Saturday, August 28, 2010

KPIX Post Mortem and a few other things about 415 Media

I never take glee in writing about the people in this business who get shelved and humiliated. "Layoffs", "retirements", "buyouts"--sure, some are legit, but in most cases, they are mere bodies deemed unworthy and told to get lost by usually incoherent and incompetent mgmt. suits, backed by multi-million dollar media companies.

You're fired!, essentially.

I had the Kessler story right from the beginning, but couldn't prove it--a little too much inside baseball to go into, but the bottom line was that I was flustered--both by the fact that I was professionally humiliated, and yet, here I was, writing about a person's livelihood going by the wayside, holy crap!

I've learned a few things--

1.Don't assume you're getting the truth by the other guys. Some of them will LIE to protect their interests and when it involves big markets, all the more so ever.

2. I mentioned that KPIX is having financial problems, (and they are,) but they still rake in millions of dollars and is infinitely profitable. Still, a hellbent bottom-line mentality that permeates the entire business climate is no different at large TV stations.

3. People that I deal with on a semi-regular basis, professionally speaking, who are quick to e-mail and ridicule and lecture, then mysteriously hide later on when the truth comes out.

--I take this job seriously.

They're were a lot of calls and e-mails "congratulating" me on the "scoop." At the risk of sounding a bit self-serving, I didn't do a symbolic high-five. This IS, after all, a story about a guy being shown the door, (and probably, his partner too.)

The professional accolades, the pick-ups by other trades and Internet sites, of course, sure, a sort of semi-"vindication", but the truth is no one, even me, takes solice in being ultimately correct about an individual(s) losing his gig.

The fact of the matter is that I really try hard to get it right. There are countless gazillions of other sites like mine who just throw a pile of crap on the wall and hope it sticks. They survive on rumor, innuendo, accusation and 90% of their -hit is bullbleep to the core. Some of them on the celebrity end make millions of dollars doing so, (Perez Hilton.)

When's the last phucking time you ever saw a blogger run a correction or clarification? It was me, in case you didn't know, and in the end, I was RIGHT. I was hung out to dry and vilified and pilfered; you'd think I'd get an apology.


On another matter, I really appreciate the feedback--both positive and negative, from a lot of you in the business. It is refreshing and quite frankly, a bit humbling, to hear and read your e-mails of support and compliments. Even the naysayers who hate me to the teeth and wish for both my personal and professional demise, hell, keep it coming because at least I know you're reading this, and ultimately that's what counts the most.

This is a site that wants to write about Bay Area media; news, sports, culture, a little business, but mostly media, with a good dose of opinion and commentary. As I have said numerous times, this is not a forum of gossip and innuendo. Sure, if I get a tip and it sounds good, I'll check around and might report it, but I'll preface it with "its something I heard". Even then, it has to have some legs.

As I previously noted, took a lot of hits over the past few weeks--OK, it goes with the territory, but I strive to be as accurate as possible. There are those out there, some of whom sit near me when I venture out to the Press Box who don't like me--again, I don't care. I'd rather be loathed and despised, BUT, respected.

My loyal readers know that I will not kiss anyone's ass, kowtow to the ego-maniacs and their holier-than-thou persona; they'd rather tow the line and I will never, ever, run that route. Not my game. Never has been--never will.

Oh sure, I'm always on the phone or e-mailing such-and-such to ask, maybe plea at times to "get me on the show so I can say something", of course, but NOT at your expense.

You read this for a reason and I will always try to give you something that is worthy of your time. It's not always going to be a home run but I never claimed to be Babe Ruth. Maybe a .270 hitter who has a good on-base percentage and shows up to work on time.

I hear you out there. So do advertisers, who are returning calls for a change. Ultimately, that will dictate the future of this tiny little engine that still has a few cylinders working. As long as they bite, then I will keep fishin'.

About you readers, and I mean this, so sit down and stop for a minute: THANK YOU for your support. I read all your e-mails, even the bad ones. And to the bad guys, look, you want to be critical, fine, I can deal with it--get personal and you lose me, pretty simple. Nevertheless, feedback is vital and I'm always cool with hearing from the believers, even the nitwits too.

OK, time to chill.

**Follow me on Twitter


  1. The news biz is dead. We have open warfare in DC among the talking heads. We the people don't matter anymore. It is about propaganda today.

    RIP, news biz.

  2. What a drama queen!

  3. What I don't understand is..the source was right. SO, why humiliated?. Unless he was the one to turn around and say he made it up?..

    And my commenting/posts on who goes and comes?.I have no say on it,so a little joke is fair.
