Monday, December 27, 2010

You Know What Rules the Day

I think this will have about a one-day cycle before things get back to normal.

Look for a lot of news people to do their best Chris Berman impression.

Knibber's kniblees are all over it.


  1. Now that the wicked witch of the west is gone even Pauly is getting some reppressed kicks in to Singletary as they paint him as unstable. Much truth to that,its just that it's a bit much from a guy who's usual persona is to speak no evil of anybody associated with KNBR.
    Only if there's money in truth will KNBR speak it. And ratings are higher as they vent on Mike.

  2. And more of the power of Rich's blog. Almost an hour into the FP and David Lee Brynes show and not one "dude". They read.

  3. Sorry -but it was Murphy who was kicking Singletary around yesterday. Today,he was all for Mike Vick owning a dog again. A pitt bull he said,was ok with him.
    They give 50,000 watts to any fool at KNBR.
