Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Catherine Heenan and Pam Moore; Vern Glenn and Vicki Liviakis; KRON Dignity

I wanted to acknowledge some special people at KRON.

As much as I ridicule and scorn the goings-on at 1001 Van Ness, I have to admire the senior producers, the news writers, and editors for making the most out of less than admirable conditions.

I also want to acknowledge some on-air people like Catherine Heenan, Pam Moore, Vern Glenn, and Vicki Liviakis.

Heenan is a class act. A total consummate pro and a very nice person to boot. Since she arrived at KRON over twenty years ago, she's been remarkably consistent and does a very nice job anchoring the news.

Pam Moore is also a delight and always manages to deliver a quality newscast; same thing for Vicki Liviakis, who I know from her radio days at KFRC.

And Vern Glenn is a top-notch sports anchor, always smiling and giving you his best. "Mr. Involvement" is no gimmick--I always thought that was Vern being his usual gleeful self.

And Stanley Roberts? The "People behaving Badly" guy? Damn, those segments still crack me up! Funny stuff.

As an aside, a quick memo to the KRON rank and file: Under extraordinary circumstances, most of you do a helluva job. You don't need me to tell you that--You already know. I have nothing against you guys and you also know that, or you do now.

The other dudes and duddettes, that's another story, but we're not going there. Today, at least.

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  1. I saw Stanley on KQED's eating out show. He's got an ego. Might be a nice guy,but he aint afraid to puff himself up!
    Vern really needs to de Radnich himself-lay off calling people the great this and that.Cant anybody work with that guy without becoming a parrot/clone? you hear that at KNBR too...
    Catherine Heenan always seemed top notch-but her behavior of stirring up the BART shooting "riots" was shocking. I was disappointed in her.
    Pam Moore is a steady rock there..but a little less smiling and "oh Gary's" as he walks all over her knowing he can get away with murder can make you change channels.
    Other that that-no complaints.

  2. And Vicky is just getting more sizzling hot by the year. I never knew I cared about fake plastic grass and wooden venetian blinds.

  3. I swear to god I am not making this up..but over the Christmas day period,KRON must have let a raw intern do the typing of the scrolled news. It was somebody who never took a typing lesson as just about every word to every story had gaps,words were run together...and some spelled just plain wrong.
    I've never seen that.

  4. why do you praise vicky and give henry flack for peddling infomercials? i like vicky as well but she pushes the goods just like good 'ol tennenbaum.

  5. Truly the four folks you cited are class acts. Excellent article Rich

  6. I agree with Rich. These are still the great of what's left at KRON. A once, highly-admired station filled with great newsreporters, writers, shooters, anchors, etc is now something much different. However, I'm thankful that these people remain at the station.

    And to the poster who mentioned the lower third ticker, I agree. They have serious problems with the kerning of the letters. To the point that I notice it every day. Is that a software glitch or is someone posting individual letters together from a magazine?

  7. I never understood why KGO-TV didn't grab (or doesn't grab) Vicki. She would be so great on news or their 3 o'clock endeavors.

  8. Because Vicki is easy on the eyes and Henry is hideous.

  9. I truly don't understand why they stay at KRON.

  10. Rich, I always thought Jan Wahl was Stubby Kaye in drag!

  11. There are still great and very talented employees at KRON. There are just 1/10 as many as there used to be. Cut 80% of the Giants team and you won't even have enough players on the field. This is what's happening at KRON. Too few people to cover all the bases, no matter that skill level.

  12. That Stanley Roberts/People Behaving Badly Your show is the best! A huge majority still love to watch the public breaking the laws and the other percentage cannot stop bashing the good that people do. But you.. "Mr Roberts and your camera team, "sure can catch em in the act"! Any Hoo....see you when you come east....TTS

  13. Spot on. KRON has more personality than every other station in this market combined, and that's something you can't buy or focus group. They are a sleeping giant, and if they ever get new management that actually has a clue about running a news operation, watch out.

  14. I don't like Stanly Robert's "people behaving badly". My mom hates it too. He comes off as a blowhard buzz kill narc. ha-ha
