. What I cannot forgive is when she whistles at callers with whom she disagrees. Hey, John , hey can you hear me John? , Earth to John .
ReplyDeleteWhenever she is on I change the channel. There’s enough nastiness in the world to put up with her crap.
It has to be the most annoying, rude, pain in the ass habit of any talk show host anywhere in the U.S.A.
It’s right up there with people who throw cigarettes out of a vehicle, people who litter and people who spit on the sidewalk.
Roberta..I remember she was at ch 11 many years,watched her weight go up and down before she became a fanatical fitness goddess.
ReplyDeleteWhat was strange was I got a strong feeling she wasn't liked at ch11. She would be her bubbly self on air and ad lib that she wanted a group, yea!..then(and this kind of thing happened more than once)the cameraman would pan to the newsdesk and the other three anchors wouldn't make a sound-crickets..awkward. Not even crack a smile. REAllY awkward.
The capper is when she left they hired some low cost weather guy to replace her,and for Holloween-he dressed as Roberta. Wig of jet black hair,red lipstick,long eyelashes. Just over the top. He made some Roberta like enthusiasm cracks..it was so weird I'm still traumatized to this day...
i heard someone(a caller) on the radio the other day(1380 AM KTKZ sacramento) who said he saw jerry brown gets out of his cadillac/limousine(whatever expensive chauffered vehicle he rides in) two to three blocks away from the event he's attending then gets into a VW van or whatever greeniemobile he wants people to believe he's really driving and shows up!! i laughed so hard when i heard this..the genius of this, its hilarious!!...the dude calling sounded credible but i honestly don't remember if he said this was recent of maybe from brown's Oakland mayoral days or his AG term.
ReplyDeletewouldn't surprise me one bit though...
and i see christine is angry over on this thread also, sadly. at some point you have to ask yourself christine, "is the whole world "misogynistic", or is it just my warped and distorted view of things because of my past experiences?"
it really is a convenient excuse if one wants to be an old sourpuss all the time...
here's the deal ..you gutless wonder...Jerry Brown uses a two year old.....wait for it....BUICK.
ReplyDeletemisogyny is when you call a woman who dares to express a well-informed point of view you disagree with..misogyny is when you call her"bitter,man-hating, sour, barren...etcetera..it's just code for your misogyny and it doesn't work with me..never has..never will.. I'm really amused that you have soooo many specifics about things I say in my extremely limited fill-in role at KGO...guess you must be listening..Whoops...there goes Jerry running past our window here at FF&B law...I don't see any limos..no chauffeurs...hmmmmm..
As for my past experiences in making it safe for American women to have media jobs after the age of 40...that's an extremely positive,unwarped and undistorted thing.. You are just jealous because David Letterman never had you on as a guest for three hilarious segments...nor did you or will you ever make the cover of LIFE MAGAZINE..pity.
as far as my support for John Edwards...what a disappointment he turned out to be...not because he had affairs..because most of them do..but because he pretended to be the loyal hubby. It's not the cheating..it's the pretense of not cheating.....and for HRC...I still think she would have been a more effective president than Obama. YOu do know that both Obama and Clinton had the same number of votes in the dem primaries..and that it was the superdelegates that put Obama over the top. hey..I may be 'nasty" in your view..but I don't manipulate..like so many women you likely find attractive..so be it.
ReplyDeleteis the whole world misogynistic.....?
ReplyDeleteBubba/ Christine wrote: "what a disappointment he turned out to be...not because he had affairs..because most of them do."
ReplyDelete"Most of them" - who?
I agree with the first poster. The guy filling in on dining around last sat. was joel ridel who is mr. burns’ producer. I knew It was going to be bad when he did the “tease” with joannie griggins at 9:58am. I support gay marriage, I was a big fan of Karel but mr. ridel is too gay sounding for my taste (how many times can you say: “faaabulous” and “to die for”?). The one positive is that they didn’t invite Grace Anne Walden to fill in. She scolds guests when they don’t bring in samples for her to taste and she references her tour business a little too much. She has a lot of nerve. As it is dining around is full of commercials, we don’t need to hear her peddling her own business in north beach on top of it all. She also has a habit of interrupting guests and answering her own questions. She’s the epitome of a Yenta in the full sense of the word.
ReplyDeleteHmm,I didnt know Christine had a talk show. Now,I'm going to listen. What time is she on?
ReplyDeleteBesides,its nice to see a local ex anchor who isnt a right winger like Barbara Simpson or out of his gourd Sussman.
Not sure if Bubba is really Christine, but whoever it is has nailed the 'insecure-victim,-know it all' that comes through on the radio. Bravo! whomever it is. Very entertaining. thanks
ReplyDeleteI'm not a victim..I'm someone who fought back..and shook the broadcast industry to its core..not something a victim could or would do.
ReplyDeletepoliticians have affairs..because power makes them feel they are sexy..even when they aren't ..this is news to you?
ReplyDeleteWhat is the opposite of Misogyny? What do you call women who hate men?They are out there! No not you Bubba, I'd just be afraid you would kick my ass;)
ReplyDeleteHey I remember when men were men and women loved them for it. Now men are wimps and women who love .... women!!! Crazy world.
I miss Christine, she does good radio.
How about the women (usually young) who have affairs with these married men.
ReplyDeleteAren't they also responsible?
Speaking of misogyny Rich, Salon is reporting that Lara Logan was brutally attacked last week in Egypt. You may want to report on that, it sounds extremely bad…
ReplyDeleteThis is the CBS legal department. Please remove the photo of Roberta Gonzales. It is the creative property of CBS and you are using it without permission.
ReplyDeleteYes, Peter B. Collins is good. I'm a Christine Craft fan. She ticked me off big time during the primaries, when she arrogantly dismissed us early Obama supporters as unthinking, ill-informed, misogynistic, Messiah-worshipping political lightweights. I wanted to scream back, "Hey Christine, you aren't the only one who ever went to college or studied politics! But being a Messiah worshipper, I forgive her for her sins. She picks good topics and has a good sense of humor. I thought her comments during the Mescherle (sp?) trial and sentencing proceedings were very insightful. She sometimes takes positions on issues that you wouldn't expect. Unlike Pat Thurston, who is all too predictable. When she cuts off callers, they usually deserve it. Not like Dr. Bill, who doesn't even listen long enough to realize that some of those he cuts off actually agree with him. JW
ReplyDeleteHey, she got Obama right (or is it "wright")...
DeleteI must also echo the other posters.
ReplyDeleteChristine Craft comes across rather angry.
Very sad . . .
Christine, if you are still here: BRAVO!!!! You have plenty of spirit and brains to back it all up! I have both loved and hated some of your political opinions, but you always express them with intelligence and passion. You had the guts to stand by Hillary Clinton in the 2008 primaries even though the majority of your callers gave you grief for it. I gave you grief for supporting Nader in the 2000 primaries, but you stood your ground on that as well.
ReplyDeleteAs for the commenters here who are calling you "nasty," ain't that just too bad for them?! I hope you will be on KGO for a long, long time!
Nice to see Ms Craft is as obnoxious in print as she is on the airways. Always worth a twist of the dial when she comes on KGO.
ReplyDeleteI'd like to hear how Bubba / Christine would pay for the whole financial meltdown we have had year, after year, after year. My guess is the standard liberal line... tax the rich, raise property taxes, and raise business taxes.
ReplyDeleteBut she wouldn't confront what that does to business - driving them OUT of business, out of the state, or country, for that matter. What did Reagan eloquently call that? Killing the goose that laid the golden egg?
Gene Burns fill in, I only caught him for 10 minutes. Ugh.
Didn't Edie Sellers have a little spunk? And how about a voice from the past, Chris Clarke?
I do miss Michael Krasny, he was a real mensch.
Is Ms. Craft just as bothered when young inexperienced blondes (or brunette, for that matter) pop into a news station - and within 6 months - are getting major airtime ~ despite their paper-thin resume?
ReplyDeletePaper-thin being subjective, but I don't think many men land sweet major-channel jobs after 2or 3 years in the business.
for my views on barbie anchors..read my book. I don't watch t.v. news generally and haven't for many years... except links in a story on line. My favorite t.v. fare right now is reality t.v...specifically PIT BOSS, PIT BULLS AND PAROLEES, all the AUCTION AND PAWN SHOP SHOWS,PROJECT RUNWAY,and I've been known to watch reruns of HOUSE and that deliciously nasty Hugh Laurie.
ReplyDeleteI picture Christine joining the law firm on NBC's "Harry's Law." JW
ReplyDeleteHah...20 years later, it's the same old Christine. Still calling men who disagree with her misogynists. I thought she was a hero - before I met her. She's intelligent and, from time to time, runs a decent talk show. But, it's long been obvious to me she has a huge hole inside of her that she just can't fill...which leads to her need to tell everyone just how great she is (I'VE BEEN ON LETTERMAN!). Still, she is entertaining....in that car-crash sort of way.
ReplyDeleteWhen you say Roberta Gonzales is "far and away the most popular" KPIX personality, that's not saying much. There isn't much left in the way of real talent in the news department, and it's getting worse by the day. Personally, I find her irritating. Her perkiness and self-promotion are annoying. She needs to get a better stylist (her hair styles are straight out of the 50s.) She could use some sound advice regarding her wardrobe too. If she's really a meteorologist, she sure doesn't act like one. Sorry, I'm not a fan.
ReplyDeleteMisogynist (Obviously) proves Christine's point perfectly in his latest post.
ReplyDeleteStill, he's entertaining...in that car crash sort of way. He'd be even better if he could just fill that huge hole in his brain.
the obvious misogynist thinks women will be fulfilled( IN THEIR HUGE HOLES) by his impressive presumably huge manhood....
ReplyDeleteI'd be willing to bet.......shrimp..and not jumbo.
I think Roberta has a lovely and engaging smile. Once upon a time I was the curvaceous cutie doing the weather at KPIX..My advice...get some other professional training to guarantee employment later in life. weather in sf is extremely easy to do..as most know.The hard part is showing some personality with a rather dry and repetitive subject...and it looks like Roberta has no problem with that
ReplyDeletesome of the posters here remind me of Nir Rosen.
ReplyDeletelol, bubba/christine = l.i.o.m.
ReplyDelete"I WAS ON LETTERMAN" whoooooppeee!!
"I WAS ON THE COVER OF LIFE MAGAZINE" whooopppp, aren't they oob now?
"I SHOOK THE INDUSTRY TO ITS CORE!!" yaaaaa(expecting a Howard Dean moment soon)
(yeah, thanks so much for that)
so i must conclude that "bubba" isn't CC as even CC isn't that pathetic and bitter..."bubba" is more likely just an extreme(bitter, angry) leftist who is a CC "sniffer" as Radnich likes to call them...
interesting that our gal "bubba" goes right to the penis when one poster says she "has a huge hole to fill(in her soul)" then proceeds to belittle the size of his "shrimp"...ha ha
also, on the jerry brown driving a greeniemobile only when 2 blocks away from the event, i didn't say i saw it but again, the caller sounded COMPLETELY credible and i thought it was something ol' jb would do(and jb walking by your office today is irrelevant, to his being a fraud)...actually would have been great if arnold tried it but tipped reporters off ahead of time, just for some comedy relief(watch me get out of my Hummer a few blocks away and arrive in a Prius for the cheering crowds :) )...
If that wasn't CC then someone should get an award for doing a good, predictable impression of her.
ReplyDeleteRoberta Gonzales is hugely narcissistic and annoying with her "look at ME!" delivery, stretching every word as if it is the last word that will be heard on the planet. She is always pushing something, trying to be Ms. Popularity, so it's no surprise with her self-propelled PR machine ("Look at ME!!!") that she's popular. Would be interesting to know how many of those letters actually came from herself. I hope she moves. I can't stand to look at her -- she's a car wreck. Her hair is disgusting.