I'm not one to boast, but trust me, I'd be willing to wager a small hunskie that I could go on CNN at 8 PM and draw the same numbers, (if not bigger) than the calamity currently playing out called "Parker/Spitzer", the subject of many recent stories that have a central theme: the show stinks and noboby's watching it, surprise!
CNN doesn't know what the hell it's doing. With "Parker/Spitzer" its like they threw some shit up against the wall and hoped it might stick. What do you expect from such a bunch of inept broadcast miscreants who didn't even have the foresight to do one, that's one!, simple screen test just to see what the dynamic duo might look like before going to air.
Parker/Spitzer is a train wreck in progress. It has no light nor any on-air chemistry. It has all the cohesion of Kirstie Alley playing Madame Butterfly. It stinks to high heaven. Kathleen Parker may be a terrific writer for the Washington Post, but her on-air persona is tantamount to root canal. Unwatchable. Unbearable. This is what the malcontents at CNN drew up in the pitch room? They might as well have did a simulcast with CSPAN3.
Eliot Spitzer seems to have a little bite, but working with Parker, so would Bea Arthur and she's dead.
I'm going to make an offer to CNN: I could save you the roughly million or so bucks you invested in this dogs-playing-poker masterpiece and inject some life into it. You could have me at a quarter of the salary you're paying Parker. Sure, I'm not the older/milf-like fantasy doll that Parker possesses, but I do have a central nervous system.
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But Rich,she's a pretty blond. She MUST have inate knowledge of whats on the minds of the urban masses. Why else would all the females on TV news be pretty blonds?
ReplyDeleteUsually with nice boobs too.
It is the Foxification of CNN.
ReplyDeleteParker is there to counter all the blonds that are on FOX. Spitzer is there to counter all the criminals (Delay, Mark Furhman,G Gordon Liddy, William Kristol, Rove, Ollie North) those with scandalous pasts (Gingrich,Dick Morris,Gingrich and O'Reilly) that are Fox regulars.
The show is pretty bad and I agree, you couldn't make it worse.
I'll better your offer and do the 8 o'clock hour for 100K.
The show is painful to watch. OK I admit I watch it just to see Parker look hot!
ReplyDeleteWonder why they never considered a Spitzer/Blitzer show? Dumb and dumber television.