Thursday, November 18, 2010

A Market Devoid of a Star; How SF has eroded into Nothingness

There are no stars here anymore. Not exactly breaking news, but nevertheless quite telling and so sad about a city that used to have some of the best.

Evan White, please come back and rescue us from the posers. Please.

Van Amburg, as much as a pain you were apparently off the air, get out of your garage in El Cerritto and come on down.

Mark Thompson, I know you're enjoying life in LA and making good coin, but there's a great pad you can steal in the marina. We miss your sense of humor, not to mention your gratuitous jokes.

Dennis Richmond, you left much too early. Yeah, I know you love golf and all, but really, couldn't you have waited just a few more years?

Dr. Don Rose, here's hoping you're doing great up there in heaven--I miss "San RaQUEL!" and "Sacratomato."

Jim Dunbar. You know, Dunbar, I didn't realize how good you and Wygant were together. You both told corny jokes, but it sounded genuine and you knew the time and place. You didn't have to rely on cheap, stupid and insulting gossipy crap--you just did it on your own and the listeners appreciated it.

Dave McElhatton, I miss your levity and sanity. I miss your complete professionalism. In a world of pompous posers and charlatans, you were 100% sanguine and trustworthy, the Bay Area's Cronkite. Miss you "Mac."

Pete Wilson. You know Pete, fate sucks. You left our planet much too early. Again, like some others, you had just the right amount of levity and delivered some quality goods, both on the tube and in radio behind the mike.

Stephen Kapen. Kapen, you WERE and ARE, the greatest, funniest, and most entertaining personality the Bay Area had on FM radio. I can hear you know up in heaven doing your "KUH-kuh-Kuh-Kuh--Kapen" and damn, I'm still laughing. By the way, you blew Alex Bennett off the dial...and he knew it.

Bill King. The undisputed classiest, best, most compelling and greatest sports broadcaster in SF Bay Area history. End of story.

Mickey Luckoff. Sure, I took a few shots at you and frankly, you deserved it. But you ran a tight ship and survived almost four decades and took care of some of your soldiers. Loyalty is a strong virtue and by all accounts, you were pretty solid in that department.

Herb Caen. Dang, has it been over thirteen years already since you left us? Caen, in this Internet-phucked-up world, your take on some on the issues would have been beautiful. Hope the "vitamin-v-vodka" is flowing.

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  1. We are now down to stars and legends like Gary Radnich who is so insecure about the criticism he gets via email and bloggers-he's now challenging them-by name not coincidently when he was just called a coward on this blog for not naming names by a cetain regular poster last week- to come on his radio show and mix it up verbally.
    How low the media is sinking-attack the audience for being right. I wouldnt doubt the email he says he cant read on air isn't because it's offensive.It probably hits a nerve of his and the heart of his ego.

  2. Not one woman on this list? That's impossible...

  3. talk about pathetic local news. did you happen to catch channel 7's tv20 9 pm newscast last night? their lead story was manny pacquiao singing karoke at hiddenbrooke country club. ridiculous.

  4. How about Wanda Ramey? She was a real pioneer in broadcast journalism.

  5. I heard that crazy Radnich rant this morning. He named and challenged an emailer to come in person to the studio. Apparently the guy hit a nerve b/c Radnich was pissed. Of all the people you mentioned Rich, I think I miss Pete Wilson and Herb Caen the most.

  6. Channel 2 news also led with Manny Pacquiao singing in Vallejo. I'm still in shock.

  7. Karna Small was so sexy and smart. Marcia Brandwynne incredibly personable-even though its now out that Richmond held her back as a second class person and that's why she left.
    Carol Doda-no more to add there,wink,wink.
    Sylvia Chase-Its a wonder why she left so soon?
    Suzanne Saunders-maybe the bay area's first golden goddess.There have been many imitators since she left. She was the archetype anchoress.

  8. Suzanne Saunders is back doing editorials on Channel 3/11. First, it is great to see these editorials that I haven't seen on TV since the 70s and maybe the 80s. And second, great to see Saunders back. She still looks great and doesn't look like she has aged a day.

  9. How about Bob March as "Captain Satellite" and Pat McCormick with "Dialing for Dollars" -- and the voice behind "Charlie & Humphrey". Oh, and the infamous Bob Wilkins on "Creature Features". Local television stars from a past era we probably won't see the likes of again forever. What a shame local television has become -- bland and worthless with no value at all.

  10. The sound of the City,
    The sounds that are heard
    In San Francisco
    Are mixed with daylight's glimmering rays
    And moonbeam's shimmering glow.

    When darkness settles on the City,
    Homeward people on their way,
    Chimes ringing softly in the stillness
    Fog creeping slowly 'cross the Bay

    Hear the sounds of the City,
    The sounds that are heard
    In San Francisco - On K-S-F-O
    San Francisco....

    Sherwood, Collins, Carney, Lange

    The Golden Age of San Francisco Radio

  11. Christine Craft
    Belva Davis
    Wendy Tokuda
