Friday, December 3, 2010

Bristow and Baxter make for better KGO Morning News; Friday Dish

Jon Bristow, KGO's rotating anchor/reporter, has been substituting this week for Jennifer Jones-Lee, who is on vacation.

It dawned on me why I found the combination of Bristow and veteran Ed Baxter, refreshing: Jones wasn't around.

Simply stated, Bristow and Baxter are far more listenable and frankly, work better as a pair on KGO. All you have to do is listen. Bristow, with the aid of some of the best "pipes" in the biz, has a nice command of the show, paces well with Baxter and delivers the news in a sort of no-nonsense manner while at the same time showing a distinct sense of humor. His banter with Baxter is infinitely more smoother and appealing than the uber-annoying and chatty Jones-Lee.

I've never been a Jones-Lee fan. Her incessant chit-chatty giggle and on-air demeanor is one of the reasons, I believe, that KGO's AM news numbers have been poleaxed by rival, KCBS.

I'm not a misogynist, so hold the e-mails. In fact, I've often stated how much I thoroughly enjoy Susan Leigh-Taylor on CBS, so this isn't a woman issue. It's all about style and personality and I've never been impressed with Jones-Lee, particularly her pathetic and irritating "It's Friday!" cheer that has all the warmth of a frozen corn dog.

Bristow, who will begin anchoring KGO's new "Noon News" on Monday, (an attempt, by the way, to cut into KCBS's growing penetration,) is a decent newsman and would give the morning block a much-needed jolt of relevance, but I doubt KGO's new upper management staff, (notably GM Deidre Lieberman) has the will to go that route, particularly in the ultra-PC Bay Area.

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  1. Good call Rich, I totally agree with you. The chemistry works with Baxter & Bristow (has a catchy name as well -- it could be used effectively in an advertising blitz). "Baxter and Bristow -- mornings -- on KGO Newstalk 810", or something like that.

  2. Agreed! B&B are a much better pairing. It isn't about JJ though, you are a little hard on the lady Rich! Differing styles and delivery. I'm sure JJ appeals to a certain demographic but Baxter is not on that wavelength. JJ was very good with Bret Burkhart. Maybe more of a generational thing?

  3. Rich, you are right on once again. JJL’s bubbly style clashes with Baxter. She sounds like a valley cheerleader and I can’t take her seriously at all. I think Baxter and Bristow together would be an awesome combination. JJL’s best work is when she reports on celebrity gossip. Maybe they could make her KGO’s entertainment reporter? She sounds like she really enjoys that aspect of the business.

  4. Puhleeze...Was your final comment based on an assumption about how a woman would act or on your close business relationship with Ms. Lieberman?

  5. Anon-Poster, 1:44, there's no relation between Ms. Deidre Lieberman and me.
